Viruses, Bacteria, and Archaea Flashcards
In latin, which word means poison?
Non-living and smaller than 200 nanometers are two characteristics of what thing?
Which organism is always adapting and evolving, which makes vaccines ineffective?
Which virus was the first virus that had a picture taken of it?
Tobacco mosaic virus
This was the 2012 corona virus and has a 36% viral lethality. Which of these four viruses is it: COVID-19, seasonal flu, SARS, or Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus
Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus
As of March 2020, this virus lethality was 2.3% but it is now 1.0%. Which of these four viruses is it: COVID-19, seasonal flu, SARS, or Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus
This viral lethality is 0.1%. Which of these four viruses is it: COVID-19, seasonal flu, SARS, or Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus
Seasonal flu
In 2002, this viral lethality was 9-10%. Which of these four viruses is it: COVID-19, seasonal flu, SARS, or Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus
Type of nucleic acid, size and shape, how it infects host, and the protein and spikes on membrane or capsid are the four ways of what?
How a virus is named
What is found only in viruses?
An envelope embedded with spikes or protein capsid embedded with viral spikes, a core of DNA or RNA, capsid and/or bilayer membrane, and three to a few hundred genes are characteristics of what?
Do viruses infect prokaryotic, eukaryotic, or both cells?
The four things a virus takes from the host:
Enzymes, tRNA, ATP, and ribosomes
How many genes does HIV have?
9 genes
Viruses are what parasites and are they host specific?
Intracellular and yes
How many types of entry binding spikes are there for viruses? What is the letter used for it?
18 types, H
How many types of exit binding spikes are there for viruses? What is the letter used for it?
11 types, N
H5N1 is what virus?
Bird Flu
The immune system makes what after realizing the H and N spikes it has been exposed to?
What are the two domains of prokaryotes?
Bacteria and archaea
What first evolved 3.5-4.0 million years ago?
No nucleus or membrane bound organelles is a characteristic of what?
This domain has a rigid cell wall, a slime layer capsule, plasma membrane, and some have flagella.
There are how many species of bacteria on the skin?
182 species
The ratio of cells to bacterial cells is 10:1?
What are the three bacteria shapes?
Cocci, spirilla, and bacilli
Salmonella, meningitis, chlamydia, anthrax, pneumonia, and botulism are all examples of what?
Bacterial illnesses
Two genera of cyanobacteria are what?
Oscillatoria and anabaena
Photosynthetic bacteria, live in water, soil, moist surfaces, form partnerships with other organisms, and filled atmosphere with oxygen 2.4 – 2.1 bya are examples of what?
When cyanobacteria die and decompose, they use up what in the water?
Nitrates and phosphates wash into waterways?
How many species of bacteria are there?
9,000 species but could be up to tens of millions
When was the first fossil of bacteria recorded?
3.5 bya
How many species of archaea are there?
209 species
Any any archaea harmful?
Thermophiles, thermoacidophiles, and halophiles are three types of what?
Halophiles love what?
What are two types of archaea?
Extremophiles and methanogens
Thermoacidophiles and thermophiles live in temperatures above what?
80 degrees Celsius or 176 degrees F
What are symbioses?
Organisms that form partnerships with other organisms
What are two examples of symbioses?
Sponges and sea cucumbers