CN 7,9,10,12 Flashcards
Sensory from a portion of external ear
General Somatic Afferent (GSA) Facial Nerve
Supposed existence carrying information from sublingual and submandibular glands
General Visceral Afferent (GVA)
Inf. GP gnaglion
SA and GVA CN9
Inf. Vagal Ganglion
SA and GVA Vagus
Supposed existence carrying information from palatine, pharyngeal
General Visceral Afferent (GVA from CN 7
Taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue and palate
Taste from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue
Cranial Nerve IX Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Sensory from a portion of external ear
Taste from the epiglottis
GSA and SA fibrs
solitary tract nucleus
facial motor nucleus
CN 7 SVE: motor to muscle of facial expression
SVE: motor to stylopharngeus
CN 9
from nucleus ambiguous
SVE: motor to muscles of palate, pharynx
CN 10
SVE: motor to muscles of larynx, upper esophagus
CN 10
TF SVE fibers of CN9,10 start from
nucleus ambiguous
spinal tri nucleus
GSA fibers of CN 7 anf CN 9, CN 10 from ext ear
postganglionic parasympathetic fibers innervate thoracic and abdominal viscera
Parasympathetic ganglion cell in the wall of the target organ
GVE of CN 10
Superior Salivatory Nucleus
starts GVE fibers of CN7
Dorsal motor nuc
starts GVE fibers of CN 10
postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to sublingual and submandibular glands
from CN 7 GVE
goes to submandibular gang
postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to lacrimal, nasal palatine and upper pharynx glands
from CN 7 GVE
from Pterygopalatine ganglion
Otic gaglion
GVE fibers of CN 9
parasympathetic fibers(pre and post ganglionic neurons)
postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to parotid gland
GVE fibers of CN 9
solitary nucleus
starts GVE fibers of CN 9
only has GSE
CN 12
intrinsic tongue ms. • 3 of 4 extrinsic tongue ms.
GSE of CN12
Hypoglossal nucleus
cell bodies for GSE CN12
tf CN12 GSE fibers will
abduct the tongue
F adduct iit
major muscles of int. tongue and ext tongue receive only contralateral input from pre central gyrus
corticobulbar fibes innerve the CN 12 cell body in the hypoglossal nucleus
toward midline
LMNL of CN 12
tongue to side of lesion
UMNL of coricobulb fibers of CN 12
tongue to contralat of lesion
PS innerv
The nucleus ambiguus receives —- cortiocobulbar input, with the majority of this input being —–
The nucleus ambiguus receives bilateral cortiocobulbar input, with the majority of this input being contralateral.
CN 9,11
inferior salivatory nucleus receives input from the
Glossopharyngeal Nerve(cn11)
dorsal motor nucleus receives input from the
dorsal motor nucleus receives input from the hypothalamus
GVE of CN10
Cranial Nerve XII emerges from the —— and enters into the —— cranial fossa. and exits the posterior cranial fossa through the ——- canal.
Cranial Nerve XII emerges from the brainstem and enters into the posterior cranial fossa. • Cranial Nerve XII exits the posterior cranial fossa through the hypoglossal canal.