Focus on value Flashcards
What is the core idea of the “Focus on Value” principle in ITIL 4?
a) Everything a service provider does should create value for the customer and/or the organization.
b) Mnemonic: “CVP” - Customer Value Priority
c) Explanation: CVP reminds you that Customer Value is the Priority in this principle.
Who determines what is valuable in the “Focus on Value” principle?
a) The customer determines what is valuable, not the service provider.
b) Mnemonic: “CAVE” - Customer Always Values Everything
c) Explanation: CAVE emphasizes that the Customer Always determines what they Value, not Everything the provider thinks is valuable.
What are some forms of value for the service consumer?
a) Increased productivity, reduced negative impact, reduced costs, ability to pursue new markets, better competitive position.
b) Mnemonic: “PRICE” - Productivity, Reduced impact, Improved costs, Competitive edge
c) Explanation: PRICE covers the main forms of value, reminding you that value often relates to financial or competitive advantages.
What does CX stand for in the context of “Focus on Value”?
a) Customer Experience
b) Mnemonic: “CEX-y Service” - Customer EXperience makes your service attractive
c) Explanation: This playful mnemonic links CX to making your service appealing to customers.
What are the key points to consider when applying the “Focus on Value” principle?
a) Know how consumers use services, encourage focus on value among staff, focus on value during normal operations and improvements, include value focus in every step of improvement initiatives.
b) Mnemonic: “KEFF” - Know, Encourage, Focus, Follow-through
c) Explanation: KEFF summarizes the four key actions to apply the principle effectively.
Why is understanding the service consumer crucial in “Focus on Value”?
a) To know why they use services, what the services help them do, how services help meet their goals, and the role of costs and risks.
b) Mnemonic: “WWHC” - Why, What, How, Costs/risks
c) Explanation: WWHC outlines the key aspects of understanding your service consumer.
How does Customer Experience (CX) relate to value?
a) CX encompasses all customer interactions with an organization and its products, forming the customer’s overall view of their experience.
b) Mnemonic: “ALL-In” - ALL Interactions
c) Explanation: “ALL-In” reminds you that CX includes ALL customer Interactions, not just some.