Feedback Spring 🍀 Flashcards
Maybe I’ll have to go hiking instead of snowboarding.
I’m sure she’s listening to her brother on the radio.
reformulate with a modal verb
She must be listening to her brother on the radio.
I guess Christopher Robin also has some kind of _ (диагноз).. He was talking to his teddy bear.
I guess Christopher Robin also has some kind of diagnosis.. He was talking to his teddy bear.
dis not diz!!!
disobey, disorganised,
disgust = discussed
They were an _ (= like Иа-иа) bunch, always looking on the dark side of life.
They were an Eeyorish bunch, always looking on the dark side of life.
from: Eeyore /ˈiːɔː/
I _ tentative suggestions every single day.
I make tentative suggestions every single day.
…make a dish without following a recipe
St. Petersburg
What he said was a bit exaggerated.
And have you seen any cliches in those resumes?
And have you seen any cliches in those resumes?
BrE /ˈkliːʃeɪ/ AmE /kliːˈʃeɪ/
What’s the difference in meaning?
My gran was a ballet dancer.
My gran used to be a ballet dancer.
My gran was a ballet dancer. = she passed away
My gran used to be a ballet dancer. she’s alive but no longer a ballet dancer
я никогда не была в Morocco.
I’ve never been to Morocco.
Guys, we have a ton of paperwork to get through.
I’m so busy I don’t have time to breathe.
It’s interesting how all cultures seem to _ (PERCEPTIVE >> verb) ‘woods’ as ‘dangerous’.
It’s interesting how all cultures seem to perceive ‘woods’ as ‘dangerous’.
I need to be more c_ (лаконичный).
I need to be more concise.
I can’t cut down _ sweets.
= start eating less
I can’t cut down on sweets.
I also frequently use the phrase ‘Do I understand it correctly that’…
We use not only ChatGPT but also our own _ (знания).
We use not only ChatGPT but also our own knowledge.
knowledge of one person is normally uncountable
as I said before..
How do you work under pressure?
I would say it / make me more productive.
I would say it makes me more productive.
I’ve got a lot of urgent tasks.
BrE /ˈɜːdʒənt/
AmE /ˈɜːrdʒənt/
What I like is that it offers personalized answers.
So you’re _ (скорее) an optimist when it comes to technology, right?
So you’re more of an optimist when it comes to technology, right?
I’ve asked a human psychologist and ChatGPT some questions. And the answers were pretty _ the same, but ChatGPT can’t sympathise with me and share my feelings.
I’ve asked a human psychologist and ChatGPT some questions. And the answers were pretty much the same, but ChatGPT can’t sympathise with me and share my feelings.
an experiment
This technology can spot that your texts exhibit markers of depression and prompt you to _ some help.
This technology can spot that your texts exhibit markers of depression and prompt you to get some help.
Я была в Афинах.
I‘ve been to Athens.
Life experience => Present Perfect
I apologise.
BrE /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/
AmE /əˈpɑːlədʒaɪz/
..when you’re trying to describe _ _ _ _ process you’re _ _. (на какой стадии процесса ты в данный момент находишься)
..when you’re trying to describe the stage of the process you’re currently at.
at a stage;
the preposition goes to the end of the sentence
Reformulate with ‘I apologise…’
I should’ve prepared the report earlier.
I apologise for not preparing the report earlier.
Climbing Mount Everest is pretty expensive
This pterodactyl has a pseudonym.
I know a psycho.
The interest rate has gone up from 1.1 to 5.1, and everyone _ (is? are?) complaining.
The interest rate has gone up from 1.1 to 5.1, and everyone is complaining.
In order to buy a laptop, I need to, like, become an expert on laptops, because _ (сейчас на рынке много ноутбуков - available).
In order to buy a laptop, I need to, like, become an expert on laptops, because there are a lot of laptops available on the market.
[fix this]
it just _ (make) me happy when I make an informed decision
it just makes me happy when I make an informed decision
I don’t want to make a prompt decision. I want to _ my research.
I don’t want to make a prompt decision. I want to do my research.
Here it’s very difficult to choose a bank.
There is no v_ alternative.
(= something that will work, will be successful)
There is no viable alternative.
He must be in another urgent meeting.
BrE /ˈɜːdʒənt/
AmE /ˈɜːrdʒənt/
I must’ve / messed up / it
I must’ve messed it up.
When someone calls me, I _ _ (= смотрю на) my smartwatch to find out who it is.
When someone calls me, I look at my smartwatch to find out who it is.
I’ve never ever c_ (встречала - a phrasal verb) such a test.
I’ve never ever come across such a test.
I’ve taught myself not to j_ _ r_ conclusions. (= не делать скоропалительных выводов)
I’ve taught myself not to jump to rash conclusions. (= not to pass judgement too fast, without considering different options)
or: not to jump to conclusions
I’ve decided not to _ (доверять) my intuition too much.
I’ve decided not to trust my intuition too much.
or: not to rely on
It’s easy to predict what he’s gonna _ to you. (= что он тебе скажет)
It’s easy to predict what he’s gonna say to you. (= что он тебе скажет)
say something to someone = сказать
о чём он будет говорить = what he’s gonna talk about
This film was based on scientific _ (знания) which was pretty accurate.
This film was based on scientific knowledge which was pretty accurate.
My strategy - I mean, it’s _ (subconsciously or subconscious?), but I can still call it a strategy.
My strategy - I mean, it’s subconscious, but I can still call it a strategy.
I normally take some time to think it over and during that time I r_ _ (make) a decision. (= воздерживаюсь от принятия решения)
I normally take some time to think it over and during that time I refrain from making a decision.
I consider all risks and ways to m_ these risks. (= снизить, смягчить)
I consider all risks and ways to mitigate these risks.
Several years ago
Several years ago I was afraid to ask questions.
Sometimes I have no clue what my colleagues _ (say to) me during the meeting.
Sometimes I have no clue what my colleagues are saying to me during the meeting.
BrE /ˈkɒliːɡ/
AmE /ˈkɑːliːɡ/
I’m used to only _ (go) to the doctor’s when it’s really bad.
I’m used to only going to the doctor’s when it’s really bad.
I’ve met a lot of people who t_ _ (= оказались) to be better than I thought from the first impression.
I’ve met a lot of people who turned out to be better than I thought from the first impression.
My daughter is planning to drop out of school. I’ve tried to _ _ her (= разубедить её, воззвать к её разуму), but she won’t listen.
My daughter is planning to drop out of school. I’ve tried to reason with her, but she won’t listen.
It took me some getting used to the way people ask you to do sth
It took me some getting used to. [pause] The way people ask you to do sth
I think Germans like the idea of spies and even feel a bit nostalgic, now that there’s no _ (опасность).
I think Germans like the idea of spies and even feel a bit nostalgic, now that there’s no danger.
I gave a presentation about the Stalin era and I was presenting some _ (исследования) by Guriev and other economists which proved that there was no economic miracle during his era.
I gave a presentation about the Stalin era and I was presenting some research by Guriev and other economists which proved that there was no economic miracle during his era.
research is uncountable
Do you sometimes have a hunch that there’s something not _ right about that piece of code?
Do you sometimes have a hunch that there’s something not quite right about that piece of code?
[fix something here]
When you’re interviewing a person, you can have a lot of hunches based on his behavior.
When you’re interviewing a person, you can have a lot of hunches based on their behavior.
How to soften this?
_ _ You should _ _ stick to the recipe _ _.
How to soften this?
I think you should try to stick to the recipe more closely.
There’s some research on that. Lots of _.
There are some studies on that. Lots of _.
There’s some research on that. Lots of it. (‘it’ for uncountable)
There are some studies on that. Lots of them. (‘them’ for plural)
Let’s _ _ _ again tomorrow.
(= давай вернёмся к вопросу завтра)
Let’s pick this up again tomorrow.
I distinctly remember you saying you wanted a doughnut!
Thank you, but _ (у меня аллергия на рыбу).
Thank you, but I’m allergic to fish.
…but I have a fish allergy.
If memory serves me correctly, you wanted to quit smoking, didn’t you?
Employee: I’m not sure what I could’ve done in that situation.
Manager: тебе нужно было отказаться to take the order.
You should’ve refused to take the order.