Britain govts changing relationship with pressure groups Flashcards
When was the post war consenus?
What is corpratism?
Mostly associated with facist states like Italy- incorperation of pressure groups into the state itself. In the UK the incorporteration of leading sectional groups (CBI and TUC) into the decision making processe- The NEDC formed in 1962
What is social contract?
The british govt allowing the TUC abd CBI advise on economic policy in return for co-operation and implentation
What is tri-partism?
The three parts of the social contract- The govt, The CBI and the TUC
What is the post war consensus?
Broad agreement between parties on the role of the govt- full employment, social contract and support for the welfare state
What are sectional groups?
a pressure group which promotes the interests of a particular section of society
What’s a cause group?
those that represent a segment of society but whose primary purpose is noneconomic and usually focused on promoting a particular cause or value
Parts of the post war consensus?
Mixed economy
A welfare state
Industrial co-opertaion
Full emplyment
Post war consensus- Mixed economy?
Wanting the mix of state and owned industry, coal street rail are state owned (nationalised)
Post war consensus- Industrial co-operation?
All govt saught close relationships with workers TUC and employers CBI
Post war consensus- Full employment?
Hugh levels of taxation and spending can be very difficult
Post war consensus- A welfare state?
NHS etc
Every govt in 1945-79 spent more on the welfare state, NHS
What events in the 1970s helped end consensus politics?
Heaths U-Turn
-Battle of saltley
-Callaghans speech
-The imf crisis
End of PW consensus- Heaths U turn?
Rejected miners demand for pay rise
End of PW consensus- Battle of saltley 1972?
Miners 1972 strike led to a 3rd day week
End of PW consensus-The if crisis? 1976
Lead to devauluing of pounds as britain has to borrow millions from the international monotary funds
End of the PW consensus- Callaghans speech 1976
Spending cuts would lead to the winter of discontent 1978
Example of sectional groups?
1970’s relationship with pressure groups?
Close relationship with leading sectional grougs
Social cotract helps with policys
Deliberate gov policys for incorperations
-NEDC- national economic development council
-All part of post war consensus, agreement between labour and conservative
1980s relationships with pressure groups?
Big rise in cause groups
Why was their a big rise in cause groups in 1980’s?
Because margret thatcher decision to remove the post war consensus
Introduction of her conservative privatisation, spending and cutting govt
Weak parliment labour opposition
Anti poll tax a huge cause group
What was the govts relationship with pressure groups in 2010/23?
Increase in cause group activity
Fractured relationship with leading sectional groups like TUC
Why was their in an increase in cause group activity and fractioned relationship with leading sectional groups in 2010/23?
Conservative gov
Austerity measures after economic crash
Public servuce pay cut/freeze- teachers and nursers strike
Pandemic- freeserve and Nspcc
Cost of living crisis- Sparked new strikes in nurses train drivers ambulences etc
Reasons of the end of corprotism/social contract and tripartism?
-It wasnt working, british economy worst in europe
-Damaged parlimentary soverigntry
-Too much influence in unelected groups
-Unions were weakend by a no strike pledge
Reasons of the end of corprotism/social contract and tripartism?-It wasnt working, british economy worst in europe
British economy, one of the worst in Europe falling fro 4th of world leuge table in 1945 to 37th to 1975
Conservative politicians like Margret Thatcher argued this must be the fault of the post war consensus economic policy, getting coal etc
The end of corporatism/ social contract/triparstism?- Damaged parlimentary sovereignty?
Many Mps outraged that chancellor Dennis Helaley delayed announcing his budget to parliament because he needed more time to discuss with the NEDC
The end of corporatism? gives to much influence to unelected groups?
Groups like TUC and CBI where unelected by public therefor unaccountable for them
The end of corporatism? Unions were weekened by a no strike pledge?
Unions felt they were being hand cuffed by the social contract would eventually lead to the winter of discontent 1975