VORTRAG: Stereotype Flashcards
Define Stereotype
- An inference drawn from the assignment of a person to a particular group
- The perception that most members of the same group share the same attributes
Define “to stereotype”
To attribute to that person some characteristics which are seen to be shared by all or most of his/her fellow group members
How do stereotypes arise?
- social categorization
- socio-economic differences between groups
- cultural differences between groups
- assignment of different roles in society
Why are certain groups often assigned different roles in society?
- different strengths
- political reasons
- historical reasons
- tradition
Explain the “cognitive bias”
The perception of an illusory correlation between minority groups and infrequent attributes
- due to the “distinctiveness” of infrequent conjunctions
Define “entitativity”
The extent to which the members of a group are seen to be a unit.
Name an example of a type of group with high entitavtivity.
a family
Groups with high entitativity are…
more readily stereotyped
Why are groups with high entitativity more readily stereotyped?
We attribute their entitativity to some fundamental underlying “essential property”
Name an example of a group with low entativity
A collection of people waiting in a doctor’s surgery
Name examples of groups considered to have “intermediate entitativity”
Gender, race (although this can vary situationally)
Describe the “hypothetical” view of stereotypes.
Stereotypes as hypotheses in search of confirmatory evidence
What is “automatic stereotyping”?
The activation and operation of stereotypes below the level of consciousness
e.g. via subliminal/ unobtrusive priming
What kinds of priming are referred to in “automatic stereotyping”?
subliminal priming
unobtrusive priming
e.g. showing a black face on a screen for a tenth of a second
The phenomenon of automatic stereotyping depends on…
prior level of prejudice
Attribution in in-groups
negative actions - external reasons
positive actions - internal reasons
Attribution in out-groups
negative actions - internal reasons
positive actions - external reasons