[Unit 4a] Vocabulary Decisions Flashcards
We need to _ _ (= взвесить) the pros and cons of this proposal before we go ahead.
We need to weigh up the pros and cons of this proposal before we go ahead.
Do you remember a time in the last couple of weeks when you decided _ _ whim to buy something, to go somewhere or to do something?
Do you remember a time in the last couple of weeks when you decided on a whim to buy something, to go somewhere or to do something?
And she mentioned she’d just moved out here and that gave me this really u_ feeling, like a sense of dread. (= неприятное, тревожное чувство)
And she mentioned she’d just moved out here and that gave me this really uneasy feeling, like a sense of dread.
Due to some u_ circumstances (=непредвиденные), I will not be seeing any clients for the time being. (= пока что, некоторое время)
Due to some unforeseen circumstances (=непредвиденные), I will not be seeing any clients for the time being. (= пока что, некоторое время)
Well, that didn’t _ exactly a_ _ plan. (= это пошло несколько не по плану, мягко скажем)
Well, that didn’t go exactly according to plan.
If you had a hunch that the dollar to euro exchange rate is gonna rise, would you act on it or would you p_ _ (= be careful) and avoid doing anything rash?
If you had a hunch that the dollar to euro exchange rate is gonna rise, would you act on it, or would you play safe and avoid doing anything rash?
I didn’t like the sound of it.
The name seemed innocent enough, but there was something that j_. (= что-то, что меня встревожило, что-то неладное),
It might be the “Harvey Humphries Humbolt” bit that was worrying me.
I didn’t like the sound of it.
The name seemed innocent enough, but there was something that jarred. (= что-то, что меня встревожило, что-то неладное),
It might be the “Harvey Humphries Humbolt” bit that was worrying me.
Nothing ever _ _ _ plan. (= идёт по плану)
Nothing ever goes according to plan. (= идёт по плану)
It is too early to start n_ about grandkids. (= ныть, пилить)
It is too early to start nagging about grandkids. (= ныть, пилить)
And then she starts n_ me and saying I don’t listen to her or something like that. (= пилить, ныть)
And then she starts nagging me and saying I don’t listen to her or something like that. (= пилить, ныть)
I think you need to w_ _ (= carefully consider) all your options and let your conscience decide, Ken.
I think you need to weigh up all your options and let your conscience decide, Ken.
This is someone who pays more than you, Mr. Larousse.
30 pieces of silver, is it?
More or less, a_ _ inflation. (= принимая во внимание)
This is someone who pays more than you, Mr. Larousse.
30 pieces of silver, is it?
More or less, allowing for inflation. (= принимая во внимание)
Sometimes I _ _ feeling like she’s cheating on me. (= у меня такое чувство, что…)
Sometimes I get the feeling like she’s cheating on me.
However, just _ _ it doesn’t w_ o_.. (=на случай, если не получится, не выгорит)
However, just in case it doesn’t work out.
I think it’s important to c_ (= weight up) the advantages and disadvantages before you take action.
I think it’s important to consider the advantages and disadvantages before you take action.
‘I don’t know what to do!’
‘Go with your g_ _. (= чутьё)
‘I don’t know what to do!’
Go with your gut feeling.
By the 1940s, we came to the welfare state, which took on the responsibility
for creating this s_ _ for citizens who were more vulnerable. (= подстраховку)
By the 1940s, we came to the welfare state, which took on the responsibility
for creating this safety net for citizens who were more vulnerable. (= подстраховку)
I’d always figured it’d give me something to fall _ _ if that career in nuclear physics didn’t exactly w_ _. (= не удастся)
I’d always figured it’d give me something to fall back on if that career in nuclear physics didn’t exactly work out.
I bought this car _ a whim. (= I hadn’t planned it and I didn’t actually need it)
I bought this car on a whim.
There’s a piece of this puzzle missing and I have this n_ feeling that it’s starting me right in the face and it’s just driving me crazy. (= this feeling won’t go away)
There’s a piece of this puzzle missing and I have this nagging feeling that it’s starting me right in the face and it’s just driving me crazy.
Look, we’re not gonna evacuate the city _ your hunch.
Look, we’re not gonna evacuate the city on your hunch.
Well. Top dog is experiencing some u_ problems (= непредвиденные) and when it does, it’s important to have another plan to f_ _ _. (= a plan be)
Well. Top dog is experiencing some unforeseen problems (= непредвиденные) and when it does, it’s important to have another plan to fall back on. (= a plan be)
Did you _ _ your mind? (= decide what to do)
Did you make up your mind?
So make a plan to save enough money in your bank that will cover your expenses for five months. So, that’s like your s_ _. (= подушка безопасности, подстраховка)
So make a plan to save enough money in your bank that will cover your expenses for five months. So, that’s like your safety net. (= подушка безопасности, подстраховка)
It’s good to have something to f_ _ _. (= to have a plan B).
It’s good to have something to fall back on.
But there’s a n_ feeling that I’m missing something. (щемящее, ноющее чувство)
But there’s a nagging feeling that I’m missing something.
I’m starting to _ _ feeling there’s something fishy going on here. (=у меня такое чувство…)
I’m starting to get the feeling there’s something fishy going on here.
l g_ a gut feeling a_ that woman. She’s trouble.
l got a gut feeling about that woman. She’s trouble.
also: I have a gut feeling, I’ve got a gut feeling
With my n_ guilt growing, I needed some time to think this whole thing over. (= гнетущее чувство вины)
With my nagging guilt growing, I needed some time to think this whole thing over. (= гнетущее чувство вины)
My wife.. She’s p_ _ panic attacks. (= подвержена)
My wife.. She’s prone to panic attacks. (= подвержена)
_ _ he _ _ I ought to be here. (= на случай, если он проснётся, очнётся)
In case he wakes up, I ought to be here.
My _ feeling tells me Swan is the best suspect we have… so get his butt in here!
My gut feeling tells me Swan is the best suspect we have… so get his butt in here!
Do you have any evidence that this is anything more than a n_ hunch? (= навязчивое предчувствие)
Do you have any evidence that this is anything more than a nagging hunch? (= навязчивое предчувствие)
Well, it’s more of a h_ (= gut feeling, a guess) based on some quick calculations.
Well, it’s more of a hunch based on some quick calculations.
I had a h_ you’d be here. (= у меня было предчувствие, я так и знала)
I had a hunch you’d be here.
You come to Sacramento on a w_ (= without planning to, по прихоти)
from Los Angeles and you don’t know where she lives or where she works or anything?
You come to Sacramento on a whim from Los Angeles and you don’t know where she lives or where she works or anything?
But you always have to have a f_ plan. (= a plan B)
But you always have to have a fallback plan.
There’s a part of me that always a_ _ the possibility that Pandora’s box was just a legend. (=допускала возможность, что)
There’s a part of me that always allowed for the possibility that Pandora’s box was just a legend.
I think I know _ (= подсознательно) when people are lying to me.
I think I know SUBCONSCIOUSLY when people are lying to me.
Do you think that people who occasionally _ things on a whim live happier lives, generally?
Do you think that people who occasionally do things on a whim live happier lives, generally?
My private number, _ _ he _ _ _ (= на случай если он передумает).
My private number, in case he changes his mind (= на случай если он передумает).
Do you have a plan B?
No, I always had a theory that if you have a f_ plan, you’re gonna f_ _ _ it.
Do you have a plan B?
No, I always had a theory that if you have a fall-back plan, you’re gonna fall back on it.
Sometimes I _ _ f_ (=у меня такое ощущение) you don’t even want me to be happy.
Sometimes I get the feeling (=у меня такое ощущение) you don’t even want me to be happy.
If you had a hunch that the dollar to euro exchange rate is gonna rise, would you _ on it, (= do something) or would you play safe and avoid doing anything rash?
If you had a hunch that the dollar to euro exchange rate is gonna rise, would you act on it, (= do something) or would you play safe and avoid doing anything rash?
Do you think that people in certain professions are more _ to (= подвержены) analysis paralysis?
Do you think that people in certain professions are more prone to analysis paralysis?
I wanted to believe her, but d_ _ , I knew she was lying.
= your true feelings about something, although you may not admit them to yourself
I wanted to believe her, but deep down, I knew she was lying.
There’s something about the guy that makes me u_. (= вызывает у меня беспокойство, тревожит меня).
There’s something about the guy that makes me uneasy. (= вызывает у меня беспокойство, тревожит меня).
Like a friend of mine said, I have an_ _. Like, I always want just a little bit more information. (= I keep analyzing things and I can’t decide what to do)
Like a friend of mine said, I have analysis paralysis. Like, I always want just a little bit more information.
_ i_, I married someone I’d only just met.
= acting suddenly without careful thought, based on immediate feelings or desires
ON IMPULSE, I married someone I’d only just met.
I had an u_ situation. (= непредвиденная ситуация)
I had an unforeseen situation. (= непредвиденная ситуация)
**A_ _ **wind target movement. (= сделай поправку на ветер)
Allow for wind target movement. (= сделай поправку на ветер)
I’m a very r_ thinker.
= I prioritize logic and reason over emotions or instincts
I’m a very RATIONAL thinker.
Sometimes there are signs that w_ your attention. (= заслуживают вашего внимания)
Sometimes there are signs that warrant your attention. (= заслуживают вашего внимания)