Lameness in Cattle & Horses, Septic Arthritis/Septic Physitis Flashcards
What is the gold standard for diagnosis of septic arthritis?

When trimming hooves in cattle, the dorsal hoof wall (from the coronary band to the ground) should be roughly ____ inches, and the thickness of the sole should be roughly ____ mm
When trimming hooves in cattle, the dorsal hoof wall (from the coronary band to the ground) should be roughly 3 inches, and the thickness of the sole should be roughly 5-7 mm.

At what age is S-type septic arthritis seen in foals?
<1 week

What solutions should (and shouldn’t) be used for lavage in a case of septic arthritis?
Balanced electrolyte solution (LRS, Normosol) +/- DMSO
Do not add chlorhexidine, povidone iodine
After surgical removal of an interdigital fibroma (corn), what suture pattern is typically used to close the site?

Leave wound open to heal by 2nd intention

What organism is most commonly isolated in a case of septic arthritis?

How do you treat sole abscesses in cattle?

Does hairy foot wart occur more often in beef cattle or dairy cattle?

dairy cattle
T/F: In a case of septic arthritis in adults and foals, it is important to check the umbilicus as a source of infection
Only in foals
What is this? What are your treatment options?

vertical hoof wall crack
- If it is only superficial, you could debride
Otherwise, treat with wooden block glued onto good digit (to take away the weight bearing on the cracked hoof)
- See image below

What is the main treatment modality used for hairy foot warts?

topical antibiotics

Where are most lameness issues seen in cattle?
lateral hind foot

Papillomatous Digital Dermatitis is also known as:

Hairy Foot Wart
- More common in dairy cattle
- Infectious agent - likely spirochete (Treponema)
- Highly infectious, Severe outbreaks
- 80% in plantar aspect of hind feet

When is it acceptable to stop antibiotic treatment for septic arthritis?
Minimum 30 days and 2 weeks beyond resolution of clinical signs (whichever is longer)

T/F: Arthrotomy is contraindicated in the treatment of septic arthritis in cattle.
T/F: An appropriate treatment for chronic laminitis in a lame dairy bull is periodic corrective hoof trimming
A corn is more formally known as:

interdigital fibroma
- Growth between digits
- Becomes ulcerated and painful +/- infected
- Happens in males > Females
- Hoof trim
- Surgery - removal of corn
What is the mainstay of treatment for septic arthritis?

Early and often; large volumes (5-10 liters)
What type of septic arthritis in foals typically presents with swelling, but usually without effusion?

In cattle, the digit carrying more weight is generally more predisposed to injury. In the front limb, this is the ________ digit. In the hind limb, this is the ________ digit.
In cattle, the digit carrying more weight is generally more predisposed to injury. In the front limb, this is the medial digit. In the hind limb, this is the lateral digit.
What are the three types of septic arthritis in foals?
S, E, P
Synovial, Epiphysis, Physis
With what type of septic arthritis in foals might you be able to see subchondral lysis on radiographs?

What’s that?

Sole abscess
How often should hooves be trimmed in cattle?
every 6 months
Where is this cow’s lameness?

Right Hind Lateral Digit
This is a typical stance with lameness (abscess) of the RH lateral digit
Where is the lameness in this cow?

right front medial digit
Observe that he is putting weight on his right front lateral digit

This is the most distal nerve block performed in the horse:
palmar digital nerve block
Common shoeing/trimming prescription given for horses with caudal heel pain:
shorten/roll the toe
Forelimb lameness is often exacerbated when the horse is trotted in small circles. Exacerbation of a right forelimb lameness would be expected when the horse is trotted in this direction:
The distal limb flexion test is performed to stress and help ID lameness in the horse. This specific flexion test not only places stress on the fetlock, but also these two joints:
pastern and coffin joints
A horse displaying a head nod when head is “up” on right front limb contacts the ground is said to have a lameness associated with this limb:
right front limb
Horses undergoing arthrodesis of this joint have an 80% prognosis for return to work:
hindlimb pastern arthrodesis
This is the primary collagen found in tendons:
Type I
When evaluating a horse for a hindlimb lameness it’s helpful to focus on this structure: