Virology5 Flashcards
Corona virus
Length of genome:
Shape of nucleocapsid:
Genome : ssRNA positive non segmented
30 kb
Envelope: present
Shape: helical
15-30% of cases of common cold are caused by ——-
Corona virus
All that have helical nucleocapside have——- except —–
Negative RNA
Corona have the longest —— in viruses and most complicated
2/3 from the genome is dedicated for ——- aka—–
Reverse transcriptase complex
Replicase system
Genome for corona:
+ 5’ lead UTR R S E M N UTR poly A 3’
R for S for E for M for N protein
Replicase Spike Envelope Membrane Capsid
Host receptor for corona
ACE (cardiovascular)
DDP4 (in stomach)
Ace are found on —-
Cardiovascular system
Steps of corona replication:
1- fusion
2- ORF 1 +
3- ORF -
4- orf + (this will be the genome of the new born viruses)
5- HE S E M N are fragments (mRNA) that will be involved in protein synthesis for nucleocapsid
After uncoating the first step in replication will be ——– because the genome is —-stranded
Second it makes ———
Third—— subgenomic —-
Then transcription of the —– strand to form —–
Translation of RNA dependent RNA polymerase \+ Complementary - strand Nested set of subgenomic mRNA Negative strand to form the positive
Ovelapping genes present in corona genome will form —— after ——
And those proteins will form ——-
Replucative Nsps
Splicing into small proteins
Replicase complex
Copying the first 2/3 from the genome is (conti/dis)—— corresponding to—–while that of the last 1/3 is —— corresponding to —–
Continuous-replicase complex
Discontinuous - subgenomic mRNA
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Sg RNA are directly used after being transcribed from the + strand genome
Because the result will be a negative stranded RNA
The virus should do a complementary + strand
Corona causes (chronic/self-limited)—- respiratory infections except in——
Neonates, elderly and people with comorbidities
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Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus is one of the first deadliest virus to be discovered in pigs (livestock)
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Corona viruses are not present in companion aninals
Murine hepatitis virus is —– hepatitis virus and causes —— and it (can/can’t)—- infect humans but it’s used as —— to —–
Mice Demyelination disease Can't Model Understand corona viruses
—–order, coronaviridae is the family and we have —– genera
We have —-genera for coronaviridiae family from —— order
4 genera
What are the genera that infect humans?
Alpha and beta
Delta and gamma
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Alpha are more genetically variable than alpha
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Alpha and beta are only found in humans
In rodents and bats too
How many corona viruses infect humans?
List the ones that cause common cold and others that cause respiratory disease.
2 alpha cause common cold (229E and NL63)
5 beta HKU1 and OC43 (common cold)
Respiratory diseases (MERS, SARS cov1 and SARS cov2)
Sars cov1 MR: Source: Duration of spread: Target: Country:
Indirectly from bats to wet animal markets by closely related viruses that made mutation
Spread only after onset of illness(symptoms)
Epithelial cells of alveolar cells type 1
China 2002
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Sars cov2 can’t be transmitted if the patient us asymptomatic
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Data showed that not much ppl have Abs against sars cov 1 unlike the other corona viruses where we have much more antibodies
This showed that we were exposed before to those viruses
Supersoreaders are people that------- We see superspreaders in : 1- 2- 3- 4-
Infect more than 10 each Sars TB Ebola Rubella
Mers-cov MR: Country: Source: Receptor: Vector:
50% initially and dropped to 40% Saudi arabia 2012 Bats-camels (intermediate host) DDP4 Adenovirus vector
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DDP4 receptors are found in mice
And that’s why we don’t have an animal model
We used the adenovirus vector
Adenovirus vectors are like the ones in —— and —— used nowadays, where they introduce the mRNA but in —— after —— them
Sinopharm and sputnik
SARS cov2 Direct effect: Indirect effect: Variant of interest: Variants of concern:
Overwhelmed health care system
Crippled economy by the ripple effect
2nd and 3rd wave
Sars cov1 underwent —— small mutations and shifted to sars cov2 that’s highly ——-
Duration of the infection:
1-Droplet transmission
Before after and without symptoms
2-Respiratory droplets of close contact and fomites
3-aerosol generating procedures (intubation)
3-nosocomial infection
4- possible fecal-oral and transplacental
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N95 is not useful in any case
It’s true that a normal mask can protect from covid
But if intubation failed and the patient did a cough reflex in the whole room
It’s preferred to wear N95
Risk factors for covid: 1 2- 3 4 5 6 7 8
Older than 60 Obesity Cardiovascular disease Chronic kidney disease Chronic lung disease Smoking Cancer Transplant patients Same as in legionella and influenza
People with comorbodities have —— higher rate of hospitalization, males (<>) —- from females, and ——– minorities
All depend on their ——- factors
6-12 times
Males >females
Racial ethnic
Psychosocial economic factors
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The genetic factors doesn’t play a role in covid aggresivity
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Covid is only a respiratory virus
False and vascular
Pathogenisis Early: Late: Effects on body: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5-
Viral mediated
Immunopathological (cytokine storm)
2-RAAS dysregulation (activation)
3-Kallikrein bradykinin
4-Cell contraction (exsudation from lungs to parenchyma)
5-IL1beta mediates inflammation and fibrosis on the long run
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Cytokine storm is absent in children
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Fibrosis of the lungs is irreversible
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Healthy microbiota and healthy diet doesn’t affect covid infetion
An important example that ppl that have fear from covid stops eating and that affects them negatively
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Cytokines doesn’t induce anorexia as prodrome
Ageusia is the loss of ——
Things that differentiate covid from others:
Abdominal pain as ulcer
Heachache as vibration or needles
Joint pain also as needle like headache
Stages of covid illness 1-asymptomatic 2- mild 3-moderate 4-severe 5-critical
Shufun aal slide
Which imaging tech i can use to detect fibrosis?
CT scan chest without contrast
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Covid can cause myocardial infarction
Extrapulmonary manifestations of covid:
CVS: myocarditis-hypercoagulabilty-acute coronary syndrome
Hematological: leukopenia-thrombocytopenia-neutrophilia
CNS: anosmia ageusia and encephalitis
Rashes: maculopapular rash, urticaria
GI: diarrhea anorexia nausea and vomitting
Increased liver enzymes
The most common cutaneous manifestation of covid is :
Pseudo chilblains ( covid toes) (40% of cutaneous manufestations of covid) Interferonopathy (immunopathological)
Progressive or sudden clinical deterioration
Acute respiratory failure :sudden drop in o2
ARDS: exageration of the immune sustem that destroys the lungs
Malignant arryhthmias: uncontrolable
Cardiomyopathy: like coxsakie
Acute renal failure (most common)
Chronic fatigue syndrome happens after —— after covid exposure associated with —— ,—– and —-
Long period
Psychotic episodes
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Patients with severe clinical presentation during covid infection period are the most susceptible to post-covid syndrome with neuropsychiatric symptoms
Le ma bayan eendn kter hene l more
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Secondary bacterial infections are highly noticed while recovery
Fungal like aspergillosis and rhino-cerebro-orbital mucomycosis
Vaccines only names are required:
Biontech pfizer Moderna Janssen Snipharm (adeno) Sputnik (adeno)
monoclonal antibodies lezm awl l infection naatehn