Urogenital II Flashcards
- pouch of skin divided by a median septum into two compartments
- each compartment has a testis, an epididymis, and the distal part of the spermatic cord
- scrotal raphe - external mark of the scrotal septum
- left testis is usually farther caudal than the right
Layers of the scrotum
- skin = thin, pigmented, covered with few hairs
- tunica dartos = smooth muscle layer, contraction causes the scrotal skin to retract and draw the testes close to the body
scrotal ligament
connects the tunica dartos to the ligament of the tail of the epididymis
Scrotum - cat
- located just ventral to anus
- lies on the short, caudally directed penis
- located in scrotum obliquely with long axis running dorsocaudally
- nearly spherical
- enclosed in tunica vaginalis, spermatic and cremasteric fasciae, which are connected to tunica dartos
- epididymis is attached to the dorsolateral surface of testis, with head at the cranial extremity and tail at the caudal extremity
Layers of the Testes
- scrotal skin
- tunica dartos
- scrotal septum
- external spermatic fascia
- parietal layer of vaginal tunic
- visceral layer of vaginal tunic
- tunica albuginea
Attachments of the Testes
Proper ligament of the testis
-attaches the testis to the tail of the epididymis
Ligament of the tail of the epididymis
-attaches the tail of epididymus to the vaginal tunic and spermatic fascia
Scrotal Ligament
-attaches tunica dartos and ligament of tail of epididymis
Epididymis: Function and Parts
- spermatozoa are stored before ejaculation
- lies along dorsolateral border of testis
- head (caput) = begins on cranial medial surface of testis but immediately twists toward lateral side
- body (corpus) = runs along the dorsolateral surface of testis
- tail (cauda epididumis) = attached to the caudal extremity of testis by the proper ligament of the testis
As the epididymis continues craniodorsally, what is it?
ductus deferens
visceral vaginal tunic that attaches the medial edge of the epididymis to the testis
testicular bursa
- potential spaced created by the mesorchium passing medially over the lateral surface of the epididymis
- limited cranially and caudally by epididymal head and tail
Ductus Deferens
-AKA Vas Deferens
-continuation of the tail of the epididymis
-passes cranially along
dorsomedial border of testis
-enters abdominal cavity at vaginal ring
-right and left ducts enter the genital fold
Blood supply to the testis and epididymis
- testicular artery
- artery of ductus deferens
Pampiniform Plexus
extensive plexus formed by the testicular vein
Spermatic Cord
- begins at vaginal ring
- pass through inguinal canal during descent of testis