Urology Flashcards
Next step for elderly + episode of visible, painless haematuria
Refer for urology - 2ww as concern transitional Ca of the bladder
Epididymal cyst features
- Painless
- Superior to testis
- Well-defined
- Transilluminates
Urethral stricture features
- Poor urine flow
- Taking longer to empty bladder
- No other urinary syx
Hydrocoele features
- Painless
- Swelling of one side of scrotum
- Soft, fluctuant
- Transilluminates
Histological findings for teratoma
areas of mature cartilage and columnar epithelium
Acute urinary retention ix
ward based bladder scan
Chronic urinary retention ix
Acute urinary retention mx
Prolonged large urine prod after catheter
post obstructive diuresis
LUTS w nocturnal enuresis
high Pa chronic urinary retention
5 drug classes which commonly result in urinary retention
- antipain (analgesics)
- antidepressants
- antipsychotics
- antihistamines
- anticongestants
Low Pa v high Pa chronic urinary retention
Low pa
- no hydronephrosis
- normal U&Es
High pa
- hydronephrosis, or
- abn U&Es
Chronic urinary retention mx
Low Pa
- Monitor LUTS and renal function
± catheter if syx
High Pa
- Urgent catheter
- future - ISC, LTC or TURP (transurethral resection of prostate)
Painless lump in male >60
Benign seminoma
Painless lump in young m & B-hCG+
Non-seminoma, likely choriocarcinoma subtype
Prolonged pain + swollen testicle, hx >1 days
epipdidymo-orchitis (STI v ecoli)
P-ALP tumour marker
yolk sack tumour (non seminoma)
Epididymo-orchitis mx
- abx
± admit
Haematocoele/ painful varicocoele mx
2 week ref to urology w scrotal uss
Traumatic haematocoele mx
admission for observation ± drainage
Most common testicular ca subtype in infancy-age 4
Primary spread route for testicular ca
lymph node - para-aortic