QG SB4 (F) Flashcards
W4 QG blocks (58,61,64,67) Deck is full
post-menopausal bleeding is ___ until proven otherwise?
what is the greatest risk factor for SCC of the vagina?
what are the risk factors for vaginal cancer?
- smoking (prevents viral clearing
- age > 60 yo
- HPV (strains 16, 18, 31, 33)
- DES exposure in utero (clear cell only)
what are the two main strains of HPV that cause cancer?
16 and 18
how does endometriosis present?
- pelvic pain
- abn bleeding
- 3Ds = dysmenorrhea, dyschezia, dyspareunia
what is genito-pelvic pain/penetration (vaginismus)?
- psych condition in which pt can’t tolerate penetration
- involuntarily CTX of pelvic floor muscles –> pain during attempted penetration
can you do a spec exam w/ vaginisumus?
NO (causes severe pain)
painful menses + heavy bleeding. ddx = ?
- uterine leiomyomas
- adenomyosis
how do you tell uterine leiomyomas apart from adenomyosis on p/e?
fibroids = irreg enlarged uterus adenomyosis = symmetrically enlarged uterus
uterus is boggy. what is your differential dx?
- uterine atony
- adenomyosis
pt presents w/ vaginal pain but there is no external pain on p/e. what do you r/o?
how does pudendal neuralgia present?
superficial pain @ vulva, perineum and rectum (pudendal n. distribution)
all women w/in child-bearing age and presenting w/ lower abd pain get test 1st?
preg test
you suspect a pt has PMS. how do you dx?
s/s diary documenting >= 2mos symp
how does PMS present?
dysmenorrhea s/s (w/ alt timeline) + irritability/mood symp
what is the timeline for PMS s/s presentation?
onset s/s = 2 wks prior to menses (luteal phase)
resolution = start of menses or w/in few days of start (follicular phase)
how do you tx PMS?
2. OCP
pt presents w/ heavy bleeding + uterus that is irregularly enlarged on p/e. what is the dx?
how does chancroid present?
- suppurative lymphadenopathy
- deep ulcer w/ grey exudate
question state that the pt uses condoms consistently. what is not the dx?
question states that there is no inflammation on pelvic exam. what is not the dx?
when should you suspect a vesiculovaginal fistula?
- h/o trauma or protracted labor
- no s/s infx
- continuous leakage of clear fluid w/ pH > 4.5 +/- odor (from necrotic tissue)
what is aromatase def?
inability to convert androgens to estrogens
leads to high T and low estrogen/estrodiol
what is high in PCOS?
androgens (T)
what causes 1* dysmenorrhea?
incr prostaglandin production
pain, n/v/d w/in the 1st few days of menses = what?
1* dysmenorrhea
how do you tx 1* dysmenorrhea?
2. OCPs
how do you tx period type pain/symptoms?
pre-mentrual = PMS - tx w/ SSRI
w/ menses = dysmenorrhea - tx w/ NSAIDs
pt presents w/ pre-eclampsia + severe features but is at gestation < 20wks. dx = ?
hiatidiform mole
how do you tx hyatidiform mole?
- D&C
- serial B-hCG measurements
young female presents to your office. what is on the diff dx?
AI condition
young female presesnts w/ h/o repeated miscarraiges. dx = ?
antiphospholipid synd
can you give pregnant women warfarin?
antiphospholipid synd problem = ?
abn clotting
antiphospholipid synd tx = ?
anti-coag (LMWH)
what is oxytocin used for?
-labor augmentation (stim CTX)
oxytocin leads to fetal descent and dilation. what else might you see?
late decels (if uterus squeezes baby too much)
what are the possible causes of hyperemesis gravidarum?
- molar preg
- mult gestation
when does labor enter the active stage?
> = 6cm cervical dilation
how strong are adequate CTX?
> 200 MVU
what is the expected rate of cervical change in a primigravida in active labor w/ adequate CTX?
1 cm/hr
what is the expected rate of cervical change in a primigravida woman in active labor w/o adequate CTX?
1 cm/hr
how long do you let a primigravida woman in active labor w/ adequate CTX labor w/o seeing cervical change?
4 hours (if don't see >= 1cm dilation w/in 4 hrs, you go to c-sec)
how long do you let a primigravida woman in active labor w/o adequate CTX labor w/o seeing cervical change?
6 hours (if don't see >= 1 cm dilation w/in 6 hrs, you go to c-sec)
active labor + adeq. CTX but no cervical change for 4hr. what do you do?
active labor + inadeq. CTX and no cervical change for 6hrs. what do you do?
if baby doesn’t turn on its own, when do you turn baby (from breech or transverse position to vertex)?
> 37 wks
why do you wait until > 37 wks to turn baby?
ext. cephalic version can cause 1. PROM and 2. placental abruption
how will molar pregancy present?
- incr vomiting
- diff/symmetrical uterine swelling
what do you check at 24-26wks gestation?
- Rh-D
- HgB
- DM
how long is a GBS test result good for?
5 wks (check @ wk 35)
what can anesthesia cause in a preg woman?
urinary retention
h/o trauma –> injury of ___ leads to ___.
- pudendal n.
- loss of urge to urinate (can’t sense bladder fullness)
how does post-partum urinary retention present?
inability to void after 6 hrs post-delivery
how do you tx post-partum urinary retention?
-catheterize and wait
you do a D&C for molar pregnancy. what must you do next?
- serial B-hCG checks to ensure return to nL (no Ca)
- contraception for AT LEAST 6 mos (if get preg can’t tell if rise in BhCG is due to pregancy or developing cancer)
how does parvovirus B-19 lead to anemia?
destroys RBC precursors
what are the potential fetal complications of HELLP?
- IUGR (placental insuff –> decr nutrients –> decr growth)
- oligohydramnios
what 2 things cause decr fetal movement?
- sleeping
- baby is acidotic (decr O2)
if baby is acidotic, how does the body react?
- blood is redirected to the brain to preserve it
- this is done at the expense of the arms