Vasculature of the Head and Neck Flashcards
a cricothyrotomy can be complicated by what vein?
anterior jugular vein
jugular venous pressure/pulse can indicate what?
heart problems
cavernous sinus thrombosis is caused by drainage from what vein?
superior and inferior angular veins (near nasal area) through ophthalmic veins to cavernous sinus
describe the middle meningial a.
- supply dura and calvaria
- pterion - site of damage
- epidural hematoma site
- enters via foramen spinosum
what structures run through the cavernous sinus?
- internal carotid a., CN III, IV, V1, V2, VI run through
- CN II just runs in front
- pituitary sits inside it
name the 4 regions of the internal carotid artery

also know the relative areas within the skull where the divisions are

which foramen does the ophthalmic artery exit the skull, and which areas does it supply?
- optic canal
- all parts of orbit: retina, extraocular muscles, lacrimal gland
- ethmoid bone (nasal cavity)
- superficial branches that supply facial tissues around the eye: dorsal nasal, frontal (supratrochlear), and supraorbital
where does the superior thyroid a. come off of the external carotid a.?
describe the anastomoses that can occur with the superior thyroid a.
contralateral superior thyroid artery (ex. carotid a.) and inferior thyroid artery (thyrocervical a.)
name the 4 branches of the superior thyroid a. and what they supply. where does the branching start (which triangle)?
- superior laryngeal - larynx
- cricothyroid - larynx
- hyoid - strap muscles adjacent to hyoid bone
- SCM - sternocleidomastoid
- branching starts in carotid triangle
where does the ascending pharyngeal a. go? name its branches
- ascends deep to stylopharyngeus, anterior to ear
- pharyngeal, meningeal, and tympanic branches
what does the ascending pharyngeal artery supply?
- pharyngeal constrictors
- stylopharyngeus
- soft palate
- all soft palate muscles except levator veli palatini (middle meningeal artery)
- palatine tonsil
- meninges
- middle ear
- auditory tube
where does the superficial temporal a. go?
ascends within parotid gland, anterior to ear
where does the occipital a. go?
runs deep to posterior belly of digastric
what are the branches of the occipital a., and what do they supply?
- SCM branch - SCM
- auricular branch - posterior aspect of ear
- meningeal branch - posterior dura and cranial bones
- descending branch - suboccipital and deep back muscles of the neck
describe anastomoses created by the occipital a.
- descending branch of the occipital a., transverse cervical a. (thyrocervical trunk), and vertebral a.
what are the 3 parts of the maxillary artery and the general regions they supply?
- mandibular - ear and mandible
- pterygoid - muscles of mastication
- pterygopalatine - maxilla, palate, nasal
describe the branches of the mandibular portion of the maxillary artery that run inferiorly
- mylohyoid branch - serves mylohyoid
- inferior alveolar - teeth and gums, ends as mental a.
- mental - chin and lower lip, anastomosis with submental and inferior labial aa.
describe the branches of the mandibular portion of the maxillary artery that run superiorly
- deep auricular - TMJ, tympanic membrane, external acoustic meatus
- ant. tympanic - middle ear cavity
- middle meningial a.
name the 4 branches in the pterygoid portion of the maxillary artery (hint - serves muscles of mastication)
- temporal branch - runs superior
- masseteric branch - runs inferior
- pterygoid branches - run inferior
- buccal branch - runs inferior
name the 4 main branches of the pterygopalatine portion of the maxillary artery and their respective branches
- infraorbital (infraorbital foramen): superior alveolar - anterior/supply front teeth
- superior alveolar - middle and posterior branches
- descending palatine: greater and lesser palatine aa. (greater and lesser palatine foramen)
- sphenopalatine: posterior nasal and posterior septal branches
T or F:
the nasal wall and septum are supplied by the external carotid only
vascular supply by both ICA and ECA
- ICA: ophthalmic a. - anterior and posterior ethmoidal aa.
- ECA: maxillary a. - sphenopalatine a. - posterior septal and nasal aa.
describe Kiesselbach’s area
anastomoses of 4 arteries in nasal wall and septum (bloody nose here)
- ethmoidal a. (ophthalmic a.)
- septal a. (maxillary a.)
- greater palatine a. (maxillary a.)
- superior labial a. (facial a.)
what sits in the sella turcica?
- cavernous sinus
- pituitary gland
where does the lingual a. go?
runs deep to the hyoglossus m.
name the 3 branches of the lingual a.
- dorsal lingual
- deep lingual
- sublingual
what does the lingual a. and its branches supply?
- tongue, palatine tonsil, sublingual gland
- dorsal branch - p. tongue, tonsils
- deep branch - a. tongue
- siblingual branch - sublingual glands
describe the anastomoses within the lingual a.
- dorsal branch anastomoses with contralateral a.
T or F:
deep and sublingual branches of the lingual a. form an anastomosis
they cannot anastomose due to the lingual septum
where does the facial a. go?
runs deep to digastric sling and submandibular gland, and emerges over the body of the mandible
name the 5 branches of the facial a.
- tonsillar
- superior labial
- inferior labial
- lateral nasal
- angular
superficial course of what artery can allow manual reduction in flow at the mandible?
facial artery
describe the anastomoses of the facial a.
- anastomosis with ophthalmic a. via angular branch
- anastomosis with mental a. (inf. alveolar a.) via inferior labial a.
what do each of the branches of the facial artery supply?
- tonsillar branch - palatine tonsils
- labial branches - external surface of lips
- lateral nasal branch - dorsal and lateral surface of nose
- angular branch - dorsal nasal branch to superior ophthalmic a., external medial orbit
where does the superficial temporal artery go?
ascends within the parotid gland, anterior to ear
name the branches of the superficial temporal a.
- transverse facial
- frontal
- parietal
- zygomatic/orbital
where can a pulse be felt on the superficial temporal a.?
superior to the zygomatic arch, anterior to the ear
what do the branches of the superficial temporal a. supply?
- transverse facial branch - parotid gland, facial muscles, masseter and temporalis
- zygomatic branch - skin, muscles towards orbits
- frontal branch - skin and muscles over frontal bone, can anastomose with supraorbital arteries
- parietal branch - skin, superior auricular muscle
where does the posterior auricular artery go?
ascends superior to posterior digastric; runs between external acoustic meatus and mastoid process
T or F:
there are no major branches of the posterior auricular a.
what does the posterior auricular a. supply?
scalp and posterior ear