Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg Flashcards
What type of study is this for me?
What was the aim?
To see if there are variations in attachment between cultures using the strange situation via a meta-analysis across 8 cultures as well as looking for differences within a culture
What was the sample?
32 strange situation studies from 8 cultures
1990 children in total all under 2
How many children in total were ppts?
What controls were used?
Excluded children over 2
Excluded children with specialist needs
Only measured secure, insecure avoidant, insecure resistant
What relation ship were measured?
Mother child relationship only
What was the procedure used?
32 Strange situation methodology
Meta-analysis-secondary data
Within the 32 strange situation studies- what culture was mostly measured?
US- individualistic
What type of study was it?
Cross-cultural study
What did they compare?
Results within culture and across culture
What were the results?
- secure attachment was most common
- avoidant attachments mostbdommobly found in west Germany
- high number of resistant found in Japan and Israel
- found differences within cultures
EVALUATION- Generalisability
+ Meta-analysis large amounts of data measured
+ 1990 children- large sample
+ not ethnocentric- cross cultural research
- large focus on US studies
÷ standardised procedure
- only mother-child relationship l3se representative
-some countries like China only had 1 study- not enough data not really representative
EVALUATION- Reliability
+ standardised procedure- strange situation
+ removed extraneous variables- special needs children, children over 2, relationships other than nother-child
EVALUATION- Applicability
+ can apply to new parents knowledge about attachment
- can’t apply to other types of relationships- temporal validity
- temporal validity,- less relevant for today’s society
- publication bias
- ecological validity- structured observation
- internal validity- ethnocentric methodology
Not relevant due to know ppt contact- past studies- meta-analysis
Could argue that vi&k used pfh to make ppts aware of data being used in another study