Urology Flashcards
Noninfective cause ofepididymiorchitis
Infective cause of epididymiorchitis is
gonorrhoea or chlamydia
Ureteric Calculus pain
ureteric calculus pain radiates to Loin is classical sign due to ilio hy pogastricarea.
Diff b /w bulbar and memb urethral injury
Bulbar will be dueto fall from bike with legs apart
Memb : Pelvic# with no prostateon rectal exam
Normal PSA level
ormal upper limit for PSA is 4ng/ml
Mc site prostate Cancer is
Peripheral Zone 70%
1st node to be affected in Prostate Ca
Lymphatic spread occurs first to the internal iliac
low risk menfor Prostate Cancer
clinical stage T1c, Gleason score 3+3 and PSA density < 0.15 ng/ml/ml who have cancer in less than 50% of their biopsy cores, with < 10 mm of any core involved
SChistoma Hema tobiom causes
Bladder Calcification
-Howto asses failing kidney transplant
MAG 3 renogram
when adrenal masS is considered malignant
> 4cm in size 25% ofthem are malignant
How to exclude Bladder outflow obstruction
Uroflowmetry (a flow rate of >15ml/second helps to exclude BOO)
which test to asses renal scaring
lthough MAG 3 renograms may provide some information relating to the structural integrity of the kidney, many still consider a DMSA scan to be the gold standard for the detection of renal scarring (which is the main concern in PUJ obstruction and infections).
Testsfor these Kidney issues
1. Renal scaring
2. GFR
4. Degree of reflux from bladder
5. Stones
.3 MAG3 renoogram
4. mcuG Scan
5. Non contrast CT
Trimethoprim in Rx of
common sequelae of vasectomy
Sperm granulomas
Low flow vs high flow priapism
Low: dark blood on aspiration ( dangerous)
High: bright red
Clearance after vasectomy by
is usually taken after 12-16 weeks post procedure (and prefer after 24 ejaculates).
intravesical BCG therapy isgiven in
Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder may be treated with intravesical BCG therapy.
Cysteine stones
They are radio opaque but diff from Calcium stones is their hereditary nature
child us adult surgery for hydrocele
child by inguinal approach
adult by scrotal app(Lords and Jabolay procedure)
Keypoints of RCC
Frank Hematuria
Stones after radiotherapy
uric acid stones
p H and stones
1 Low
2 High
3. Normal
4 variable
1 Uric Acid
2 Storvite, Ca phosphate
3 Cysteine, Ca phosphate
4 Ca oxalate