Pain Flashcards
Pain is a … system.
three neuron
1st order neurons are …. in .. and….
primary afferent fibers
peripheral and visceral tissues
2nd order neurons in ….
3rd order neurons in …
spinal cord
Primary/afferent nerves or 1st order neurons are nerves that ….
There are two types…. and….
They innervate …… which include….
carry pain signals from stimuli to spinal cord
A-delta and C fibers
peripheral tissues
MSK, skin, blood vessels, visceral organs
sensory receptor that detects noxious stimuli
Two main functions of first order neurons
Transduction of first order neurons..
detection of noxious or damaging stimuli
Transmission of first odor neurons…
passage of the resulting sensory input from peripheral terminals to spinal cord
Characteristics of nociceptors:
They require tissue damage or painful stimulus to ….
A … must be reached.
The relationships of tissue damage/painful stimulus and pain intensity is linear in …. pain and nonlinear in … pain.
No … to painful stimulus.
activate threshold acute chronic adaptation
Mechanisms of peripheral nociception:
inflammation/tissue damage
release of chemicals
vasodilation of vessels and edema
Effects in peripheral nociception:
Binding of substances to …
Activation of … and …
Initiating … messenger system and gene transcription.
Release of … from neurons (specifically…)
specific receptors ion channels and depolarization intracellular neuropeptides substance P
Inflammation’s sources of pain…
damaged cells
secondary plasma leakage
chemical release from neurons
Peripheral sensitization is ….
It is associated with …
Ongoing inflammation or painful stimulus can lead to ….
increased sensitivity of primary afferents
chronic inflammation, neurogenic inflammation, repeated injury;
upregulation of existing receptors and formation of new ones
changes in gene expression
changes in other sensory receptors
Sharp and superficial pain is usually …
Deep aching, poorly localized, dull or sharp is usually…
Throbbing, pulsing, pounding pain is usually…
blood vessels
Shooting, sharp, burning pain is usually…
Deep aching, pressing, stabbing is usually…
visceral organs
Physiological benefits of appropriate exercise dosage in acute stage:
Edema is controlled via …
Improvement of … and …
Inhibition of pain and muscle guarding via stimulation of …
Injured tissue repair via …
facilitating fluid transport
vascularity and circulation
joint mechanoreceptors
promoting fibroblast activity
Is acute or chronic pain a learned response?
What organs have poor distribution of pain receptors? Characterized as diffuse and poorly localized pain and is often referred to another somatic structure.
visceral organs
Complex regional pain syndrome
a chronic neurological disorder with disabling pain, swelling, vasomotor impairments
Who gets CRPS more?
Usually following … or …
surgery or major trauma
Pathogenesis of CRPS?
abnormal activity of the sympathetic nervous system