weaknesses of federal governmant Flashcards
what were the the weak political features of the federal governmant?(9)
-difficult to agree policies with south due to fierce resentment
-fractured party loyalties, end of war weakend forces that held rival politicans together
-federal governmant only had few departments
-political rival made worse by divisive andrew johnson
-governmant had limited impact
-presidents seen as figureheads than policy makers
-constitution of checks and balances mean difficult for one party control presidant, supreme court, senate at same time
-federal gov. limited by democratic state belief
-federal gov. was small with no large bureaucracy to implement nationwide policies
what were the weak economic features of the federal governmant?
1, america described as ‘poeple of plenty
2, usa developed sound transport infrastructure (steamboat)
3, country had enormous reserves of fertile land
4, mosy americans were farmers with small family 1840-1869 food production increased
5, great inequalities of wealth among white males , bottom 50% owned 1%
6, fewer than 1 in 5 americans lived in towns
7, 1860 usa had iver 30,000 miles of railroad track
8, population from USA increased to 31 million 1860
9. america on verge of industrial revolution
what was the legacy of lincoln?
-from kentucky in wooden house
-teached himself law
-politicion in illinois
-1858 attempt to go to is senite
-republicans put him tp be presidant in 1860
-democracy and slavery incompatible
-1863 emancimation proclimation (4 million african americans were free)
what were the cultural differences in the north and south?
-laws supress duels
-free labour
-paritaneal christians
-better educated
-view south ‘backwards’
-‘code of honour’ perform in duels
-christian faith
-view north ill mannered & aggressive
what were the economic differences between the north and south?
-18.65 million population
-had growing numbers of immagrants
-quarter population lived in towns
-increased internal & foreighn trade and transport improvemants
-favoured tarrifs
-10.5 million population
-1/14 population live in town
-produce ten percent of nations manufactured goods (1860)
-not welcome industrilisation(8% factories in south
-farming based economy(cotton, sugercane, tobacco)
-slaves integral
-felt exploited by north
-free trade
what were the political differences between the north and south?
-less hostile to power growth in presidant
-congress less supportave of state rights
-anxious to prevent presidant introducing legislation harm economy
-ensure state kep power to legislate
-not dictated by federal governmant
what were the different attitudes to salvery in north and south?
-banned slavery, became ‘free states’
-agreed with abolitionists
-slavery against declaration of independance
-strongly support institution of slavery for economic, social , political reasons
-slaves sighn of status( large plantations of 5000 > slaves)
-beleives economy collapse from cheap slave labour
-racial views
what caused andrew johnson to became a political failuire
-vetoed governmant (allianation of north
-Passing of the fourteenth ammendmant
-the southern pardons and black codes(southern attitude)
how was johnsons presedential reconstruction leaniant to the south?
-gave 13,000 pardon to southerners, except rich plantation owners and confederate soldiers. only if they swire aleggience to north
-then dropoed his plant to perdecute confederate leaders
- new state governers became dominated by samw southern elites
-‘black codes’ introduced into south to limit black freedom
what were the black codes?
-accepted basic rights of free slaves (marry and own properyy
-imposed segragation and prohibited interacial marriage
-clouldnt testify in court against whites
how did johnson allienate republicans during congressional reconstruction?
-vetoed twice against the renewel of the freedmens burrau established by congress on march (1865) which supported african americans rights
-vetoed civil rights act 1866 to give equak rights
(was overturned by congress and further established from the fourteenth amendment)/ was used to build eqaulity citenzenship and disqaulify anyone supporting confederacy
-vetoed 1867 reconstruction act, but overwritten: causing ex-confederate states abolished, placed under milatery rule till equality(conservative military officers)
what was the biggest consequence of the fourteenth ammendment?
the fourmation of the small confederate ex-soldiers group in tennesse called ku klux klan . cause violent racist actions aganist the blacks from reconstruction
what did thaddeus stevens want?
to confiscate south estates and redistribute land to freedmen
what occured during presedent andrew johnsons impeachment?
-the obstructionist tactics infureated congress republicans
-passed laws:
•the tenire office act: suspended stanton, security if war, radical( johnson failed to remove)
• prohibited president issuing direct military order
•1868 11 charge were against andrew johnson, and was places on trail in senate. but republicans hesistated from fear, and not excited about benjamin wade.
So was saved by one vote, meaning he coudnt be part key political decision and elections
who was andrew johnson?
-democrate with own ideas
- carry own policies
- wanted to form centrist pilitical party, national union party