Diuretics/CHF Flashcards
2 Kinds of Diuresis
Water Diuresis Solute Diuresis (how diuretics work)
2 Effectors of Responses to Na Depletion
AGNII-Renin System and Symp Nervous system act to increase fluid volume and Na retention
3 Edamatous Diseases (general point and specific points on how they cause)
Shift ECF out of caps into ISF, tricking kidneys to think losing fluid so it starts Na/water retention.
Congestive Heart Failure - increases venous pressure
Cirrhosis - elevates hepatic circ pressure and decreased albumin production to retain water in caps
Renal Nephrotic Syndrome - lose albumin in urine
Increased Arterial Pressure and Edema
Usually doesn’t cause, because arteriolar constriction (main culprit for increased AP) elevates pressure upstream, not downstream in caps
Response of Healthy vs. CHF Subjects to Increased Na Consumption
In a few days healthy person’s output will catch up and reach a new steady state (at somewhat higher weight). CHF won’t be able to catch up and will continue accumulating positive balance
Diuretics vs. Digitalis on Starling Curve
Symptomatic relief, but don’t increase CO so don’t affect CO/LVEDP relationship of normal Starling curve vs. shifts the curve towards normal by increasing CO but doesn’t affect LVEDP
2 Best Spots for Diuretic Action
Best (esp acute like pulmonary edema): Thick ascending LoH
Other (more long term management): early distal tubule
Early distal tubule acting diuretic
Transient Response to Sustained Diuretic (2)
Early weight loss and increased excretion, but then other parts of kidney adjust to form new steady state at this lower weight and weight loss stops. However person must stay on diuretic and Low NaCl diet or else it’ll go right back up
Also person will feel like shit at the beginning bc some fluid loss comes from plasma and the body gets really fucking pissed when you do that
3 Imperfections w/ Diuretics
Treat symptom, not problem
In beginning patient feels like ass, not better
Help restore NaCl balance but shit on other ion and water balances
Antagonists for vasporessin Rs, inhibiting water but not solute reabsorption