Urinary Flashcards
Among other things, the urinary system regulates BP through…. , secretes …. and activates ….
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
vitamin D
What two structures make up the nehpron?
renal corpuscle
renal tubule
Renal corpuscle does what? It is made up of 2 things?
Renal tubule is made up of what three things?
filtration unit of blood
glomerulus and bowmans capsule
proximal convoluted tubules, loop of henle, distal convoluted tubules
Starlings law for filtration says…
amount of fluid filtered across capillary is proportional to net filtration pressure (which is a combo of fluid’s hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure)
This is the ….. of kidney function.
Calculated from amount of …. in 24 hour urine or by using special markers intravenously.
Determined by 3 things….
glomerular filtration rate volume of plasma filtered through glomerular capillary wall per unit of time. best estimation waste product (creatinine) glomerular hydrostatic pressure (mainly) glomerular osmotic pressure bowman's capsule hydrostatic pressure
GFR is controlled by BP in … and … arterioles of the glomerulus. It is regulated by … and …. of arterioles.
Maintenance of normal filtration is possible …. in systemic BP.
afferent and efferent
constriction and dilation
regardless of fluctuations
3 factors control arteriolar constriction
renal autoregulation
sympathetic nervous system
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
Renal autoregulation is the local reflex to adjust ….
This happens in response to changes in ….
diameter of arterioles
blood flow in kidneys
Sympathetic nervous system increases…. in both arterioles.
This is in response to ….
BP drop due to loss of ECF volume
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is aimed at …
increasing BP and blood flow
Renin is secreted by …. cells in response to…
juxtaglomerular cells
reduced blood flow to afferent arteriole
Aldosterone is secreted from …. stimulated by ….
It increases ….
adrenal cortex
angiotensin II
reabsorption of sodium and water to increase BV
ADH is secreted by …
It increases…
pituitary gland
reabsorption of water in distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts by altering their permeability
ANP is made by …
It reduces…
sodium and fluid reabsorption in distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts
Cloudy urine may indicate …
Dark color may indicate…
Unpleasant or unusual color may indicate..
presence of large amounts of protein, bacteria and pus
hematuria, excessive bilirubin or highly concentrated urine
infection or result from certain dietary components or medication
Small amts of blood in urine can be from…
Large amts can be from..
infection, inflammation, tumors
increased glomerular permeability or hemorrhage
Urinary casts consist of …
They indicate…
tubules, cells, bacteria
inflammation of kidney tubules
Specific gravity indicates …
If there is low specific gravity=
ability of tubules to concentrate urine
dilute urine with normal hydration could mean renal failure
Glucose and ketones in urine is found when..
diabetes mellitus is not well controlled
Blood tests look at … and … for kidney function.
urea (BUN) and creatinine
Elevated levels of urea and creatinine indicate …
due to …
failure to excrete nitrogen wastes (azotemia)
decreased GFR
Creatinine is a breakdown of …. from muscles.
It is produces … in the body.
It is a ….molecule.
… and …. in tubules or from capillaries into tubules is negligent.
creatine constantly small reabsorption secretion
GFR cannot be measured …..
For approximation …. is measured.
Measured elimination of …. corresponds to GFR.
elimination of a substance
of such substance
Creatinine clearance and GFR is a ratio of
creatinine level in urine vs blood