Vision Lecture Notes Flashcards
Light enters the eyeball through the pupil and is received on the retina, where it is transduced into neural signals. The signals are transmitted by the optic nerve to the brain where they are processed in the primary visual cortex, located in the occipital lobe producing our experience of vision
Clear front part of the eye covering the iris and the people. It does about two thirds of the focusing/refracting of light
Our eyes receive lights energy and transforming it into neural messages that the brain processes into what we consciously experience as sight
The hole in the center of the iris which allows light to enter the eyeball. It increases or decreases in size to adjust to the amount of light that enters the eye
Changes shape to help focus light on the retina. It does about one third of the focusing/Refracting
Light-sensitive inner surface of the eye. Located in the back of the eyeball. Contains the rods and cones and layers of neurons that process light into neural messages.
Photo activation
a photochemical reaction that occurs when light hits photoreceptors, producing a neural signal
Photoreceptors that detect black, white and get. Concentrated toward the outer edge of the retinal necessary for peripheral and low light vision. Very sensitive to light. A single photon fan activate a rod.
Photoreceptors that are concentrated toward the center of the retina. For color vision and fine details. They work well when there is plenty of light. They are less sensitive to light than rods. We have more rods than cones.
Optic nerve
The nerve that carries the neural includes from the retina to the brain
Blind spot
The point where the optic nerve leaves the eye. This part of the retina is blind because it had no receptor cells
Fovea centralis
Located in the center of the retin. Responsible for sharp central vision. About half of the divers in the optic nerve carry messages from the fovea. Mostly cones.
Feature detectors
Neurons in the visual cortex that receive visual information and responds to lines, edges and angles
The relative difference in the amount of light and type of light coming from two nearby locations. The visual system uses contrast to perceive different objects
The frequency of a lightweight determines the hue (color)
The frequency is determined by the wavelength (the distance from one peak to another on a lightwave). Short wavelengths equal high frequencies and long wavelength equal low frequencies
Trichromacy Theory (Young Helmholtz)
A theory that proposes that all of our color perception is based on the combination of three different color signals. Shorts preferring (blue S pounds), middle preferring (green, M cones) and long preferring (red L Cones).
Opponent process theory (Ewald Hering)
Stated that color is coded by three opponent channels (red/green, blue/yellow, and black/white.) Colors are perceived as differences between two Hues not just a simple combination of them. when one element is stronger than the other the stronger color is perceived in the weaker one is suppressed
The amount of energy in the lightwave. This is determined by a light waves amplitude, which is the heights of a wave. The higher the intensity, the brighter the color.
The gene that produces photo pigments are located on the X chromosome. If these jeans are missing or defective, it can result in color blindness.