Vital Signs Flashcards
How long should you count for pulse?
30 seconds
If its irregular heartbeat, how long should you count for pulse?
full 60 seconds
Grades for pulses 0 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+
thready-barely perceptible and easily obliterated.
weak- slightly stronger than thready but can be obliterated
normal- easy to palpate
bounding- very strong, hyperactive
Different pulses
temporal carotid brachial radial femoral popliteal posterior tibial pulse dorsal pedis pulse
Respiration testing
keep fingers on radial pulse and monitor respiration rate without patient’s awareness. Monitor for 30 seconds. Monitor depth, rhythm and patterns.
How to document respiration?
of RR per minute, any irregularities
How long should you wait in between BP measurements?
2 min
How to document BP?
reading, irregularities, patient position
If the cuff is too small then BP may read…. if its too big then BP may read…
If the arm is below the heart BP can read… if it is above the heart BP can read…
If the cuff is too tight it can read?
If there is muscle activity BP can read
too high
Normal BP
less than 120 and less than 80
Elevated BP
120-129 and less than 80
Stage 1 hypertension BP
130-139 or 80-89
Stage 2 hypertension BP
equal to or over 140 or equal to or over 90
Contraindications for BP
AV fistula
Suspected blood clot in arm
after mastectomy
PICC line
What is an A-V fistula?
a graft that connects an artery to a vein in patients requiring hemodialysis due to kidney failure
Normal RR for adults
12-18/ min
Abnormal RR
over 20 or under 10
Infant RR
How to document RR?
breaths per minute, depth, irregularities
Normal temp