Political partys- ideologys Flashcards
what are the socialism core values?
-human nature is good and we should all work together
-wealth responsible for all our problems
-competition is unhealthy
-equality of opportunity and outcome- but outcomes a myth your either born into it or your not
-crimes a response not a condition
The origin of socialism?
-Founded by Karl Marx and Frederic Engels
-Applied by inequality in industrial revolution
-abolishing capitalism and exploitation of the w/c
-goes back to early religion
Socialisms take on society?
-Human nature is positive
-wealth is a huge problem and causes division
-we reflect society grown up in
-crime is a response not a condition
Socialisms take on government?
-gov is negative
-redistribute state ownership
-gov have a duty to change society
-society should be educated by gov
-rapid change
Socialisms take on the economy?
-gov redistribute wealth
-progressive taxation and state ownership
-equality of outcome
-competition is unhealthy
Labours take on socialism?
National insurance
Redistributed tax
The core values of liberalism?
-everyone should have same no matter the circumstance
-everyone should have natural rights, only time these can be taken of people is if they harm others
-were rational state shouldn’t decide for us
-all individuals
-we should tolerate everyone’s view points even if we disagree
-equality of opportunity not outcome as we are all born with talents those who work hard should get best in life
How was liberalism created?
By John Loxe
-emerged in 19th century due to the new emerging nations challenging system of the monarchy
-to promote the rights of the individual
Liberalisms take on economy?
-govt shouldn’t interfere w economy (laissez faire)
-competition is healthy
-believe in capitalism
Liberalisms take on society?
-we have the right to disobey unjust law as long as actions don’t harm others
-society’s reform will occur naturally
-all viewpoints and beliefs must be tolerated
Liberalisms take on the government?
-gov shouldnt interfere with economy
-limited gov power
-gov shoul help those in need through benefits
-privete matters such as rent is the buisness of the government
What is positive liberalism?
-state can expand we should have the freedom to choose therefore realising potential
What’s negative liberalism?
freedom from institutions and others
What are the conservatism values?
Human nature is flawed not the govt
-inequality is necessary
-see people as a community
-rich should look after poor
-equality of opportunity
-traditions upheld
-no nanny state
How was conservatism made?
-Thomas Hobbs
-English civil war
-conserve and preserve
-made to criticise the rejection of the monarchy
Conservatisms take of the government?
-gov is positive
-inequalitys doomed as gov cant reverse it
-gov have right to educate but not be to involved
-gov anti ideology
-change happens gradually
Conservatisms take of society?
-Humans are flawed
-Crimes a condition not a response
-Family and community more important than the individual
-patriotism/tradition is a force for good
Conservatisms take on the economy?
-believe in capitalism
-competitions healthy as it motivates society
What do conservatives mean when they say they want an organic society?
Society is like a living organ and if it fails one day everything will die
e.g. the hierarchy