Urogenital Flashcards
Where is the urogenital ridge found?
in the dorsal part of the embryologic kidney
What are the 3 attempts to make the kidney called?
pronephros mesonephros metanephros
Where does the pronephric attempt occur?
most cranial attempt; in the neck
What does the pronephric attempt become?
the mesonephric duct
How does the mesonephros attempt of the kidney degrade?
once it reaches its maximum size, it degenerates from cranial to caudal
How many tubules of the pronephric attempt form a duct?
seven to eight
What is another name for the mesonephric duct?
Wolffian duct
How many tubules of the mesonephric attempt form a duct?
In amphibians and fish, which attempt becomes the adult kidney?
the mesonephros
What is the metanephros?
the attempt of kidney creation that becomes the adult kidney
What structures create the adult kidney?
the metonephric diverticulum and the metonephrogenic mass
Where is the metonephric diverticulum located?
comes off of the mesonephric duct
What does the metonephric diverticulum differentiate the surrounding mesoderm into?
the metanephrogenic mass
What does the metanephrogenic mass give rise to?
the urine conducting part of the kidney (functional unit)-ureter, renal pelvis, calyxes and collecting ducts
How are nephrons formed?
metanephric diverticulum causes areas within the metanephrogenic mass to differentiate into renal vesicles which will transition into metanephric tubules which creates nephrons
What cases variations in kidneys between species?
the differences between interactions of the metanephrogenic mesenchyme and the metanephric diverticulum
What does the bladder develop as an extension of?
the urachus and the cranial end of the urogenital sinus
What does the urogenital sinus become in the male?
pelvic urethra and penile urethra
What does the urogenital sinus become in the female?
pelvic urethra, vestibule and the caudal vagina
In early development, what does the mesonephric duct go into?
it goes directly into the bladder
What does the mesonephric duct become in the adult?
the ductus deferens in males
What does the metanephric diverticulum become in the adult?
the ureter, pelvis, calyces, papillary ducts, and collecting tubules
How does the mesonephric duct and the metanephric diverticulum become in the correct places that they should be in the adult?
the bladder grows dorsally so that the future ureter and ductus deferens empty into it separately, and then differential growth causes them to switch places so that the ureter empties into the bladder and the ductus deferens empties into the urethra
ectopic kidneys
the kidney could be sitting in the pelvic cavity
patent urachus
when the urachus does not close right after birth and urine still flows through the allantoic cavity
ectopic ureter
when the ureter is not opening in the correct location
What structure gives rise to male structures?
mesonephric duct
What structure gives rise to female structures?
paramesonephric duct
What suppresses the paramesonephric duct in males?
the mullerian inhibiting substance and testosterone
What are the gondal cords formed by?
disintegrating mesonephric tubules
What do the mesonephric tubules become?
the seminiferous tubules, rete testis, efferent ductus
What does the mesonephric duct become?
ductus deferens, epididymis
What type of tissue is the gubernaculum?
mesenchymal type tissue
How does the gubernaculum function?
hyaluronic acid brings water into the gubernaculum causing it to swell, then cells of the gubernaculum remove the acid causing it to shrink, bringing the testicle into the scrotum
What are the remnants of the gubernaculum?
the ligament of the tail of epididymis and the proper ligament of the testes
How are the follicles of the ovary created?
degenerating mesonephric tubules move into the area of development, forming the gonadal cords, the oocytes move into the gonadal cords, the oocytes begin to separate and create follicles
What does the paramesonephric duct give rise to?
uterine tube, uterine horn, body, cervix, cranial 1/3 of the vagina
What does the urogenital sinus become in the female?
caudal 2/3 of the vagina, the vestibule
What does the genital tubercle become in the male?
glans penis, corpus cavernosa penis, corpus spongiosum penis
What does the genital tubercle become in the female
What do the urogenital folds become in the male?
ventral aspect of the penis
What do the urogenital folds become in the female?
the labia of the vulva
What do the labioscrotal swellings become in the male?
What do the labioscrotal swellings become in the female?
does not really develop into anything in domestic species
What is the anal genital distance?
the distance between the anus and where the tubercle ends up
When is the anal genital distance greater?
when the species is exposed to testosterone
Free martin
In dizygotic twins that share a blood supply; female is the most effected (suppression of paramesonephric duct derivatives)
What causes polycystic kidney?
when the membranes in between the tubules do not regress they become distored and dilated allowing for cysts to form
What structures does the bovine kidney have?
renal pyramid, renal papillae, ureter, 2 major calyces and many minor calyces
What is the space between the lobules of the bovine kidney?
renal sinus
What is the lobulation like for the bovine kidney?
internally and externally lobulated
What is the lobulation like for the porcine kidney?
internally lobulated and externally interlobular
What structures does the porcine kidney have?
renal pelvis, 2 major calyces, minor calyces, and renal papillae
What is the lobulation like for the equine kidney?
entirely unilobular
What structures does the equine kidney have?
renal crest and renal pelvis
What structures does the small ruminant kidney have?
renal crest and renal pelvis
What structures does the carnivore kidney have?
renal crest and renal pelvis
What is the renal papillae?
the apex of the renal pyramid
What is the renal crest?
the ridge resulting from the complete fusion of medullary pyramids
What is a calyx?
a cup-shaped structure that collects urine from individual papillae in ox and pig
To do a renal biopsy of the horse, where do you need to push the left kidney?
via rectal palpation, push the left kidney against the paralumbar fossa
To do a renal biopsy of the ox, where do you need to push the left kidney?
via rectal palpation, push the left kidney against the right paralumbar fossa
What special cells are located in the equine ureters?
goblet cells
What is the sympathetic component of the urinary bladder innervated by?
hypogastric nerve
What is the parasympathetic component of the urinary bladder innervated by?
the pelvic nerve
What innervates the urethra?
the pudendal nerve
What does the median ligament do?
supports the urinary bladder from the ventral surface of the pelvic floor as far cranially as the umbilicus
What is the function of the lateral ligaments?
they connect the sides of the bladder to the abdominal wall
What is the round ligament of the urinary bladder?
remnants of the umbilical artery that travels in the edge of the lateral ligaments