Vasectomy, Epididectomy, Urolithiasis, Castration, Male Urogenital Sx (Sx Lab) Flashcards
Where is the scrotal ligament?
From the parietal tunic to the scrotum
What are some of the complications of using a burdizzo for castration?

scrotal sloughing, slips, clamping of the penis
T/F: Post castration, horses should be isolated from mares for 2 days
may still be some live sperm

(Select the correct option) Incision of the corpus cavernosum penis during castration:
- Requires surgical reapposition of the tunic to avoid further complications
- Is of little consequence and can be left to heal by second intention
- Is a frequent complication of castration
- Requires immediate penile amputation
- b and c
Requires surgical reapposition of the tunic to avoid further complications
Where is the ligament of the tail of the epididymis?
From the middle of the tail to the parietal tunic
Between a high penectomy and a low penectomy, which has more risk of fecal contamination?
high penectomy

How many times should you ligate the pampiniform plexus?
double ligation increases risk of infection

In steers, where does urolithiasis/obstruction most commonly occur?
distal sigmoid flexure

What’s that?

Burdizzo emasculatome
Used for blunt castration (as opposed to surgical)
To begin a vasectomy, a 1 inch long incision is made just beside the median raphe, halfway between the __________ and the __________

To begin a vasectomy, a 1 inch long incision is made just beside the median raphe, halfway between the inguinal ring and the testicle
Castrated horses may still be fertile for up to ___________
three weeks
What are the major problems associated with cryptorchidism?
reduced sperm production, aggressive behavior
Removal of a segment of the ductus [vas] deferens is termed:
________ cells nourish spermatozoa
Is it more common to have left or right cryptorchids?
equal incidence
At birth, where are the testis of the foal located?
inguinal canal
What is responsible for descent of the testis?
The gubernaculum shortens during gestation and pulls the retro parietal testes into the scrotum
Congenital unilateral absence of testis is termed:
What type of testicular retention is most common?
left-sided abdominal retention
T/F: Horses should be on strict stall rest with no exercise for two days after cryptorchid surgery.
Stall rest for one day; forced exercise twice daily!
(Select the correct option) Schirrous cord
- Refers to chronic, low-grade staphylococcal infection that results in formation of abscesses and fibrous tissue
- Warrants euthanasia because of the poor prognosis
- Can occur months to years after castration
- Is caused by a clostridial infection of the scrotal wound
- a and c
a and c
- Refers to chronic, low-grade staphylococcal infection that results in formation of abscesses and fibrous tissue
- Can occur months to years after castration
If you have a pulsing stream of hemorrhage what vessel did you f*** up?

testicular artery
What are the two types of cryptorchidectomy? Which one is most common?
- Standing (laparoscopy)
- GA dorsal recumbency (most common)
Where is the proper ligament of the testis?
From the caudal testis to the epididymal tail
(Select the correct option) If one of the testes cannot be located during routine castration,
- The horse is a monorchid
- Ventral midline laparotomy should be done immediately to locate the intraabdominal testis
- The descended testis should be removed, and the horse should be referred to a surgical facility for removal of the retained testis
- Neither testis should be removed, and the horse should be referred or scheduled for cryptorchid castration
- A and C
Neither testis should be removed, and the horse should be referred or scheduled for cryptorchid castration
Identify this instrument.

White emasculator
In animals with urethral rupture, the accumulation of urine in the tissue may cause an inflammatory response that may result in:
sloughing of the skin of the ventral abdomen
To facilitate drainage longitudinal incision can be made on the ventral abdomen

Cryptorchidism is defined as an anomaly of testicular position. What are some other names for cryptorchid foals?
“Rig, ridgling, original, high flanker”
(Select the correct option) Excessive hemorrhage during castration:
- Usually originates from the vascular spermatic cord and may result from improper or inadequate emasculation of the vascular structures
- Predisposes the horse to eventration
- Is rarely life-threatening and requires no additional therapy
- Should be addressed by reapplication of the emasculator or placement of a clamp or ligature
- a and d
a and d
- Usually originates from the vascular spermatic cord and may result from improper or inadequate emasculation of the vascular structures
- Should be addressed by reapplication of the emasculator or placement of a clamp or ligature
At what age are horses usually castrated?
1 - 1.5 years
During surgery, the key to finding the testis is finding the __________
What is scirrhous cord formation?
Septic funiculitis - Infection often caused by Streptococcus spp.

Fluid-filled, painless swelling from the vaginal tunic describes a __________
This can be treated by draining, removing the vaginal tunic surgically, or cauterizing the vaginal tunic chemically
If you have an intraabdominal bleed, what will indicate this problem?
pale mm, high pulse rate
Removal of the tail of the epididymis is termed:
Identify this instrument.

Modified White emasculator
T/F: After the testes arrive in the scrotum, external ring diameter decreases

What is the difference between the closed and open castration technique?
- Closed: Vaginal tunic stays intact; doesn’t open the abdominal cavity
- Open: Opens the vaginal tunic; opens the abdominal cavity
At what age are farm animals usually castrated?
10-14 days
In males horses, the preferred surgical approach for removal of proximal urethral calculi is:
perineal urethrostomy
Why are farm animals usually castrated at a young age (10-14 days)?
fewer complications, less pain, better flavored meat
In abdominal cryptorchids, is left or right more common?
After releasing the pedicle back into the scrotum, you should stretch the incision manually. Why?

Allows for adequate drainage
Identify this instrument.

plain emasculator
1 crushing surface, 1 cutting surface
(Select the correct option) Postcastration edema:
- Is rare
- Is common, usually self-limiting, and resolves with adequate exercise and drainage
- Is a life-threatening complication that necessitates administration of systemic antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents
- Frequently results in peritonitis
- c and d
Is common, usually self-limiting, and resolves with adequate exercise and drainage
What are the uses for the burdizzo?

teat amputation, tail docking, bloodless castration
The urethra is surrounded by __________

corpus spongiosum
Approximately when do the testes of the foal lie in the scrotum?
1-2 weeks
In inguinal cryptorchids, is left or right more common?
(Select the correct option) Postcastration peritonitis
- Is considered septic when nucleated cell counts of the abdominal fluid exceed 10,000 cells/μL
- Is more likely to result from the open technique of castration
- Is usually inflammatory and self-limiting, but sepsis should be suspected if degenerative neutrophils and phagocytized bacteria are evident on cytologic studies
- Does not occur because the vaginal tunic does not communicate with the abdomen
- a and b
Is usually inflammatory and self-limiting, but sepsis should be suspected if degenerative neutrophils and phagocytized bacteria are evident on cytologic studies
(Select the correct option) Postcastration eventration:
- Only occurs after use of the open technique of castration
- Can occur up to 6 days after castration
- Is usually self-limiting and reduces spontaneously
- Is more likely to occur in Arabians and other high- strung breeds
- c and d
Can occur up to 6 days after castration
(Select the correct option) Prolapse of omentum from the scrotal wound
- Warrants euthanasia because of the poor prognosis
- Should be corrected by transrectal palpation and steady traction on the abdominal portion of the omentum
- Can be managed by emasculation of the prolapsed tissue in simple cases bur may require surgical correction through an inguinal approach
- Can occur months ro years after castration
- a and d
Can be managed by emasculation of the prolapsed tissue in simple cases bur may require surgical correction through an inguinal approach
What is the rule for how long to keep the emasculator on?
~1 minute per year of age
What are some etiologies for cryptorchidism?
- Improper function of gubernaculum
- Inguinal ring too small in diameter
- Hormone imbalance (estrogen shortage?)
- Hereditary? (linked to sex chromosomes?)
What are the types of cryptorchidism?
Abdominal, incomplete abdominal, inguinal

T/F: Spermatozoa are produced in the testis

(Select the correct option) Persistent masculine behavior after castration
- Results from failure to remove the epididymis during castration
- Can result from failure to remove testicular tissue during castration of a cryptorchid animal
- Does not occur
- Can be con trolled with administration of benztropine mesylate.
Can result from failure to remove testicular tissue during castration of a cryptorchid animal
T/F: Vasectomy and epididymectomy is performed as the main or supplemental method of producing teaser animals

Identify this instrument.

Serra emasculator
(Select the correct option) Hydrocele is
- A common complication of the closed technique of castration
- A result of infection of the spermatic cord
- The accumulation of serous fluid within the vaginal cavity
- More common following the open technique of castration
- c and d
c and d
- The accumulation of serous fluid within the vaginal cavity
- More common following the open technique of castration
Identify this instrument.

Hausmann emasculator
Identify this instrument.

Reimer emasculator
2 crushing surfaces, 1 cutting surface
Sertoli cells and Leydig cells are found in the __________
What are the three main structures of the gubernaculum?
- Proper ligament of the testis
- Ligament of the tail of the epididymis
- Scrotal ligament

This medication should be given to all horses post-castration:
Most common complication of castration in horses:
excessive hemorrhage
It’s imperative that horses are current on this vaccination at the time of castration:
tetanus toxoid vaccination
Incision site for equine castration:
The formation of this is said to be more likely after an open castration:
You’ve just completed a castration procedure and a short time after the horse is standing, he begins hemorrhaging excessively. Packing the castration site hasn’t resolved the issue. You call the client and recommend:
re-anesthetize to find and ligate the hemorrhaging vessel