Vocabulary Flashcards
Hviezdy jasno svietili.
The stars were shining brightly.
Tato malinka zlata trubka je velmi leskla.
This tiny gold trumpet is very shiny.
Drz moju ruku pevne!
Hold my hand tightly!
V auguste nikdy nesnezi.
It never snows in August.
Prichadza burka, pocujem hrom. Vidim blesk.
A storm is coming. I can hear thunder. I can see lightning.
Bojim sa. Neboj sa. Je priatelsky (monstrum)
I am scared. Don ´ t be scared. It is friendly - monster.
Toto monstrum spi. Ja som ospala.
This monster is asleep. I am sleepy.
Pozri! Obrovsky orol.
Look! A huge eagle.
Velryba, zralok, delfin, meduza
Whale, shark, dolphin, jellyfish
Tieto ostne su ostre. ( na kaktuse)
These spines are sharp.
Tieto klepeta su silne.
These claws are strong.
Tato ulita ( na krabovi alebo aj musla) je tvrda.
This shell is hard.
Lietadlo pristalo na ostrove.
The plane landed on the island.
Ona preskocila cez brvno (kmen stromu, klada).
She jumped over the log.
On sa plazil popod strom.
He crawled under the tree.
On spieva Nahlas -
ona rozprava potichu,
To lieta rychlo -
Oni sa prechadzaju pomaly
He is singing Loudly -
She is talking quietly,
It is flying quickly -
They are walking slowly
Moja ruka sa nehybe, je nehybna.
My hand isn ´ t moving, it is still.
Aké oblečenie máš na sebe?
What clothes are you wearing?
Rus, Grek, Francuz
Russian, Greek, French
Obidve tieto knihy su otvorene.
Both these books are open.
Obidvaja sedime.
Both of us are sitting.
Oni obidvaja hovoria po anglicky.
Both of them speak English.
Akym jazykom teraz hovorime?
Which language are we speaking now?
‘What’ is used when there is a very wide or unlimited range of possibilities, while ‘Which’ is used when there is a limited number of options that are known to both speakers
Akym jazykom obvykle hovoris?
Which language do you generally speak?
Azijsky, europsky
Asian, European
Moje topanky nie su rovnake ako tvoje topanky, su odlisne od tvojich topanok.
My shoes are not the same as your shoes, they are different from your shoes.
Francuzi, Rusi, Svajciari, Americania, Taliani, Japonci
the French, Russians, the Swiss, Americans, Italians, the Japanese,
Moje oci maju inu farbu ako tvoje oci./ rovnaku farbu ako….
My eyes are a different colour from your eyes. The same colour as…
Je niekto v tejto miestnosti? Ano, niekto je v tejto miestnosti.
Is there anybody in this room? Yes, there is somebody in this room.
Je niekto na chodbe? Nie, nikto nie je na chodbe.
Kto je na chodbe? Nikto nie je na chodbe.
Is there anybody in the corridor? No, there isn ´ t anybody in the corridor.
Who is in the corridor? Nobody is in the corridor.
Ty kracas k oknu.
You are walking to the window.
Sadam si/vstavam
I am sitting down/ I am standing up
Anglicka gramatika je tazka/lahka.
tazky jazyk na ucenie
English grammar is difficult/easy.
a difficult language to learn
Je všeobecne tazke pre ludi pisat lavou rukou. /nie hard ale v zmysle obtiazne/
It is generally difficult for people to write with their left hand.
Mapa visi na stene.
Svetlo visi zo stropu.
A map is hanging on the wall.
A light is hanging from the ceiling.
Do skoly prichadzam autom/vlakom.
Domov idem autobusom/peso
Pravidelne nie teraz
I come to school by car, by train.
I go home by bus/ I walk home
On nie je slobodny, je zenaty.
He isn ´ t single, he is married.
Som jedinacik.
I am an only child.
Ako tomuto hovorime?
Ako volame ludi vo Francuzsku?
What do we call this?
What do we call the people in France?
Nie, obidve moje ruky nie su na stole. Jedna je na stole a druha na stolicke.
No, both my hands are not on the table. One is on the table and the other is on the chair.
Aky druh knihy je toto?
What kind of book is this?
Netreba (odpoved)
No need.
4 svetove strany su: sever, juh, vychod, zapad.
The four cardinal points are north, south, east and west.
Grecko nie je zapadne Od Talianska je východne od Talianska.
Greece is not west of Italy, it is east of Italy.
Paríž je na severe Francúzska.
Paris is in the north of France.
Ja sedím na tamtom mieste.
I am sitting in that place.
Vysoký - nízky - pre veci
za - pred (miestne)
Vysoky - nizky pre ludi
učiť - učiť sa.
High - low
Behind - in front of
Tall - short
To teach - to learn
Viem citat bez okuliari.
I can read without wearing glasses.
Nie, nechodim po izbe pocas hodiny.
No, I don ´ t walk around the room during the lesson.
Nie, nie vsetci ludia v tomto meste su muzi, niektori su muzi, niektori su zeny.
No, not all the people in this town are men, some are men and some are women.
Je nieco na stole?
Nie, nic nie je na stole.
Ano, nieco je na stole.
Is there anything on the table?
No, there is not anything on the table.
Yes, there is someting on the table.
Co je na stole?
What is on the table?
Nic nemam na hlave. (Oblecene)
I am wearing nothing on my head.
Aka cast knihy je toto?
To je predok knihy, zadna cast knihy, vrch, spodok.
What part of the book is this?
It is the front of the book, the back of the book, the top of the book, the bottom of the book.
Usi su po bokoch hlavy.
Ears are on the sides of the head.
Sedim po tvojej pravej strane.
I am sitting on your right hand side.
Ty si ovoniavas zapastie.
You are smelling your wrist.
Stol nema ziadnu vonu
The table has no smell.
Vela ludi vo velkom velkomeste
Malo ludi v malej dedine
Many people in a large city
Few people in a small village
Vela zapaliek v zapalkovej skatulke.
Many matches in a matchebox
Pero je v mojom vrecku.
Davam si pero do vrecka. (teraz)
A pen is in my pocket.
I am putting my pen into my pocket.