Voting Behaviour- Sociological model Flashcards
What is psephologists?
A field in political science
Provide information on nation’s political ideals and beliefs
What are retrospective comments?
How we voted in the past
What are predictive comments?
How we may vote in the future
What does Peter Pulzer say about voting behaviour?
Class is the basis of British Politics- all else is embellishment and detail
Ivor Crewe on voting behaviour?
Skilled working class were the shocked troops of thatcherism (saying its based on social class)
What does Winston Churchill say about voting behaviour?
If your not a socialist by the age of 30 you have no heart, if your still a socialist after the age of 30 you have no brain
(based on age)
What does the sociological model say about voting behaviour?
Based on group membership
What are the 9 factors in the sociological model of voting?
Social Class
Education level
Friends and family
Age and voting behaviour?
The older you are e.g. 55-64+ the more conservative you are
Younger voters- Labour and Lib dem
(Every 10 years you get 9% more conservative)
In 2017 youthquake
Turnout for 18-19 yr olds-57%
Facts about voting age?
-If only 65+ had voted in general elections all but the 1997 election since 1945 conservatives would have won
-In 2010 election labour only did well with 18-24 yr olds
Gender and voting behaviour?
Their used to be a clear gender gap in voting behaviour used to be make conservative and women labour
-Now ist the other way round since the 1997 ge the gender gap has closed
This could be due to the fact women are now in employment
Facts about gender and voting behaviour?
If only females had voted in 1945-97, the conservatives will have won every one
What are the different social classes?
A- higher managerial, administrative or professional 4% of UK
B- Immediate managerial, administrative and professional 23% of UK
C1- Supervisory, clerical and junior managerial, administrative or professional- 29% of UK
C2- Skilled manual workers- 21%
D- Semi and Unskilled workforce- 15% of UK
E- State pensioners, low grade workers and unemployed w state benefits- 8%
What can be said about voting behaviour and class?
Upper- Upper middle: Cons Lib dem Green
Middle- Cons Lib, Lab, Green
Working class- Labour/UKIP
Facts about class in voting behaviour?
If the above was true labour would never loose a general election as their are more working class the any other
Social class- whats a deviant voter?
People that dont vote for their natural class party e.g. working class tory
Ethnicity on voting behaviour?
Ethnic minority’s are most likely to vote labour (80/90% Labour)
-2005 war in Iraq effected labours voted with ethnic minority’s
-Do better with BAME voters as released race regions amendment act vs conservatives rwanda bill
Religion and voting behaviour?
Church of england- conservative
Roman catholic- Labour
Minority faith groups- Labour
Religion and northern ireland?
Huge divide
Sinn Fein- Catholic and nationalist
DUP- Protestant- unionists
Regions and voting behaviour?
South- Conservative (only exception is labour) due to being home to the weaththy
North- Labour due to being home to steel and mining city’s
North south divide
Wales and Scotland- Labour but a lot more support for plaid cymru and SNP
NI- DUP and Sinn Fein
Friends and family on voting behaviour?
Fails usually have a similar voting pattern but this is going down due to scattered family’s
Peer group voting is similar
Homeowners and voting behaviour?
Homeowner- Conservative
Tenants- Labour
Education levels and voting behaviour?
Psephologists believe now this is the most influential factor
Private schooling/sector- Conservative
Public schooling/sector- Labour
Graduates- Lib dem
Newspaper readership and voting behaviour?
Telegraph- Cons
Daily mail- Cons
Sun- Cons
Guardian- Labour
Mirror- Labour
What’s our case study for the sociological model and general election?
2019- Brexit election with conservative dominance
2019 general election- Social class
May have had an impact
Cracks formed as this was the brexit election and lower class now aggravated that food and items are expensive
-Labours voting conservstives which is traditional w/c
Called a sea change election
Religion in 2019 GE?
In northern ireland
DUP protestant and Sinn Fein catholic
Age in 2019 ge?
Age of when you turned conservative lowered massively to 39
2019 more diverse parliament?
220 women
66 ethnic minority’s
Results of 2019 GE?
Huge majority of vote from cons
Labour lost many seats 202 seats 60 down from usual
Lib dem 11 seats
SNP 48 seats
Plaid Cymru 4 seats
Turnout of 2019 ge?
South west highest turnout at 72.0
compared to lowest in northern irela 61.8%
Education level and voting?
Low equivalent qualifications (GCSE) cons beat labour by 23
Higher education labour led by 17%
Ivor Crewe?
Class dealignment
1972- C2 labour to conservative shocked troops of thatcherism
1997- AB conservatives to labour class realignment
Social class
Brexit and BAME?
69% remain compared to 42% of white