Virus Flashcards
How is Arbovirus transmitted
Which virus doesn’t have a latent phase
Rhinovirus & Poliovirus
What establishes a latent infection
EBV, HVS- 1& 2, VZV, CMV (all herpesvirus) HEHCV
Herpres virus is the only virus that gets its cell wall from?
Host nuclear membrane
Characteristics of Herpes virus
dsDNA, enveloped, nuclear membrane, icosahedral nucleocapsid, establishes latent infection
Cytomegalovirus are associated with what?
salivary glands (torches)
EBV & Varicella Zoster are members of?
EBV causes what?
Burkitt’s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, B-cell lymphoma, hairy leukoplakia, infectious mononucleosis
What happened with primary exposure to HSV 1?
Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis
What virus cause chicken pox?
varicella zoster virus (VZV)
Epstein Barr virus is related to?
Burkitt’s Lymphoma
What causes influenza to change year to year
Antigenic Capsule (gene reassortment)
Influenza virus is an(a) ?
an orthomyxovirus w/ outer envelope has spikes H & N for attachment to host cells
tx w/ amantadine does what?
inhibits viral attachment and uncoating
what is the main mode of prevention
vaccine, which consists of killed influenza A and B virus
what are the virulence factors of Neisseria meningitis?
Which is not associated with N. meningitis?
Enterovirus (ex. Picornavvirus)
What disease causing agents have a polysaccharide capsule
H. influenza, Streptoccocus, c neoforman
Even Some Super Killers Have Pretty Nice Capsules
E. coli, S. Pneumonia, Salmonella, K. pneumonia, H. influenza, P. aeruginsosa, N. meningitis, C. neoformans
What can be transferred from mother to fetus & is associated with congenital abnormalities
Characteristics of Teratogens
ToRCHeS (Toxoplasmosis, rubella, CMV, Herpes simplex, Syphilis)
Measles (Rubeola) & mumps belong to which group to virus?
Mump causes parotitis & sometimes what in adults?
orchitis (inflammation of testes)
what are Kolik’s Spots?
Measles (ssRNA paramyxovirus, transmitted by respiratory doplet
what it is the Hepatitis B virion called?
Dane particle
What has the longest incubation period?
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C Virus is a ______ & _____________
RNA Virus & is blood-borne
What version of hepatitis is chronic?
Hepatitis C