Pelvic Limb Flashcards
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
malleolar bone
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
central tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
first tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
second tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
third tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
fourth tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
second metatarsal bone
Identify this structure:
third metatarsal bone
Identify this structure:
fourth metatarsal bone
Identify this structure:
fifth metatarsal bone
Identify this structure:
fused central tarsal bone and fourth tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
first tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
fused second and third tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
second metatarsal bone
Identify this structure:
Fused third and fourth metatarsal bone
Identify this structure:
central tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
fused first and second tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
third tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
fourth tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
second metatarsal bone
Identify this structure:
third metatarsal bone
Identify this structure:
fourth metatarsal bone
Identify this structure:
central tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
third tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
fourth tarsal bone
Identify this structure:
cochlea of the tibia
Identify this structure:
trochlea of the talus
Identify this structure:
ray 2
Identify this structure:
ray 3
Identify this structure:
ray 4
Identify this structure:
ray 5
Identify this structure:
ray 3
Identify this structure:
ray 4
Identify this structure:
ray 3
Identify this structure:
remnant of ray 2
Identify this structure:
remnant of ray 4
Identify this structure:
proximal sesmoid bones
Identify this structure:
articular cavity fo the proximal phalanx (P1)
Identify this structure:
proximal phalanx (P1)
Identify this structure:
trochlea of the proximal phalynx
Identify this structure:
articular surface of the middle phalynx (P2)
Identify this structure:
middle phalynx (P2)
Identify this structure:
navicular bone
Identify this structure:
distal phalanx (P3)
Identify this structure:
triangular area
Identify this structure:
bony ridge
Identify this structure:
flexor tuberosity
Identify this structure:
solar foramen
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
sagital ridge of 3rd metatarsal
Identify this structure:
sagital groove of P1
Identify this structure:
colateral ligament
Identify this structure:
bony septum
Identify this structure:
proximal sesmoids
Identify this structure:
proximal phalanx (P1)
Identify this structure:
middle phalynx (P2)
Identify this structure:
distal sesmoid
Identify this structure:
distal phalanx (P3)
Identify this structure:
sagital ridge of 3rd metatarsal
Identify this structure:
sagital groove of P1
Identify this structure:
fetlock joint
Identify this structure:
pastern joint
Identify this structure:
coffin joint
Identify this structure:
tibialis cranialis
Identify this structure:
peroneus tertius
Identify this structure:
peroneus longus
Identify this structure:
lateral digital extensor
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
superficial digital flexor tendon
Identify this structure:
tibialis cranialis
Identify this structure:
peroneus tertius
Identify this structure:
long digital extensor
Identify this structure:
peroneus longus
Identify this structure:
lateral digital extensor
Identify this structure:
deep digital flexor
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
superficial digital flexor tendon
Identify this structure:
tibialis cranialis
Identify this structure:
long digital extensor
Identify this structure:
peroneus tertius
Identify this structure:
lateral digital extensor
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
deep digital flexor
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
superficial digital flexor tendon
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
lateral head of gastrocnemius
Identify this structure:
medial head of gastrocnemius
Identify this structure:
superficial digital flexor
Identify this structure:
long digital extensor
Identify this structure:
peroneus tertius
Identify this structure:
tibialis cranialis
Identify this structure:
peroneus tertius
Identify this structure:
lateral digital extensor
Identify this structure:
deep digital flexor
Identify this structure:
long digital flexor
Identify this structure:
caudal tibial