[Vocabulary] Personality traits Flashcards
I r_ _ this character so much! [= I’m emotionally connected to them, because of similar experiences/traits, ets]
I relate to this character
What’s in the gap?
I can relate.
I can relate to that.
too proud of yourself and your actions
самодовольный, тщеславный
likes to talk a lot [2 synonyms]
talkative /ˈtɔːkətɪv/ ‘l’ is not pronounced!
chatty /ˈtʃæti/
calm and relaxed; doesn’t seem to worry about anything [2 synonyms]
laid-back /ˌleɪd ˈbæk/
relaxed about things /rɪˈlækst/
someone who focuses on bad aspects of everything and talks about this all the time
‘Don’t be so _ all the time!’
using words in a funny and clever way
She _ _ good first _ _ him. (= произвела на него хорошее впечатление)
She made a good first impression on him.
He really likes to _ new people. [знакомиться]
It was nice to chat to my new colleagues informally, to _ _ _ them _.[познакомиться с ними поближе]
It was nice to chat to my new colleagues informally, to get to know them better.
a racist _____
an anti-Catholic/anti-Muslim _____
a political _____
a person who has very strong, unreasonable beliefs or opinions about race, religion or politics and who will not listen to or accept the opinions of anyone who disagrees
bigot [noun]
Do you usually decide what you think of someone _ a first impression?
Do you usually decide what you think of someone from a first impression?
Who do you think you’d ___ _____ ___ the best? [=поладили бы]
Who do you think you’d get along with the best? [=поладили бы]
So, if I notice that someone is kind of narrow-minded or even bigoted, that’s a m____ t___-__ for me. (= меня это очень отталкивает от таких людей)
So, if I notice that someone is kind of narrow-minded or even bigoted, that’s a major turn-off for me. (= меня этоочень отталкивает от таких людей)
/ ˈtɜːn ɒf/
Do you remember at least one example with this word?
a bigot
a racist bigot
an anti-Catholic/anti-Muslim bigot
a political bigot
[pronunciation] affectionate
[pronunciation] indecisive
[pronunciation] immature
(about a person) незрелый
[pronunciation] hypocrisy
BrE /hɪˈpɒkrəsi/
AmE /hɪˈpɑːkrəsi/
[pronunciation] a hypocrite
лицемер, ханжа
[pronunciation] secretive
[word formation] ‘Oh, that accent is just _ (IDIOT).’
‘Wow. I never expected you to be such a bigot.’
‘Oh, that accent is just idiotic.
‘Wow. I never expected you to be such a bigot.’
[word formation] Oh, I can’t stand my in-laws. I’m so sick of their _ (BIGOT) and _ (STUPID).
Oh, I can’t stand my in-laws. I’m so sick of their bi**gotry (BIGOT) and stu**pidity (STUPID).
bigotry /ˈbɪɡətri/ - нетерпимость - notice that ‘tr’ is pronounced almost like ‘ch’
stupidity - тупость, групость
[word formation] My brother is very _ (secret) about his relationships.
= not willing to tell people what you know or what you are doing
= скрытный
My brother is very secretive about his relationships.
secretive /ˈsiːkrətɪv/
If you don’t practice what you preach, you will end up looking like a h_ (лицемер, ханжа).
If you don’t practice what you preach, you will end up looking like a hypocrite.
[word formation]
The book deals with government _ (hypocrite) and corruption.
The book deals with government hypocrisy and corruption.
[word formation]
He is very _ (AFFECT) towards his children.
He is very affectionate towards his children.
It’s very c_ of you to think that your opinion is always right. (= самодовольно с вашей стороны)
It’s very conceited of you to think that your opinion is always right.
What does this word mean?
be more assertive BrE /əˈsɜːrtɪv/, AmE /əˈsɜːrtɪv/
assertive behavior
behaving or speaking in a strong, confident way
уверенный в себе, настойчивый, “пробивной”
What does this word mean?
BrE /ˈɒbstɪnət/
AmE /ˈɑːbstɪnət/
very stubborn, in a way that is annoying and unreasonable
упрямый, как осёл
E.g. ‘That was _ of you’.
‘That was sensible of you’.
You need to be much more a_;
_ behavior.
= Behaving or speaking in a strong, confident way;
= уверенный в себе, настойчивый, “пробивной”
be more assertive BrE /əˈsɜːrtɪv/, AmE /əˈsɜːrtɪv/
assertive behavior
What does this word mean?
She’s a _ sort of person.
I think that’s a very _ idea.
I think the _ thing would be to take a taxi home.
[pronunciation] assertive
BrE /əˈsɜːtɪv/
AmE /əˈsɜːrtɪv/
very stubborn, in a way that is annoying and unreasonable
упрямый, как осёл
BrE /ˈɒbstɪnət/
AmE /ˈɑːbstɪnət/
What does this word mean?
He’s too _ to buy any drinks.
Don’t be so _ with the cream!
It was a _ offer and he turned it down.
жадный, скаредный, прижимистый
[pronunciation] obstinate
Adjective =>
BrE /ˈɒbstɪnət/
AmE /ˈɑːbstɪnət/
NOT ‘nait’
a _ donation
Thank you for your donation. It was very _ of you.
(щедрый, щедро)
[pronunciation] generous
She’s a _ sort of person.
I think that’s a very _ idea.
I think the _ thing would be to take a taxi home.
[pronunciation] obstinate
BrE /’ɒbstɪnət/
AmE /ˈɑːbstɪnət/
(not ‘nait’)
Do you remember at least one example with the word ‘sensible’?
She’s a sensible sort of person.
I think that’s a very sensible idea.
I think the sensible thing would be to take a taxi home.
[pronunciation] sensible
He’s a good musician and _ reliable. [= 100%]
Do you remember at least one adverb that goes with ‘reliable’?
totally reliable
He’s too _ to buy any drinks.
Don’t be so _ with the cream!
It was a _ offer and he turned it down.
жадный, скаредный, прижимистый
[pronunciation] stingy
She planned her trip in m_ detail. (= she was very thorough, she knew exactly what she’d be doing when)
She planned her trip in meticulous detail.
Do you remember at least one example with this word?
He’s too stingy to buy any drinks.
Don’t be so stingy with the cream!
It was a stingy offer and he turned it down.
жадный, скаредный, прижимистый
Do you remember at least one example with this word?
a generous donation
Thank you for your donation. It was very generous of you.
Do you remember at least one example with this word?
You need to be much more assertive.
assertive behavior
They have plenty of money now, but they still tend to be th_.
= бережливый
They have plenty of money now, but they still tend to be thrifty.
It was _ not to call and say you’d be late.
She’s not intentionally unkind - she’s just a little _ sometimes.
= (adjective) not considering how your actions or words may upset someone:
= принимающий необдуманные решения, совершающий бездумные действия
It was thoughtless not to call and say you’d be late.
She’s not intentionally unkind - she’s just a little thoughtless sometimes.
Oh thank you, th_ is so th_ _ you, Teddy.
= thank you for the present
Oh thank you, that is so thoughtful of you, Teddy.
I don’t mean to be n_. (= лезть не в своё дело, задавать слишком личные вопросы)
= too interested in things that do not involve you, especially other people’s affairs
I don’t mean to be nosy.