Vectoring Flashcards
Define Vectoring
Provision of navigational guidance to aircraft in
the form of specific headings, based on the use of an ATS surveillance system.
What are the principles of vectoring?
a) Whenever practicable, the aircraft shall be vectored along tracks on which the pilot can monitor with reference to pilot-interpreted navigation aids.
b) When an aircraft is given its initial vector off an assigned route, the pilot shall be informed of the reason.
c) Aircraft shall not be vectored closer than 2.5nm or a distance equivalent to one-half of the prescribed separation minimum, whichever is greater, from the limit of the airspace for which the controller is responsible. Except when transfer of control is to be effected.
d) Controlled flights shall not be vectored into uncontrolled airspace except in the case of emergency or in order to circumnavigate adverse meteorological conditions, or at the specific request of the pilot.
e) When an aircraft has reported unreliable directional instruments, the pilot shall be requested, prior to the issuance of manoeuvring instructions, to make all turns at an agreed rate and to carry out the instructions immediately upon receipt.
What must be considered when making a vectoring turn?
Angle of turn (total change of heading)
Time lag or delay in the turn being initiated by the pilot
Drift caused by wind speed and direction
Ground Speed
Rate of turn
What must the ATCO do upon termination of vectoring?
When vectoring is completed, pilots shall be instructed to resume their own navigation and they shall be given position information and appropriate instructions.
Why may the optimum vectoring route be extended?
To lose height
To avoid weather or permanent echo clutter
To fit in the traffic sequence
To avoid high ground, obstructions, other airspace
To provide a reasonable angle of closure to the final approach track
Describe the Basic Radar Circuit
Nominal route for an aircraft wishing to land on particular runway.
Allows controller to position the aircraft onto final approach by the shortest practical route.
Gives considerable scope for the adjustment of spacing on final approach.
When vectoring to intercept the ILS localiser, what should the final vector enable the aircraft to do?
Intercept the ILS localiser course at an angle of 45°or less.
Be established on the localiser prior to intercepting the glide path from below.
When should the ATCO commence the turn towards final?
When the 15-45 degree turn would allow 2 miles of straight and level flight before completing the 300ft/mile descent on final.
If you attempt a turn on at too short a range, you will not have time to correct any errors before the aircraft commences descent.
What are the effects of wind on the turn towards final?
A tailwind will
require an early turn so that the aircraft is not
carried through the centreline. With a
headwind, the final turn can be delayed.