Vestibulocochlear Nerve- II Auditory System Flashcards
Cochlear Division of CN 8
responds to sounds
Vestibular Division of CN 8
Responds to position and movement of the head
auricle and external auditory canal
Structure and Function External Ear

conducts sound to the tympanic membrane.
ext ear
medial boundary of the external ear
tympanic membrane
Lateral border of middle ear
tympanic membrane
Medial border of middle ear
oval & round windows
petrous part of the temporal bone
malleus, incus, stapes
Bones of middle ear
tensor tympani, stapedius
muscles of middle ear
Sound induced ——— of the tympanic membrane are transferred along a chain of 3 small bones (——-) to the —–window
Middle ear
Sound induced vibrations of the tympanic membrane are transferred along a chain of 3 small bones (ossicles) to the oval window
attached to tympanic membrane; attached to oval window
malleus vs. stapes
types of joints between ossicle bones
synovial joints
tf tensor tympani
increases the vibration of tympanic membrane via attachment to the incus(CN -V)
Middle Ear
tensor tympani
decreases the vibration of tympanic membrane via attachment to the malleus (CN -V)
increases the vibration of the stapes via attachment to the malleus
decreases the vibration of the stapes via attachment to the stapes
protect the ear from excessive vibration
tensor tympani and stapedius
area of the tympanic membrane is — greater than the stapes attachment at the oval window.
area of the tympanic membrane is 15x greater than the stapes attachment at the oval window.
attached at oval window
differences magnifies the ——- per unit —– of the stapes at the oval window, which is sufficient to move —— within the cochlea.
differences magnifies the force per unit area of the stapes at the oval window, which is sufficient to move perilymph within the cochlea.
The perilymph within the cochlea moves from the —- window toward the—-window, in the bony cochlea.
The perilymph within the cochlea moves from the oval window toward the round window, in the bony cochlea.
membranous component of the cochlea
auditory receptor cells
deformed by Perilymph movement
organ of corti.
auditory receptor cells
cochlear duct
Membranous Cochlea
has endolymph
Membranous Cochlea
Filled with perilymph
Bony Cochlea
Consists of interconnected bony cavities
Bony Cochlea
(high in Na + , low in K + ); (low in Na + , high in K + )
perilymph; endolymph
location of the auditory receptor cells … Hair Cells
Membranous Cochlea
label the blanks

Movement of the stapes deflects the membrane at the oval window
Perilymph movement deforms the membranous cochlea duct which contains the organ of corti with its auditory hair cells
This causes displacement of the perilymph within the bony cochlea
Movement of the stapes deflects the membrane at the oval window
This causes displacement of the perilymph within the bony cochlea
Perilymph movement deforms the membranous cochlea duct which contains the organ of corti with its auditory hair cells
scala media
cochlear duct

tf cochlear duct is square
tips of the stereocilia are embedded in the —– membrane (outer hair cells)
tips of the stereocilia are embedded in the tectorial membrane (outer hair cells)
Movement of the —— membrane influences movement of the —— and thus, impacts ——- release
Movement of the basilar membrane influences movement of the sterocilia and thus, impacts neurotransmitter (NT) releas
release of — will excites CN —–
release of NT will excites CN-VIII
(occurs from basilar membrane when stereocilia is moved )
cochlear base
high notes
cochlear apex
Relatively flexible , low notes

“Tonotopically” organized.
Basilar Membrane
number of nerve fibers responding
frequency of neuronal firing
Coding of Intensity of the sound
location of sound
Coded within the CNS
CNS compares the timing of sounds reaching the two ears
Auditory Pathway
majoraity fibers cross to contralateral superior olive
cochlear nerve
goes to spiral ganglion and then to cochlear nucleus
Superior olive is important in localization of sound
via the timing and intensity of input
lat lemiscus
path through which fibers cross to inf colliculus in auditory path
Medial Geniculate Nucleus
last nucelus in audiotry pathway before goin to area 41
auditory pathway crosings
trapezoid bodies
inferior colliculus,
medial geniculate nucleus
and cerebral cortex
The trapezoid body (the ventral acoustic stria) is
part of the auditory pathway where some of the axons coming from the cochlear nucleus(specifically, the anterior cochlear nucleus) decussate (cross over) to the other side before traveling on to the superior olivary nucleus
Auditory Cortex
destroy hair cells(ototoxic effects)