Bowlby- attachment theory Flashcards
What is Bowlby’s attachment theory?
- evolutionary basis
- attachment is formed for babies to survive- caregiver will protect and feed child
what are the characteristics of bowlby’s attachment theory?
A-attachment S-social releasers C-critical period M-monotropy I-internal working model
EVALUATION- Bowlby’s attachment theory supporting evidence
Lorenz- baby geese go through imprinting and the critical period- supporting critical period and the evolution basis
Harlow-showed deprivation effect’s monkeys exploration, socialisation and confidence
Bowlby 44 thieves- demonstrates seperation causes delinquency and affectionless psychopathy
Hazan&Shaver- IWM supported- adult relationships do match childhood (when measured via self report)
EVALUATION- Bowlby’s attachment theory Conflicting evidence
Shaffer&Emerson- evidence that multiple attachments were formed- conflicts monotropy
EVALUATION-Bowlby’s theory of attachment Usefulness evidence
+can help parents form attachments with their babies
- reductionist- attachment only made for survival
- socially sensitive- assumes mother i primary caregiver, infers that caregiver shouldn’t work when child is young
- outdated theory- modern society e.g women’s tole
EVALUATION-Bowlby’s theory of attachment Other evidence
Learning theories- operant conditioning, positive reinforcement
EVALUATION-Bowlby’s theory of attachment Testability
evolutionary function- hard to test
What are social releasers?
social releasers are behaviours such as babies crying, smiling laughing
social releasers make the caregiver stay proximate to the child and care for them
what’s the baby face hypothesis?
babies have cute and loveable features that make the caregiver want to love and interact with the child
what is the critical period?
attachment needs to occur in this period for a healthy normal human to emerge (seperation causes emotional and intellectual issues-affectionless psychopathy)
when is the critical period?
what is monotropy?
one important bond is formed- usually mother
what is the secure/safe base in bowlby’s attachment theory?
using parent as a safe base to explore and interact with the world
what is the internal working model?
early relationship becomes a schema for future relationships- how you expect to be treated from early relationship experience