Valvular Disease Pathology Flashcards
2 Mechs Valve Defects Cause Disease
Create hemodynamic burden
Susceptible to infection -> endocarditis
Rheumatic Fever
GAS infection w/ arthritis and carditis and shit - get cross reactive Abs to heart that cause progressive fibrosis from healing of inflammatory reactions
Aschoff Bodies
Inflammatory lesions in mycardium from Rheumatism made up of fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by inflammatory shit/Anitschkow cells (
Collections of fibrin/inflammatory shit/bacteria that can buildup on valves and heart
2 Gross Features of Rheumatic Heart Disease
Thickened chordae tendinae
Mitral leaflets thickened so that orifice is a slit with “fish-mouth” appearance
Most Common Cause of Aortic Stenosis
Dystrophic calcification. Maybe normal wear and tear, but people w/ bicuspid valve develop earlier
Acute vs. Subacute Infection
Acute way worse. Probably normal valves but got some highly virulent sepsis going on like S. Aureus (often from IV drug abuse)
Tricuspid Valve Involvement in Infective Endocarditis
Almost certainly IVDA
Mechanical Deterioration of Prosthetic Valves
More common w/ bioprosthetic (pig) valves than mechanical ones. Other stuff like thrombus more common w/ mechanical