Political partys- Conservatives Flashcards
What do conservatives believe?
The nulear familys the best
equal oppertunity
What is one nation conservatism?
The origional tories
-believe we need slow gradual change
-mixed economy
-Universal welfare state (paternalism- state should be like a parent)
-Traditional instetutions e.g. monarchy
What is Thatcherism?
Named after Margret Thatchers government, a new wave of tories called one nations wets and thatcherites dries
Thatcherism belifs?
-Role back state
-privitisation of state own industrys
-national soverigntry (anti EU)
-State should be a referee not a parent
-Radical change
-Targeted welfare
Cross over between one nation and thatcherites?
-individual freedom
-belifs in authority
-right to propertys
Examples of Boris’s manifesto- one nation?
-expantion of NHS
-Saftey net that no one sells home to pay for care
-Money into housing crisis
-gov fund 250000 childcare places
-new manchester and leeds rail line
-universal credit benefit systems rolled out even further
-state pension increased ny 2.5%
Borisis manifesto- Thatcherite?
-Leave EU
-State doesn’t interfere wu=ith income tax vat and national insurance
-immigrant and economy situation
Conservative leader- Margret Thatcher?
Forced to resign by own cabinet
did this as she was so unpopular their was no chnace they could win in a genral election
Conservative leader- John Major?
Won a suprise GE with very small majority
Continued Thatcherite agenda
Conservative leader- William Hauge
Tried to modernise party after Blair and Labour
-didnt win
-retreted to core values
Conservative leader- Ian Duncan Smith?
-First tory leader ti be directly elected by party members
-disasterous attempt to reimage thatcherism agenda
Conservative leader-Micheal Howard?
‘care taker’ leader to get them through 2005 GE
Former member of Thatchers Cabinet- Very right wing
Conservative leader- David Cameron?
Elected leader in 205
‘Detoxified’ the brand bringing them to power in 2010
How did Cameron ‘detoxify’ the conservative plan?
-making logo a tree
-sided with lib dems and the Gurkhas
In 2010 why was it difficult for conservatives to their plans?
Not much money for them to throw around due to coalition with lib dems, needed to agree on policy’s
How are conservative leaders elected?
in 1965 abd 1997 leadership election was restricted to MPs only
-The candidate has to be an MP and has to be nominated by 2 other MPs
-A shortlist produced and all conservative MPs vote in a series of ballots until shortlist is 2 MPs
-A vote goes to all conservatives party members and the candidates who receives the most votes is elected
Why was 2022 leadership election controversial for Liz Truss?
-Sunak got a majority in MP vote
But on membership vote Truss won
So when Truss won over Sunak MPS made it difficult for Lizz to pas things
-Entered office w/o being voted by public so had no idea on her beliefs etc
Controversy’s for Sunak in 2022 leadership election?
Hadn’t won a general election became 5/6 of the PMs that havent been elected
Also member vote wasn’t done
Grass root/ordinary members activity’s they can do?
Mainly all the same as Labour (Fundraising, canvassing, volunteering, meetings advertising etc)
However there may be a shy tory effect causing us to see less conservative promotion especially in north do to dislike
Ordinary members in conservatives in selecting leader?
Cons M.Ps produce a shortlist of 2
All O members then can vote for a new member but only since 2001
Ordinary members role in selecting parliamentary candidates?
Hopefuls apply, local party’s draw up shortlist and constituency members vote in person at a local meeting or postal ballot
Ordinary members role in conference?
Conference has no power to make policy
All members are entitled and advised to go
Ordinary members role in manifesto and policy making?
Members contribute to policy forum that produces reports to advise party conference
But ultimately party leader writes manifesto