Additional content Flashcards
Light’s criteria
Used to differentiate between transudative and exudative pleural effusions.
- Pleural fluid protein to serum protein ratio > 0.5
- Pleural fluid LDH to serum LDH ratio > 0.6
- Pleural fluid LDH level greater than two-thirds the upper limit of normal for serum LDH
^ if at least one is true, pleural effusion considered exudative –> underlying path process, e.g., infections, malignancy, PE; if none, then more likely something like HF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome
Pseudomonas aeurginosa cellulitis abx
Chronic osteomyelitis mx
Surgical debridement + abx
Radial nerve movement
wrist and finger extension
What is this?
pityriasis rosea
Pityriasis rosea features
Oval patch of scaly skin followed by widespread rash of smaller scaly patches, sometimes itchy.
Usually gets better on own within 12 weeks. Syx can be trx w moisturising creams, steroid creams and antihistamines.
Opioid withdrawal mx
dilated pupils and abdominal pain, sweaty
Opioid withdrawal
Hip # physical exam finding
Leg shortened + int rotated
What # is this and mx
No displacement: closed reduction -> thumb spica
Displacement: K wires
What is this and mx
Pseudo bennett’s
Immobilisation + sling
Leukaemia ix to confirm dx
Immunophenotyping using flow cytometry
Mumps mx
supportive care
Campylobacter jejuni mx
myalgia, supraclavicular lymph nodes, jaundice, and oral ulcers in a patient who traveled to South Africa
Chemo N+V mx
Raised ICP N+V mx
Bitemporal superior quadrantonopia
Pituitary tumour rupture/haemorrhage
Median n distr of hand
palm side - thumb, INDEX, MIDDLE finger and that half of palm
Tinel’s sign
tingling or “pins and needles” feeling you get when your healthcare provider taps your skin over a nerve
thenar wasting
chronic median N compression
Patient has had surgery, has pain on passive straight leg raise
Compartment syndrome
hip # - which n at danger?
Sciatic n
Pemphigoid v pemphigus
Bullous pemphigoid
- OLD people
- blisters tense, firm
- not usually oral
Pemphigus vulgaris
- middle aged
- blisters rupture easy
- oral lesions common
Most common type of bladder ca
Transitional cell carcinoma
Lung ca + facial flushing
Carcinoid syndrome - release of 5HT
Apache II
ICU mortality prediction score
Intermittent nippol bleeding
Duct papilloma
Digitorum profundus tendons
Flex DIPJ of all fingers (excl thumb)
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Flex PIPJ of all fingers (excl thumb)
Extensor digitorum communis
Extend all fingers (excl thumb)
*Extensor digiti minimi helps w pinky
*Extensor indiis proprius helps w index
Flexor pollicis longus
Bends thumb
Extensor pollicis longus
Extends thumb at IPJ
Extensor pollicis brevis
Extends thumb at MCPJ
Achilis tendon rupture ix
visuospatial problems
Parietal lobe
Delirium mx
Gram negative diplococcus causes an STI
ASA (American society of anaesthesiologists) mortality scale
1 - healthy
2 - mild systemic disease w no functional limitation
3 - severe systemic disease w functional limitation
4 - severe systemic disease - constant threat to life
5 - pt unlikely to survive 24h ± op
Man in office had episodes of smelling something funny and then went into a daze or a ‘trance like state’. No headache.
Idiopathic epilepsy
Lateral medullary syndrome/Wallenberg syndrome
Acute continuous vertigo due to posterior inferior cerebellar artery stroke
- Horner syndrome
- Ptosis
- Slurred speech
Pt with PKD most likely kind of head bleed
Ank spond flare
- Biologic (e.g., infliximab)
Angina mx (chronic and stable)
- Beta blocker or Ca channel blocker
- on Isosorbide mononitrate
Tongue deviation - where is lesion?
Same side on hypoglossal nerve
Long incubation period for GI infx
Giardia and amoebiasis
- Giardiasis diarrhoea more watery and foul smelling + bloating + gas
- Amoebiasis blood and mucus ± fever/chills/abdo tenderness
months fever + RIF + diarrhoea ±bloody
Lump on neck that moves with swallowing/lifting tongue
thyroglossal cyst
Otitis media common causative agent
Strep pneumoniae
Anuria + ureteric dilatation ix
DMARD that causes retinopathy
DMARD that causes azoospermia and bone marrow suppression
darkened red reflex and problems with night vision
Toxoplasmosis v lymphoma CT
Toxo: multiple lesions
single lesion + crosses corpus callosum
Head of pancreas ca mx (w/ invasion)
Resectable: Whipple to remove tumour + involved vessels
Unresectable: chemo
2.5cm firm breast lump not tethered to skin and no skin changes
ductal carcinoma
PBC histology
inflam/destr small bile ducts & hepatocytes
- sudden vertigo
- sensorineural hearing loss (can fluctuate)
- tinnitus
- gradual hearing loss (!conductive)
Commonest cause of corneal ulceration
Painful vesicular derm lesion on one side of face around forehead, eye and cheek.
No bicep reflex, hand held in
Erb’s palsy - upper brachial plexus
facial n palsy
pred up to 72h
Felty’s syndrome
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) and a decreased white blood cell count (neutropenia)
Young adult has come from Africa 2 weeks ago. He has fever night sweats, weight loss and a neck lump. What is the cause?
BPH mx
1st line: alpha blocker, e.g., tamsulosin
2nd line: 5 alpha reductase inhibitor, e.g., finasteride
THyroid - calcitonin
Warm HA v cold HA
- IgG ab +ve
- IgGab -ve