Value streams and processes Flashcards
What is a Value Stream in ITIL 4?
a) Definition: A series of steps an organization undertakes to create and deliver products and services to consumers.
b) Mnemonic: “VICS” - Value In Customer Satisfaction
c) Explanation: VICS reminds you that Value Streams are all about creating Value that ultimately results In Customer Satisfaction.
What is a Process in ITIL 4?
a) Definition: A set of interrelated or interacting activities that transform inputs into outputs.
b) Mnemonic: “PIT” - Process Inputs Transform
c) Explanation: Imagine throwing inputs into a PIT (Process), and they come out transformed as outputs.
What are the benefits of mapping Value Streams?
a) Answer: Identifying bottlenecks, detecting non-value-adding activities, and spotting areas for improvement.
b) Mnemonic: “MAP” - Maximize And Perfect
c) Explanation: When you MAP your value streams, you can Maximize efficiency And Perfect your processes.
What is Value Stream Optimization?
a) Definition: Adding new activities or modifying existing ones to make the organization more productive.
b) Mnemonic: “VSO” - Very Smooth Operations
c) Explanation: Value Stream Optimization leads to Very Smooth Operations in your organization.
What should an organization be able to answer about its Value Streams and Processes?
a) Answer:
1. What is the generic delivery model for the service?
2. What are the value streams involved?
3. Who or what performs the required service actions?
b) Mnemonic: “WMW” - What, Map, Who
c) Explanation: Remember to ask What (delivery model), Map (value streams), and Who (performs actions).
What does the ‘Value Streams and Processes’ dimension cover in ITIL 4?
a) Answer:
- How activities are organized
- Activities the organization undertakes
- How value creation is ensured for all stakeholders efficiently and effectively
b) Mnemonic: “OAV” - Organize Activities for Value
c) Explanation: This dimension helps you Organize Activities to create Value efficiently.