BRAIN Flashcards
What is the primary sensory relay station of the brain (conduit)?
What part of the brain controls hunger?
The swallowing center: 2nd stage of deglutination is located?
Sectioning of the unfundibular stalk of hypothalamus w/ normal hypophyseal tract leads to a decrease in what hormones?
Infundibular stalk is what?
connection between HP & PP
What divides the diencephalon into two?
3rd ventricle
What lines the ventricle of the brain?
Ependymal cells
What makes up the blood brain barrier?
Astrocytes, endothelial cells in capillaries connected by tight junction, water/lipids pass or selective transport
Largest paranasal sinus?
Maxillary sinus
Where does the maxillary sinus drain into?
Semilunar hiatus of the middle meatus
Nasolacrimal drains into?
inferior concha
Right maxillary sinus is infected, where does it spread to next?
Right Ethmoid Sinus
What is the outer edge of the lateral wall of the ehmoid sinus?
Anterior cerebral artery supplies what lobes?
Fontal & Parietal lobes (medial surfaces of both)
Arachnoid villa & granulation transport CSF from subarachnoid space to ?
venous system
Increase in CSF pressure causes what?
Brain Herniation
Vertebral artery pass through what foramen?
Foramen magnum
WHat is not part of the circle of Willis?
Basilar artery
Branches of the maxillary A. go through all of the following foramen excpet?
Foramen Lacerum
Maxillary vein & superior temporal veins drain into?
retromandibular vein
Each of the following structures lie between the hyoglossus & mylohyoid muscle except one?
Lingual artery (passes deep to hyoglossus m)
What muscle goes between the superior & middle pharyngeal constrictor muscles?
Stylopharyngeus muscle
Know the structure that make up the splenoiid bone:
body, 2 greater wings, 2 lesser wings, pterygoid process
What forms the Superior Orbital Fissure?
Greater & Lesser Wing of the Sphenoid
Foramen ovale is located in the ?
greater wing of the sphenoid
Medial border of the Infratemporal fossa?
Pterygomaxillary Fissure
Guy shot in back of the head, bullet exists above eyebrows. Which bones is least likely to get damage?
All of the following pass thorugh the medial & lateral pterygoid except?
Buccal Nerve
Buccal Nerve Passes through ?
lateral pterygoid heads
What is anterior to the pharyngeal tonsils?
Palatoglossal fold
Where is synovial fluid produced?
Internal synovial layer of the Fibrous Capsule (joint capsule)
What cells are resopnsible for its (synovial fluid) production?
Type B Synoviocytes