Gilmore Girls Flashcards
Nechcem aby vedela, že som si od vás požičala peniaze.
I don ´t want her to know that I borrowed money from you.
Potrebujem aby si bola opatrnejšia.
I need you to be more careful.
Už prišiel inštalatér do izby č. 4?
Has the plumber attended to room 4 yet? plamr
Idem /prave teraz/ tam v aute môjho otca.
I am going there in my father’s car.
Niekto je pri dverách, môžeš otvoriť?
Someone is at the door, can you open it?
Strašne sa na to teším.
I am looking forward to it so much.
Vyzerá to tu výborne. /niekam pridem/
Nic sa tu nezmenilo.
The place looks great.
It hasn ´ t changed.
Môžeš to zdvihnúť, prosim ta? /ked zvoni telefon/
Can you answer it, please?
Pod jednou podmienkou. Čo to znamená, mama?
On one condition. What does that mean, mother?
Tak hádam že by som mal odísť.
So, I guess, I should get going.
Ty krvácaš.
You are bleeding.
Si bez hanby.
You are shameless.
Má to byť na zajtra.
Dávaj pozor na gramatiku.
It ´ s due tomorrow.
Pay attention to the grammar.
Desperately. ´despretli