Vocabulary Maps Flashcards
Stará mama
starý otec
starí rodičia
prastari rodičia
pra prastari rodičia
teta ujo
prateta prastrýko
Grandmother /grandma
Great great grandparents
aunt (auntie), uncle
Great-aunt, great-uncle
nevlastná mama, nevlastný otec súrodenci, nevlastní súrodenci
Sestra, brat, nevlastná sestra, nevlastný brat
mother/a mum (uk)/ a mom (us)
father/a dad
stepmother, stepfather
siblings, half-siblings
sister, brother, half-sister, half-brother
Sesternica z prvého kolena neter synovec dcéra syn
a (1st) cousin, niece, nephew, daughter, son
Moja mama je Africká Američanka
My mother is African American.
Môj otec je ženatý s mojou ne vlastnou mamou
My father is married to my stepmother.
Moja mama chodí s mužom. Ak sa zoberú, on sa stane mojím nevlastnym otcom
My mother is dating a man. If they get married, he will become my stepfather.
Moji prastarí rodičia stále žijú
My great-grandparents are still alive.
Môj otec má husté obočie
Ja mám tenké obočie
My father has bushy eyebrows.
I have thin eyebrows.
Zuzka má gombíkový nos, niektorí ľudia sa rodia sa orlím nosom
Suzi has a button nose, some people are born with a big hooter.
Zuzka mávala medzierku medzi zubami predtým ako mala rovnatka.
Suzi used to be gap-toothed before she had braces. /brejsis/
Moja stará mama má vrásky/ je vraskava. Má veľmi vráskavé ústa.
My grandma has wrinkles.
She is wrinkled.
She has a very wrinkly mouth.
Nepáči sa mi mať dvojitú bradu
I don ´ t like having a double chin.
Akej farby su tvoje oči? Moje oči sú hnedé.
Moja sestra má zelené oči
What colour are your eyes?
My eyes are brown.
My sister has green eyes.
Mas podlhovastu tvar?
Ja mam hranatu/okruhlu tvar
Do you have a long face?
I have a square/a round or an oval face.
On má ružové líčka
He has rosy cheeks.
Ja mám
Kučeravé hnedé vlasy
krátke blonďavé vlasy
rovné čierne vlasy
Vlnite cervene vlasy
Rysave vlasy
I have
Curly brown hair
Short blonde hair
Straight black hair
Wave red hair
Ginger hair
Môj ocko šedivie na bokoch.
My dad is going grey on the sides.
Moj otec ma sedive vlasy.
My dad has grey/white hair.
On je plešatý
He is bald. (Bold)
Farba pokožky
svetla 2 vyrazy
olivová 2 vyrazy
Skin colour
Byť mladý
byť starý
byť v strednom veku
Tvary tela
tučný /Obezny a slusny vyraz
chudý 3 vyrazy
Body shapes
Muscular (maskilr)
Fat/obese (ou’bís)/overweight
Ona je introvert, je hanblivá a bojazlivá ale je tiez veľmi milá a ohľaduplná
On je odvážny a problémovy a zvláštny
She is an introvert, she is shy and timid (timid), but she is also very kind and considerate.
He is daring (‘dering), troublesome, and strange/weird.
Tom je extrovert on je hlučný a sebavedomy
Tom is an extrovert, he is loud and confident
On je niekedy arogantný a nafúkaný A úzkoprsy
Ona má otvorenú myseľ má rada dobrodružstvo a ona je dobrodružná žena
He is sometimes arrogant and cocky and close-minded
She is open-minded, she likes an adventure, she is an adventurous woman
Ona je veľmi drzá k Tomovi /aktualne/Tom je veľmi slušný
She is being very rude to Tom,
Tom is very polite.
Ona neverí svojim nadaniam (treba to inak povedať - je skromna /pokorna)
She is humble about her talents. (Hambl)
Ona je Štedrá
She is generous
On je veľmi starostlivý k Zuzke.
On je opatrny
Tom je problematicky
He is very caring toward Suzi.
He is careful.
Tom je troublesome.
Zuzka je dobrá maľovaní pretože ona je Kreatívna
Suzi is good at painting because she is creative.
Tom je rebel, on nerád dodržiava pravidlá, je rebelantska osoba.
Tom is a rebel, he doesn’t like to follow the rules, he is rebellious person.
Dámy považujú Toma za veľmi očarujúceho
The ladies find Tom very charming
Zuzka je dychtivá spoznávať veci pretože je zvedavá osoba
Suzi is eager to know things because she is a curious person.
Deti 2 vyrazy
Manzel, manzelka manzelky
Husband, wife (wives)
Pochadzas z velke rodiny?
Mas bratov a sestry?
Do you come from a big family?
Have you got any brothers or sisters?