Visual System Flashcards
The optic nerve is formed by — — — axons
The optic nerve is formed by retinal ganglion cell axons
Light travels through the pupil to the back of the eye where the —- is
Light travels through the pupil to the back of the eye where the retina
bipolar, horizontal & amacrine cells
Inner Nuclear Layer
tf INL is b/n IPL amd OPL
Ganglion cell axons
form optic n.
metabolically supports photoreceptors - absorbs stray light particles
cell bodies of rods and cones
Outer Nuclear Layer

anatomical and physiologic properties
group ganglion cells
M (or Y) ganglion cells
largest of the ganglion cells
extensive dendritic arbors and large receptive fields
M (or Y) ganglion cells
M or Y ganglion cells are predominantly found in the —– of the retina and mainly receive input from —
M or Y ganglion cells are predominantly found in the periphery of the retina and mainly receive input from rods
P (or X ) ganglion cells
central retina
input from cones
P (or X ) ganglion cells
P (or X ) ganglion cells
smaller gang cells
small dendritic arbors and small receptive fields
smaller, P (or X ) ganglion cells
variety of receptive field sizes and physiologic responses.
W cells (gang cells)
The optic nerve exits the orbit, traverses the —– canal and emerges into the —- cranial fossa
The optic nerve exits the orbit, traverses the optic canal and emerges into the middle cranial fossa

Optic Nerves
(axons of retinal ganglion cells)

goes to left temporal eye
nasal right visual field
goes 2 R temporal eye
Left nasal visual field
LGN to V1
optic radiation
tf optic chiasm to only lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
f also goes to superior colliculus and pretectum
Area of overlap of the two visual fields (purple)
binocular vision

partial crossing
visual information from the left visual field is conveyed in the right optic tract

right visual fields
use the left LGN
Left optic ract
used by right visual field
Area 17
Primary Visual Cortex
6 layers
large cells;
eceive information about movement and contrast from M-cells
Magnocellular layers
1 and 2 of LGN
•Magnocellular layers
Parvocellular layers
small cells;
receive information about form and color from P-cell
3-6 of LGN
Parvocellular layers
Optic tract fibers are segregated by eye in the
— LGN layers receive fibers from the —— eye and — layers receive fibers from the —— eye
Three LGN layers receive fibers from the contralateral eye and 3 layers receive fibers from the ipsilateral eye
the upper visual field contribute to the —- optic radiations, and terminate in the —- aspect of V1
the upper visual field contribute to the inferior optic radiations, and terminate in the inferior aspect of V1
calvarian fissure
separates upper and lower visual field of V1