Urology - Stones Flashcards
name for stones?
which 3 places do stones usually form?
pelviuteric junction
pelvic brim
vesicouteric junction
risk factors for nephrolithiasis?
obese dehydrated male Hx Vit C/D Abx HIV meds
features of nephrolithiasis?
loin to groin pain N+V bladder irritability genital pain pelvic pain UTI features
what are nephrolithiasis commonly made of?
calcium oxalate
struvite (infection)
what complication of the kidney can occur due to nephrolithiasis?
Ix for nephrolithiasis?
non contrast CT KUB
what bloods should be done for nephrolithiasis? what are you looking for?
FBC (infection) U+Es, creatinine Ca (hyperparathyroidism) PO4 urate (gout)
Tx for nephrolithiasis?
pain control
stone removal
what are the criteria for stone removal?
<2cm - lithotripsy
<2cm and pregnant - ureteroscopy
> - percutaneous nephrolithotomy
if any hydronephrosis - nephrostomy