Anatomy Flashcards
Pericardium Access
Notch in lung around ~5th L IC space where you can get to w/out causing pneumothorax
Ligamentum Arteriosum
Extends from aorta to pulmonary a., L recurrent laryngeal n. passes around so if you nick it get hoarseness/laryngeal paralysis on that side
Fossa Ovalis
Remnant of foramen ovale b/w 2 atria
Chordae Tendinae
In ventricles, attach atrioventricular valves to papillary muscles
Trabeculae Carnea
Found in walls of vents (& L atrium)
Musculi Pectinati
Rough part of walls of atria (mainly R)
Marginal Band
Septomarginal trabeculae, in R vent
Valves at Systole/Diastole
Sys: Semilunars open, AVs closed
Dias: Opposite
Coronary Artery/Vein Pairs
Great cardiac vein - ant intervent a. and then circumflex a.
Middle cardiac vein and post. interventricular a.
Small cardiac v. and acute marginal a.
Acute Marginal A.
Comes off R. coronary a. around lower border
Heart Dominance
Where posterior intervent a. comes off - majority R coronary artery, occasionally circumflex a. (off L coronary a.), about 15% codominance
Cardiac Nerve (sympathetic) Pathway
Pregangs of intermediolateral cell column T1-L2, then go into sympathetic chain but don’t synapse until they ascend into cervical ganglia. Then synapse and descend back down to heart
Cardiac Plexus
Plexus of n.s right on aorta and shit that contain cardiac n.s and parasymp postgang cell bodies (and shit)
Heart Innervation Pathway
SA node -> purkinje fibers through atria -> AV bundle (of His) -> R bundle branch w/ moderator band and L bundle branch