English Vocabulary In Use Flashcards
Moja krvna skupina je B
My blood type is B
Boli ma bok
I have a pain in my side
Moje vlasy su spinave, potrebujem si ich umyt
Moje vlasy su velmi dlhe, musim si ich dat coskoro ostrihat
My hair is dirty, I need to wash it.
My hair is very long, I must cut it soon.
V niektorých kultúrach ženy tradične nosia šatku na hlave ako znak skromnosti.
In some cultures, women traditionally wear a headscarf as a sign of modesty.
Kefa na vlasy
Rano o 6 sa obliekam /pravidelne/ - 2 vyrazy
Teraz si obliekam ponozky.
Mam oblecene biele tricko.
Mam na sebe cierne nohavice.
Mam na sebe tiez hodinky a okuliare.
Nosim okuliare (pravidelne) a nosim kabelku.
Nesiem kufor a dazdnik (teraz)
I get dressed in the mornig at 6 - I put my clothes on in ….
Now, I am putting on my socks. Or I am putting my socks on.
I am wearing a white T-shirt.
I’ve got a pair of black trousers on.
I’ve also got a watch and a pair of glasses on.
I wear glasses and I carry a handbag.
I am carrying a suitcase and an umbrella
Dnes je chladno. Obleciem si bundu a zoberiem si aj kabat. / to je plan/
Obleciem si bundu.
(Ten druhy vyraz sa pouziva na samotnu akciu obliekania, cize “ budem si obliekat”)
It’s cold today. I’ll wear my jacket and I’ll take my coat too.
I will put on my jacket
Moje oblubene pyzamo je tmavozelene
My favourite pyjamas are dark green
V noci sa vyzliekam ( pravidelne) 2 vyrazy
At night I get undressed - I take my clothes off.
Dnes tvrdo pracujes.
Ano, musim toho vela urobit.
You are working hard today.
Yes, I have a lot to do.
Hladam Kristinu.
Vies kde je?
I am looking for Christine.
Do you know where she is?
Stmieva sa.
Mam rozsvietit?
It’s getting dark.
shall i turn on the light?
Momentalne nemaju kde byvat.
Zostavaju u priatelov kym si niekde nenajdu.
they don’t have anywhere to live at the moment
they are staying with friends until they find somewhere
veci v práci nie sú také dobré
spoločnosť stráca peniaze
things are not so good at work
the company is losing money
Mas dazdnik?
Zacina prsat.
Have you got an umbrella?
It’s starting to rain
Robis vela hluku.
Mozes byt tichsi?
Snazim sa sustredit
You are making a lot of noise
Can you be quieter?
I am trying to concentrate
Preco su tu vsetci tito ludia?
Co sa deje?
Why are all these people here?
What’s happening?