US Foreighn Policy (1920-1945) Flashcards
To what extent was there isolationism / return to ‘normalcy’ in the 1920s?
(1921) Washington conference
-US prevented Anglo-Japanese alliance renew (1902) to detach them from there allies, to stop japans influence spreading in far east
-maintained open door policy in china
-Japan gain former German colonies in ww1 (marshal island) to resolve European disagreements
-restricted battleship construction but no limits on army size and Air Force
(1928) Kellogg-Briand Pact :
-signed by 60 countries, agreement to renounce war, set up by US and France. But was toothless
-refused t join League of Nations, closed door against immigration to US from Asia and Europe
Economic diplomacy:
-(1923) Dawes plan: reparation payment reduce to $250 million year. And (1929) young plan reduced payment to $ 26 billion to be paid over 29 years. Also gave loans Which stabilized germanys economy
-5 billion lent in loans to allies (Britain , France, Italy)
-US gave Columbia $25 million in compensation to support its independence
-General Motors have basis and more cars in South America (Brazil)
South America intervention:
-(1922) Mexican gov agree bucari aclordi to allow US intervention in Mexico policy
-(1925) troops withdraw from Nicaragua and in (1926) 500,000 sent back from civil war= peace treaty (1928)= us favorable president to be elected: Juan Bactista succisa
To what extent was there isolationism in 1930-1937?
-(1931) Hoover took little notice of Japanese invasion of Manchuria
(1933) began good neighbor policy: of friendship and non-interventionism in Latin America (continue economic persuasion)
(1934) repealed platt amendment
(1935-1938) strong support for luddow amendment which would forbid war declaration without national referendum. It was barley defeated in congress (1938) 209 votes to 188
neutrality acts (1935) prevent sale of munition to countries involved in war and people to travel on ships to war country’s -4 further neutrality acts passed encouraging isolationism in (1936) two in (1937) and one in (1939)
-(1937) ‘Qaurintine speech’ Roosevelts warning horrors of war and problems with neutrality
-(1937) Panay incident resolved peaceful when Japan issued and apology and paid compensation for sinking US gunboat in Korea
How did isolation start to end from (1937-1941)?
-growing tensions between Japan and US
-(1938) Roosevelt discussed with French to bypass neutrality act and allow them to but US aircraft’s, which they did in (1939)
-USA censured Germany (1939) for breaking the Munich agreement
-US passed 5th neutrality act that allowed US to arm shipments to Britain through cash and carry basis
-(1940) Roosevelt traded Britain 50 destroyers for 6 Caribbean islands, enforced conscription and authorized American programme of research into nuclear fission
-belief of special relationship began to emerge as an influential factor
-(1941) lend-lease act: us supplied allies (Britain exp) with war material with repayments to be decided later (later extended to USSR)
-(1941) Roosevelt went with Churchill where they agreed the Atlantic charter. Which provided a vision of what world would be like after war. Also agreeing to share all secret intelligence
How did US and japans relations deteriorate to the point of US declaring war on Japan (1941)?
-(1929)Wall Street crash hit Japan hard (as they earnt most money from exports)
-(1936) Japan sign pact with Germany
-Roosevelt lend china to buy weapons and asked US manufacturers not to sell planes to Japan
-(1937) Japan invaded china and sunk USS PANAY
-(1939) Japanese expansion moved to south east Asia
-(1940) congress limited supplies of oil and scrap iron to Japan
-(1940) Japan sign tripartite pact with Germany & Italy
-(1941) spring US demand Japan to withdraw from china and not to attack south East Asian Dutch and French colonies but they didn’t respond
-(1941) July USA stopped sending oil to Japan
-(1941) November us try to negotiate with Japan to stop invasions and alliance in return for trade agreement discussion. But failed
-(1941) Japan invade pearl harbour, fighter planes/ bombers destroying 180 American aircraft’s, 24,000 American servicemen but not aircraft carriers or vital supplies
-(1941) 8th December USA declared war on Japan = 11th December hitler to declare war on US
What occurred in the 1940 election?
Democrat candidate: franklin Roosevelt , Roosevelt wanted to avoid war and only continued as Europe situation got worse. Had fierce opposition from isolationist and anti new dealers. Such as American first committee lead by Charles Lindbergh.
Republican candidate: Wendell Willkie: agreed with some of Roosevelts foreign policies
Roosevelt won by 5 million votes as he was considers the ‘safe choice’ and pushed through new deal polices gave him support.
What were the aims of US foreign policy by 1920?
• US wanted to avoid further involvement in conflict- limit involvement in wars/ foreign affairs ( to not be entangled in European disputes)
• limit immigration to prevent the spread of communism
• maintain status qou in far east (by naval power) .As US having the most powerful naval power was at threat by countries like Japan
• wanted to protect their interests in trade in the far east by maintaining status qou & open door policy. Threatend by Japanese expansion