WE2 mock SB (-3.5) Flashcards
WE2 mock blocks (30-37) Missing blocks 34.5-37
dopamine has what effect on prolactin?
prolactin has what effect on GnRH?
low dopamine –> incr prolactin. what affect does this have on sexual function and why?
decr sex f(x) + gynecomastia
incr prolactin –> decr GnRH –> decr FSH/LH
antidopaminergic effects on what pathway lead to antipsychotic efficacy?
antidopaminergic effects on what pathway lead to extrapyramidal s/s?
antidopaminergic effects on what pathway lead to sexual dysf(x) and gynecomastia?
can positive superficial wound cultures reliably predict the causative organism in diabetic foot ulcers (+/- osteomyelitis)?
what special test must be done to confirm the dx of diabetic foot ulcer/osteomyelitis anad guide management?
bone bx
what are some of the possible complications of BPH?
- compression of urethra
- incomplete bladder emptying
- incr UTI/polynephritis
how does intermittent testicular torsion present?
- young M w/ sudden onset testicular pain, n/v, often during exercise, s/p mild trauma, or w/ movement in sleep
what is negative prehn sign and what does it suggest?
- negative sign = scrotal pain does not resolve w/ testicular elevation
- this suggests testicular torsion
what are the two types of breath-holding spells?
- cyanotic
2. pallid
how do cyanotic breath-holding spells present?
crying –> breath holding –> cyanosis + LOC
how do pallid breath-holding spells present?
minor trauma –> breath holding –> pallor + LOC
when are breath-holding spells concerning?
- recurrent/prolonged occurance
- famHX = + cardiac dz/death
which exhibits fistulas chron’s or UC?
which is the most effective emergency contraceptive?
copper IUD (99%)
what is ulipristal?
= antiprogestin that delays ovulation. >= 85% effective as emergency contraception if used w/in 120 hrs after sex
what is levonorgestrel?
= progestin. 85% effective as emergency contraception if used w/in 72 hr of sex
how does ulipristal compate to levonorgestrel?
more effective and has a larger window of use (120 hrs vs 72 hrs)
how does ovarian ca present?
- asymp
- pelvic pain and bloating
- SOB, constip w/ vomiting, abd distension
how does ovarian ca look on U/S?
- solid mass + thick septations
- free fluid/ascites
what is ovarian ca?
abn proliferation of ovarian or tubal epithelium or peritoneum
what will syringomyelia most commonly present w/?
loss of pain and temp sensation in a “cape-like” distribution
how does cervical myelopathy present?
- progressive gait instability
- weakness
- LMN @ level of lesion (weak UE)
- UMN below level lesion (incr DTR LE)
what should you expect if you see a change in burn wound appearance?
what infxs = common soon after burn injury vs >=5d post injury?
soon after –> G+
>=5d post –> G- and fungi
what types of infx do kids w/ xlinked agammaglobulinemia present w/ ?
recurrent sinopulmonary and GI infx @ age >6mos
what might you see on p/e of a kid w/ x-linked agammaglobulinemia?
decr lymphoid tissue (i.e. small tonsils, lymph nodes)
what types of infx do kids w/ SCID present w/ ?
severe, recurrent viral, fungal and bacterial infx
in addition to recurrent infx (all types), what will kids w/ SCID present w/ ?
failure to thrive
what renal/urinary changes are expected in nL pregnancy?
labs: decr sBUN, decr sCr, incr protenuria
physiologic: incr RBF, incr GFR, incr renal BM permeability
what change in Hgb is expected in nL pregnancy?
physiologic decr
what are the cutoffs for anemia of pregnancy by trimester?
1st = Hgb <11 2nd= Hgb <10.5 3rd = Hgb <11
what is the MCC bacterial pneumonia in young kids w/ CF (+/-co-infx w/ influ)?
s aureus
for severe PNA, freq hosppitalization, or recurrent skin infec, what med should be included in the empiric plan?
IV vancomycin
what is the MC skin malig in pts who are s/p transplant and/or are immunosupressed?
what is the MC skin malig in the general population?
which is more likely to cause neuronal invasion BCC or SCC?
what do xrays reveal in paget’s dz?
- osteolytic lesions
- mixed osteolytic/blastic lesions
- *NEVER only osteoblastic lesions
how does bone mets 2/2 to prostate ca present in the spine?
+progressive back pain
+focal tenderness over SP
+/- f(x)al impairment (weakness, incontinence)
what labs and xray results are seen for bone mets 2/2 prostate ca?
labs = nL/decr Ca, incr ALP xray = focal sclerotic lesions
how does optic neuritis present?
- monocular vision impairment
- eye pain w/ movement
- washed-out color vision
- central scotoma
- afferent pupil defect
how does macular degen present?
- bilateral and painless
- progressive loss of central vision
- drusen (yellow deposits) on retinal exam
how does open-angle glaucoma present?
- gradual, painless peripheral vision loss]
- incr cup: disk ratio on retinal exam
optic neuritis is strongly associated w/ what condition?
what are PACs?
- premature atrial complexes
- initiated by a site other than the SA node
- benign arrhythmia
- usually asymp
when might you tx PACs?
- causing distress
- if pt also presents w/ SVT
avoiding what can decr the incidence of PACs?
tobacco, EtOH, caffeine, stress
what causes of amenorrhea can be dx/suggested by FSH/LH/prolactin/TSH values?
- ovarian failure
- functional hypothalamic amenorrhea
- ashermans
- polactinoma
- hypothyroidism
what labs are expected in prolactinoma?
decr FSH, decr LH, incr prolactin, nL TSH
h/o chemo + amenorrhea + estrogen def. what should you suspect?
ovarian failure
why are FSH and LH elevated in ovarian failure?
low estrogen –> no feedback inhib –> incr FSH and LH
what effect does estrogen have on T4-binding globulin?
incr –> incr T4 w/ nL TSH levels
must adjust meds during pregnancy, OCP use and HRT
HTN + incr Na + decr K. what do you suspect?
what is the best 1* screening test for 1* hyperaldosteronism?
plasma aldosteron:renin ratio
what is the best test for differentiating adrenal adenoma from bilat adrenal hyperplasia when imaging is neg?
adrenal venous sampling
prior to receiving test results, how do you talk to pt about ca?
- acknowledge ca as POSSIBLE outcome of test results
what are the C/I to attempted vaginal delivery w/ breech presentation?
- h/o classic csec ever
- placenta previa
incr cow’s milk consumption (>24 oz/d) –> ___ in young kids?
Fe def anemia
what happens to RCDW in Fe def anemia?
how do you reduce the risk of vertical transmission (mom –> baby) of HIV to <1%
- maternal combo retroviral tx during pregnancy + neonatal zidovudine
if HIV dx made late in pregnancy, what should you do to decr risk of vertical transmission (mom –> baby)?
maternal combo retroviral tx + zidovudine ASAP
+neonatal zidovudine
how does neonatal zika present?
microcephaly, hypertonia, contraction, occular abn, hearing decr
what are some common examples of T1 hypersens rxn?
anaphylaxis, urticaria
what are some common examples of T2 hypersens rxn?
AI hemolytic anemia, goodpasture’s dz
what are some common examples of T3 hypersens rxn?
serum sickness, SLE, PSGN
what are some common examples of T4 hypersens rxn?
TB test, contact dermatitis
what are seen in T2 hypersensitivity rxns?
IgM and IgG antibodies
what are seen in T3 hypersensitivity rxns?
antibody-antigen complexes
what labs will be seen if a pt is abusing laxatives?
- high urine output
- dehydration
- orthostatic hypotension
- labs = decr sNa, decr sK
what is the MCC of CAP?
s pneumo
how does CO poisoning present?
mild/mod = HA, dizzy, AMS, malaise, nausea severe = syncope, siezure, coma, arrhythmia, MI
how does PCP intox present?
- agitation
- delusions of enhanced strength
- pychosis (paranoia, hallucinations)
- analgesia
- aggression
what would you find on p/e of a pt w/ PCP intoxication?
- multidirectional nystagmus
- Tachy
- hyperthermia
- ataxia
- muscle rigidity
- seizures, coma (severe)
what class of meds is best/MC for tx of agitation 2/2 PCP use?
Benzos- lorazapam/diazepam best (IV > PO)
what is the 2nd line tx for PCP intox?
haloperidol is C/I for pts w/ h/o of what?
seizure disorder (lowers seizure threshold)
which antipsychotic is especially notorious for incr risk of seizure?
how does neonatal sepsis present?
- temp instability
- poor feeding
- jaundice
- CNS s/s (lethargy, irritability, apnea)
how to dx neonatal sepsis?
get blood, urine, and CSF cultures prior to starting emperic IV ABX
why do neonates not require CT before LP?
open fontanelles relieve incr ICP, so neonates won’t experience herniation s/p LP