PACES Flashcards
Conservative: Trial probiotics, FODMAP
Medical: Loperamide for diarrhoea, antispasmodics (hyoscine bromide) for cramps
- H pylori (stool antigen)
- Oesophageal pH via manometry
H Pylori eradication
PPI plus 2 antibiotics i.e. amoxicillin and clarithromycin) for 7 days
PUD surgical mx
resection if severe
GE mx
Cons: oral rehydr salts (IV fluids if needed), isolate to prevent spread until 48h after syx resolve,
Med: abx in severe cases/ depending on org
Systems r/v to ask for CP
- Dizziness
- Palp
- Tingling/numbness
- Reflux
CVD Ix (bloods)
- Glucose
- Lipids
Stable angina mx
1. GTN
2. BB or CCB
(if both - then must be dihydropiridine CCB e.g., nifedipine) - ! decreasing the heart’s workload and oxygen demand
2ndry prev: Aspirin, ACEi, statin
Surg: PCI or CABG
Dizzy spell px ddx
- Arrhythmia, e.g., AF
- Valve disease, e.g., Aortic stenosis
- HF
- Anxiety/panic attack
Dizzy spell px ix
Bedside: Lying standing BP
Bloods: U&Es, NTproBNP
Cons: cardio ref / hosp admission if tachy++
- Rate control: B-blocker, CCB, or digoxin (sedentary lifestyle)
all pt rate control unless asyx/new onset within 48h/reversible cause/
- Rhythm control: Fleicanide, or amiodarone (structural heart disease)
- Long term anticoag w DOAC (or warfarin) according to CHADVASC
(For paroxysmal AF: Consider pill in the pocket strategy i.e. flecainide/ amiodarone.)
Surg: ablation trx
How does AF cause stroke?
Normally, blood flows into the heart, and gets fully pumped out every time the heart beats. But in AF, blood can pool inside the heart. A clot can form in the blood and then travel up to the brain, causing a stroke
Why DOAC over warfarin
wider therapeutic window, rapid onset of action, stable and predictable
Testicular torsion ddx
- Epididymoorchitis
- Hydrocoele or haematocoele
- Incarcerated hernia
TT Mx if orchidopexy fails
- Orchidectomy (removing the affected testicle) if surgery is delayed or necrosis occurs
- Follow-up for fertility issues and hormonal consequences, whether viable or non-viable testicle and offer counselling
- Psychotherapy as required
- Consider implantation of a prosthesis if an orchidectomy is performed
TT pathophysiology and RF
Testis rotates around its own axis, causing twisting of the blood vessels that supply it. This leads to ischaemia (lack of blood flow) and subsequent damage to the testicular tissue
RF: trauma, undescended testis, prior intermittent torsion
GRACE score
Estimates admission-6 month mortality for patients with acute coronary syndrome
MI complx
- Death
- Heart failure
- Valve disease
- Embolism
- Recurrence
Raised troponin causes
- MI
- Aortic dissection
- PE
- HF
- Loading dose antiplatelet: aspirin and clop 300mg
2ndry prevention
- ACEi
- BB (or CCB)
- Statin
- Cardiac rehab programme
- ECHO post MI
Lumps in neck ddx
- Lymphoma
- Lymphadenopathy
- Infx mononucleosis/glandular fever
Lymphoma ix
- HIV test
- EBV monospot
- Excisional lymph node biopsy
- Bone marrow aspirate (if B syx)
- PET (staging)
Classification for lymphoma
Stage I: one node or group of adjacent nodes
stage II: two or more nodal groups, same side of diaphragm
stage III: nodes on both sides of the diaphragm
stage IV: diffuse or disseminated involvement
Addison Ix
Bedside: lying standing BP
Bloods: iron studies, glucose, TFTs, renin/aldosterone
TSH/Prolactin /FSH / LH ( assess hypothalamic-pituitary axis)
screening test: 9am cortisol level (usually high, but low in Addisons)
confirmatory dx: short synACTHen test (will see that cortisol still doesn’t rise:()
Imaging/special tests: CT adrenals
steroids SEs
- Cushings
- Weight gain
- Thinning of skin
- Immunosuppression
Drowsy + T1 Diabetes hx Ddx
- Dehydration
- Rule out infx
Diabetic emergency mx
- Frequent monitoring
- DVT prophylaxis
- Diabetics team/endo r/v
- Consider HDU if severely unwell
- Consider NG tube for drowsy/vomiting pts
Blood glucose targel levels!
Before meals
2h after meals
1) 48mmol/L for dx of diabetes
2) 48mmol/L target if no trx
3) 53mmol/L target if on trx
DKA dx criteria
Blood glucose >= 11mmol/L
pH <7.3
Types of insulin
- Rapid acting (15 mins): humalog
- Short acting (30 mins): humulin R
- Intermediate acting (2-4h): humulin N
- Long acting (several hours): lantus
Acromeglay ddx
(looks like it but w/o incr GH)
Causes: obesity, insulin resistance, hypothyroidism
Acromegaly ix
Bedside: BM/HbA1c, ECG
Bloods: IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), oral glucose tolerance test, prolactin, triglycerides, GHRH, cortisol/estradiol/testost
Imaging: ECHO, MRI brain/hypothal, CT scan (to check for lung/pancreas/adrenal/ovarian tumours in ectopic production)
Acromegaly mx
- Pit adenoma: trans-sphenoidal pituitary tumour removal
- Ectopic: ca removal
- Familial cause, e.g., MEN 1: genetic counselling
Meds to suppress GH:
- Somatostatin analogue, e.g., octreotide
- Dopamine agonist, e.g., bromocriptine + cabergoline
Pathophys of acromegaly
Pituitary gland releases too much GH -> signals liver to produce insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) -> causes bones and body tissue to grow.
Acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma)
benign tumour on vestibular nerve
Acoustic neuroma ix and mx
- Audiometry to assess hearing loss (sensorineural)
- MRI or CT head to establish dx
- ENT referral
Conservative: monitor growth if no syx
- Radiotherapy to reduce/stop tumour growth
- Microsurg to remove tumour
Crohn’s mx
(!quit smoking)
Induce: PO pred / IV hydro
Maintain: azathioprine
UC mx
Induce: if mild- mod, PO/PR mesalazine; if severe, IV hydro
Maintain: mesalazine (Aminosalicylates)
Surg: panproctocolectomy
NY HF classification
1 - no syx/ no limitation ADL
2 - mild syx / slight limitation
3 - only comf at rest / sig limitation
4 - syx at rest / severe limitation
Qs for hepatobiliary
- Jaundice
- Pale stool
- Dark urine
- Itchiness
Ix for hepatobiliary
- Iron studies (haemochromatosis)
- Viral hep screen
- Antibodies: Anti-smooth muscle (AI hep), Anti-mitochondiral (PBC), p-ANCA(PSC)
Viral hep (B and C) mx
- Hep ref
- Analgesia: paracetamol
- Itch: chlorphenamine
- minimise transmission - pt education
- consider GUM referral
- contacts for hep vax
Antivirals - hepB:interferon alpha, hepC: ribavirin
AI hep mx
- Steroids
- Azathioprine (immuno suppr)
Child Pugh score
Cirrhosis severity and mortality (BR, albumin, INR, ascites, encephalopathy)
Thyrotoxicosis mx
- Supportive care: O2, fluids, electr repl
- Anti-thyorid meds: PTU
- Steroids: prednisolone (reduce inflamm and lower thyroid levels)
- v severe: plasmapheresis
Cushings Ix
Cushings syndrome
1. 24h urinary cortisol OR overnight (low dose) 1mg dexamethasone suppression test OR salivary cortisol
2. If +ve, perform 2nd test from above -> positive = confirmed
(dexamethasone is basc acting on same Rs as cortisol, so we should get -ve feedback and thus low cortisol)
Cushings disease
Serum midnight ACTH -> normal/high
^High dose dexamethasone suppression test
- If suppressed -> cushing’s disease -> pituitary MRI
- If not suppressed -> ectopic ACTH -> CT TAP
Serum midnight ACTH -> low
^ACTH independent cause -> CT TAP ?adrenal carcinoma
Cushings mx
- Identify + treat underlying cause
- Syx mx: HTN, high blood sugar, osteop
- First line: transsphenoidal surgery to remove pit tumour ± adjuvant radiation
- Medication: Ketoconazole - lower cortisol // neoadjuvant
Lung ca mx
- SCLC: chemo, e.g., cisplatin
- NSCLC: immunotherapy, e.g., tyrosine-kinase inhib
- SVCO: IV dexameth -> radiotherapy or SVC stenting
Lobectomy + adjuvant chemo & radio (more for NSCLC which is more localised)
HF Ix to ask
BNP and ECHO !!
COPD cons mx
- Vaccinations incl pneumococcal, influenza and COVID
- Pulm rehab
- Personalised self-mx plan
- Good inhaler technique
Bronchitis and emphysema
Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi in the lungs that causes coughing.
Emphysema is damage to alveoli
Combo inhaler therapy asthma
MART - combo of corticosteroid preventer and long acting bronchodilator
1)ILD caused by asbestosis/silicosis
2) ILD caused by exposure to hay/dust/birds
1) Pneumoconiosis
2) Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- Vacc: pneumococcal, influenza + COVID
- Physio + pulm rehab
- Advanced care planning
- IPF: anti-fibrotics, e.g., pirfenidone
- Hypersens pneumonitis: avoid antigen, PO gluococorticoids
- Advanced: LTOT
- Lung transpl
1)AS associations
2)AS Mx
1) Uveitis, IBD
2) Regular:NSAIDs
Steroids during flares -> biologics: anti-NF (e.g., infliximab)
Surg: may be required to fix spine deform
Extra articular manifestations RA
- Rheumatoid nodules
- Secondary sjogrens (dry eyes, dry mouth)
- Carpal tunnel
Gout !blood test
Serum urate
PMR v polymyalgia v fibromyalgia
PMR - inflamm disease; bilat pain and stiffness of shoulders, hips, neck; clinical + raised ESR & CRP
PM - inflamm disease; proximal muscle weakness; clinical + CK, lactate dehydrog raised, muscle biopsy
FM - chronic pain disorder widespread MSK pain and tenderness
PMR mx
Cons: NSAIDs, PT+OT, rheum
Med: Steroids + PPI, osteoprophylaxis (bisphos, Ca, vit D), consider steroid-sparing/immunosuppressants (MTX + folate)
SLE mx
1st line (non severe): hydroxychloroquine
(±NSAIDs&Corticosteroids&immunosuppr, e.g., MTX, biologics, e.g., rituximab)
Pathophys SLE
In SLE, the immune system produces antibodies that target and attack various parts of the body, including the skin, joints, kidneys, lungs, and other organs.
SLE Complx + related diseases
- Kidney disease
- Pulm disease
- Infx
- Osteopor
Rhabdo and Ix
Occurs when damaged muscle tissue releases its proteins and electrolytes (K+, Na, Ca) into the blood. These substances can damage the heart and kidneys and cause permanent disability or even death.
- Urine myoglobin
- CK, ABG (met acidosis)
Rhabdo mx
- IV fluids
- Correct complx, e.g., hyperK or arrhythmia
- Consider withholding nephrotoxic drugs
- Consider IV mannitol (impr eGFR and oedema surrounding muscle and nerves)
- Consider haemodialysis if renal function doesnt improve
Cluster headache mx
High flow O2 + triptans
prophy - verapamil
Stroke mx
! Refer to acute stroke unit
- 300mg STAT dose PO aspirin
- Thrombectomy (6h) / thrombolysis (4.5h)
- Neurosurgeon referral
- Reverse if on warfarin
- Monitor BP and gradually lower as necessary to prevent further bleed
- TED stockings
(2ndry prevention incl clopidogrel 75mg daily)
Pathophys MG
Autoimmune disease of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) caused by antibodies that attack components of the postsynaptic membrane, impair neuromuscular transmission, and lead to weakness and fatigue of skeletal muscle.
MG Complx
- Myasthenic crisis (worsening of muscle weakness, resulting in respiratory failure that requires intubation and mechanical ventilation)
- Dysphagia
MG mx
- Pt education and support
- Ref to specialist neuromusc services
- Reg monitoring syx
- Syx mx: AChesterase inhib - pyridostigmine
- Immunomodulatory mx: corticosteroids/azathioprine/rituximab - pt w mod-severe/don’t respond adequately to syx trx
! Thymectomy should be considered for all pts
Seizure meds
Generalised tonic clonic & absence & atonic & myotonic: sodium valproate
focal: carbamaz/lamotr
Triggers for epileptic seizures
- Lack of sleep
- Missed meds
- Stress
- Alcohol
MS ddx and ix
- Vit B12 deficiency
- Vit b12
- MRI brain/spinal cord (demyelinating lesions)
- LP (oligoclonal bands in MS, elevated in GBS
- Nerve conduction studies (slow in GBS)
MS mx
- Relapsing-remitting: immunomodulator - interferon beta
- Primary progressive: anti CD20 MAB
- Neuropathic pain: amitryptiline
- Spasticity: baclofen
- Psychotherapy
MS eye condition assoc
Optic neuritis (50%) - inflamm of optic N
- Pain worse w eye movement
- Vision loss one eye
- Loss vision colour
- FLashing lights
Mx hx Qs
- Fatigue
- low mood
- Vertigo
- Vision
- Bowel/bladder
- Speech issues
BCC types
Nodular, superficial spreading, sclerosing, pigmented
BCC and SCC Ix and Mx
1) Dermoscopy, excisional biopsy + histology ± CT/MRI for spread
2) Surgical excision and closure / radiotherapy / 5-fluorouracil / cryotherapy / curettage and ekectodesiccation / Moh’s micrographic surgery!
Acne patho
Combo of: excess sebum production + follicular plugging with sebum and keratinocytes + colonisation of follicles by cutibacterium acnes
Acne mx
1. Mild-mod: Retinoids
2. Severe: retinoids + benzoyl peroxide + PO abx
PO (not resp to topical)
3. Mod-sev: PO abx
4. Sev/scarring: isotetrinoin
*referral to derm if severe/scarring or no response to initial treatments
Eczema steroids weak to strong
- Hydrocortisone
- Eumovate
- Betnovate
- Dermovate
Eczema patho
people with eczema suffer from the condition due to a lack of filaggrin. Filaggrin is a protein responsible for building a strong, protective skin barrier
Cellulitis patho
skin is disrupted and microorganisms invade the subcutaneous tissues
Psoriasis mx
Topical steroids / vit D analogue / phototherapy
Psoriasis v eczema
Psoriasis - scalp, elbow, knees, lower back; thick, scaly silver/white patches
Eczema - backs of knees, inside elbows, face; red, itchy, inflamed skin
Types of psoriasis
- Plaque (most common)
- Scalp
- Nail
- Guttate
- Pustular (dangerous)
How does cholecystitis cause shoulder pain?
when GB inflamed and swollen, irritates your phrenic nerve
murphys sign
Acute chole, elicit by asking pt hold deep breath while palpating R subcostal area-> pain
SBO (adhesions) ddx
- Bowel perf
- Bowel isch
- Diverticular disease