Washingtons time in _______ was a __________ experience.
Valley forge
Hessians were ______hired by the ________ to fight the Americans
German soldiers
The __________ attempted to force colonists to remain in the ________costal region of North America
Proclamation line of 1763
What treaty ended the American revolution?
Treaty of Paris 1783
Colonists wanted to move west, past the _________ mountains to have access to more _______________
Land and economic recourses and expand opportunities
The British felt they could _____ the colonies without _________ because they had to protect the colonists during the ___________
French and Indian war
Newspapers, wills, playing cards, and other printed materials were taxed by the __________
Stamp act
_________was forced to _______in Virginia because the US and the_______had_________them.
Surrender to America
The ____formed to ______ the unfair taxes Britain placed on the colonies
Sons of liberty
The Virginia plan was created by _______
James madison
Roger Sherman helped bring compromise as he designed the ______ and the _________
House of Representatives
The constitution created these three branches of the government
Changes to the constitution are
The bill of rights protects
Rights of individuals
_______contributed to the _______
John jay
Federalist papers
The colonists wanted the new USA to be a
_____was famous for his ride that earned that the British were coming to __________built up in concord
Paul revere
Take the weapons
Thomas Paine wrote ______ to stress that the __________
Common sense
Actions of king George iii were oppressive
Who wrote the declaration of sentiments
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
______wrote the Declaration of Independence. A section of the DOI was removed that was a grievance ___________
Thomas Jefferson
That blamed the king for slave trade
Who led the continental army
George washington
Losing _______was washingtons first defeat
New york
The British considered the Americans to be breaking the rules of warfare and were appalled that they were __________
Targeting their officers
______ helped turn the American army into a disciplined force
Baron van Steuben
Loyalists believe that a revolution was
The battle of ______ was a turning point because afterward the _____ joined forces with the Americans
What movement inspired the colonies to revolt and become their own nation
The enlightenment
Montesquieu influenced the constitution with the ___________
3 branches of government
______ strongly urged protection of ________
Freedom of speech
Why did anti federalists oppose the constitution?
It made the federal government too powerful
The first document that formed the basis for how our federal government would operate is the
Articles of confederation
The articles were weak because there was no clear way to address ______no way to ___________ and only ________was given to eac h state. The articles weaknesses were demonstrated by ________
Raise federal money
One vote
Shay’s rebellion
Salutary neglect
The British let the colonist basically govern themselves because they were profiting from them. when they tried to tax and govern the colonies later the revolution began
French and Indian war
A war fought between the British and the Native Americans. it was expensive and forced Britain to tax the colonies
Stamp act
Attacks on paper items that angered the colonists
Battle of Saratoga
A major victory for the Americans that caused the French to enter the war
Common sense
Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that criticize king George the third and told Americans to revolt