Urinary Tract Flashcards
Which of the following is a childhood, autoimmune disease that results in the development of purple spots in the skin and possible renal failure?
Henoch-Schoblein purpura
von hippel-lindau syndrome
xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
Henoch-Schoblein purpura
what is the functional unit of the kidney?
bowman capsule
which would be most indicative of renal artery stenosis?
decreased cortical echogenicity
renal:AO ratio greater than 3.5
enlarged kidney
tardus-parvus waveform upstream to the stenosis
renal:AO ratio greater than 3.5
the kidneys are:
intraperitoneal organs
retroperitoneal organs
both intraperitoneal & retroperitoneal
the protective capsule of the kidneys is referred to as:
glisson capsule
perirenal capsule
renal capsule
renal cortex
renal capsule
the vessel located anterior to the abdominal AO and posterior to the SMA is the:
celiac artery
which would NOT be a typical clinical feature of renal transplant failure?
elevated creatinine
enlargement of the unaffected contralateral kidney with unilateral renal agenesis or compromised renal function is referred to as:
dromedary hypertrophy
renal hypoplasia
supernumerary kidney
compensatory hypertrophy
compensatory hypertrophy
a bulge on the lateral border of the kidney is referred to as:
duplicated kidney
renal hypoplasia
dromedary hump
supernumerary kidney
dromedary hump
the most common congenital anomaly of the urinary tract is:
horseshoe kidney
duplicated collecting system
renal agenesis
renal hypoplasia
duplicated collecting system
a renal scar most likely appears as:
a hypoechoic mass in the renal parenchyma
a linear anechoic space in the renal cortex
a hyperechoic, rounded structure within the renal parenchyma that shadows
an echogenic area that extends from the renal sinus through the renal parenchyma
an echogenic area that extends from the renal sinus through the renal parenchyma
what is the most common location of an ectopic kidney?
thoracic cavity
contralateral fossa
all of the following are clinical findings of ARF except:
decreased BUN and creatine
decreased BUN and creatine
which is true regarding a duplex collecting system with complete urethral duplication?
the upper pole of the kidney suffers from reflux
the lower pole suffers from obstruction because of a varicocele
the upper pole suffers from obstruction because of a ureterocele
the lower pole suffers from reflux and hypertrophy
the upper pole suffers from obstruction because of a ureterocele
which is the most common cause of CRF?
diabetes mellitus
acute tubular necrosis
diabetes mellitus
what renal cystic disease would be most likely caused by, and thus associated with hemodialysis?
acquired renal cystic disease
acquired renal cystic disease
sonographically, compared to normal kidneys, those affected by CRF will appear:
normal in size with a decreased echogenicity
smaller in size and hypoechoic
larger in size and more echogenic
smaller in size and more echogenic
smaller in size and more echogenic
renal cysts that project out away from the kidneys are termed:
A female presents with a history of leukocytosis, dysuria, lower abdominal pain, and hematuria. Sonographically, the kidneys appear normal, although the bladder wall measures 6mm on the distended state. What is the most likely diagnosis?
xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
TCC of bladder
the inherited disorder associated with the development of tumors of the CNS and orbits, renal cysts, and adrenal tumors is:
tuberous sclerosis
von hippel-lindau syndrome
von hippel-lindau syndrome
what is the most likely location of TCC in the kidney?
minor calyx
renal pelvis
renal pelvis
which is the most common cause of ARF?
acute tubular necrosis
acute tubular necrosis
all of the following are characteristics of a complex cyst EXCEPT:
internal echoes
smooth walls
mural nodules
smooth walls
which would most likely present with a clinical finding of hematuria?
hemorrhagic renal cyst
milk of calcium renal cyst
simple renal cyst
hemorrhagic renal cyst
which of the following would be considered the most common solid renal mass?
renal hematoma
infantile polycystic kidney disease may also be referred to as:
acquired renal cystic disease
which of the following best describes the sonographic appearance of a kidney affected by ARPKD?
bilateral enlarged, echogenic kidneys
unilateral, smooth-walled, noncommunicating cysts of varying sizes located within the renal fossa
small, echogenic kidneys
numerous, large, complex renal cysts
bilateral enlarged, echogenic kidneys
the systemic disorder associated with epilepsy that leads to the development of solid tumors in various organs, including angiomyolipomas of the kidneys is:
tuberous sclerosis
von hippel-lindau syndrome
tuberous sclerosis
what is the most common clinical finding of a simple renal cyst?
quadrant pain
elevated BUN
suspicion of cortical thinning should occur when the renal cortex measures:
greater than 2mm
less then 1cm
greater than 5mm
less than 3cm
less than 1cm
which is NOT considered an extrinsic cause of hydronephrosis?
ureteral stricture
neurogenic bladder
uterine leiomyoma
ureteral stricture
which would be a common finding in a patient undergoing peritoneal dialysis?
RA stenosis
RV thrombosis
the presence of purulent material within the renal collecting system is termed:
emphysematous pyelonephritis
the most common cause of fungal urinary tract infections is:
candida albicans
renal tract obstruction
candida albicans
clinical findings of glomerulonephritis include all of the following EXCEPT:
throat infection
which is NOT considered an intrinsic cause of hydronephrosis?
ureteropelvic junction obstruction
clinical findings of nephrocalcinosis include all of the following EXCEPT:
urinary tract infections
urinary calculi
weight loss
weight loss
which is associated with the development of cysts within the pancreas and liver?
acquired renal cystic disease
a stone that completely fills the renal pelvis is referred to as:
calculus granulosis
staghorn calculus
twinkle stone
nephrocalcinotic calculus
staghorn calculus
what is the most common location for a urolithiasis to become lodged?
ureteropelvic junction
ureterovesicular junction
ureterovesicular junction
You are scanning a patient and notice that the right and left kidneys are attached at their lower poles. What anomaly is present?
duplicated collecting system
supernumerary kidney
pelvic kidney
horseshoe kidney
horseshoe kidney
which describes the normal echogenicity of the renal cortex?
kidney is normally hyperechoic in comparison to the spleen and liver
kidney echogenicity is always hypoechoic compared to the spleen and liver
normal kidney is never isoechoic with the liver
echogenicity of the normal kidney is frequently isoechoic with the liver and spleen
echogenicity of the kidney varies and should not be compared to the liver
echogenicity of the normal kidney is frequently isoechoic with the liver and spleen
which would most likely cause a spleen propagation artifact?
renal pseudoaneurysm
You are performing a sonogram on a patient with bilaterally small kidneys. What is the normal range in size for a kidney?
2-4 cm
4-7 cm
9-14 cm
13-17 cm
During a renal sonogram, you notice a 1.5cm thickening of the left lateral renal cortex. This most likely represents:
column of bertin
dromedary hump
medullary pyramid
hilar vessels
dromedary hump
You have detected compensatory hypertrophy of the right kidney in a 35 year old male. This finding is associated with:
renal agenesis
renal hypoplasia
renal atrophy
all of the above
all of the above
which of the following statements is NOT true regarding normal anatomy of the kidneys?
kidneys are retroperitoneal in location
right kidney is located slightly inferior compared to the left
tail of the pancreas is in contact with the lateral dorsal aspect of the left kidney
superomedial aspect of the right kidney is in contact with the adrenal gland
superior pole of each kidney is slightly medial compared to the inferior pole
tail of the pancreas is NOT in contact with the lateral dorsal aspect of the left kidney
what is the normal appearance of the central sinus of the kidney?
highly echogenic compared to the renal cortex
hypoechoic compared to the renal cortex
isoechoic compared to the renal cortex
isoechoic to the medullary pyramids
hypoechoic compared to the liver
highly echogenic compared to the renal cortex
what lab work is elevated with renal failure?
serum creatinine
urine creatinine
serum bilirubin
serum lipase
serum creatinine
what are the sonographic criteria of a simple cyst?
anechoic, acoustic enhancement, sharply defined smooth far wall, round or ovoid shape
hyperechoic, acoustic enhancement, sharply defined smooth far wall, round or ovoid shape
hypoechoic, acoustic attenuation, sharply defined smooth far wall, round or ovoid shape
isoechoic, acoustic attenuation, sharply defined smooth far wall, round or ovoid shape
anechoic, acoustic refraction, sharply defined smooth far wall, round or ovoid
anechoic, acoustic enhancement, sharply defined smooth far wall, round or ovoid shape
which is NOT a potential cause of hydronephrosis?
ureteral stone
large uterine fibroid
ureteropelvic junction obstruction
acute pyelonephritis
ovarian mass
acute pyelonephritis
A questionable mass is seen between the renal pyramids on the right kidney. You suspect this is a column of Bertin “pseudomass.” Which sonographic features help distinguish this from a true pathological mass?
isoechogenicity with the rest of the renal cortex
continuity with the renal cortex
lack of mass effect or splaying of central renal sinus fat
normal vascularity by color doppler
all of the above
all of the above
which is NOT a sign of MCDK?
multiple variable sized cysts
nonmedial location of the largest cyst
dilated ureter
no identifiable renal sinus
brightly echogenic tissue interfaces between cysts
dilated ureter
You are performing an ultrasound exam on a patient with crossed renal ectopic. Which of the following describes your findings?
both kidneys are on the same side of the abdomen
one of the kidneys is located in the pelvis
one of the kidneys is located in the thoracic cavity
the kidneys are fused together at the upper pole
a small third kidney is located above one of the normal kidneys
both kidneys are on the same side of the abdomen
which malignant tumor is most common in children ages 2 to 5 years old?
renal hamartoma
Wilm’s tumor
renal lymphoma
Wilm’s tumor
which part of the kidney contains fat, calyces, infundibuli of the collecting system, and vessels?
Gerota’s fossa
During routine surveillance of the urinary bladder, you detect the presence of periodic ureteral “jets.” This is a sign of:
ureteral stone
ureteral spasm
ureteral compression
what preparation should you require of your patients scheduled for renal sonograms?
fasting for 24 hours prior to exam
ingestion of 100mg simethicone 5mins before exam
water enema
moderate hydration with no other specific prep
fatty meal within 30mins of exam
moderate hydration with no other specific prep
You are scanning a 31 year old patient with HTN and impaired renal function. You detect enlarged kidneys with cysts that are too numerous to count. Which of the following is most likely?
medullary cystic disease
parapelvic cysts
multiple simple cysts
You have detected a solid mass in the right kidney of a 47 year old male. You should tailor your exam to evaluate which of the following?
extension of tumor into renal vein
search for liver metastasis
search for retroperitoneal adenopathy
A and B only
all of the above
all of the above
An ultrasound exam reveals a solid, hyperechoic mass in a 46 year old patient with tuberous sclerosis. This most likely represents:
Wilm’s tumor
renal hamartoma
renal lymphoma
where is the isthmus of a horseshoe kidney located?
in the iliac fossa
anterior to the abdominal AO
pouch of douglas
morison’s pouch
posterior to the abdominal AO
anterior to the abdominal AO
what is the ultrasound appearance of ureteropelvic junction obstruction?
dilated ureter and collecting system to the level of the urinary bladder
pelvicaliectasis to the level of the junction of the renal pelvis and ureter
dilated ureter with normal intrarenal collecting system
pelvicaliectasis to the level of the distal ureter
ureteropelvic junction obstruction cannot be detected sonographically
pelvicaliectasis to the level of the junction of the renal pelvis and ureter
what is the most common ultrasound appearance of acute pyelonephritis?
normal appearance
irregular renal surface contour
mottled appearance of both kidneys
focal hypoechoic masses throughout the kidney
gas within the renal parenchyma
normal appearance
a renal mass that is highly echogenic due to its high-fat content is:
wilm’s tumor
renal harmatoma
renal lymphoma
what type of waveform do you expect to see in the normal main RA?
high resistance with prominent systolic flow and little diastolic flow
continuous with little differentiation between systole and diastole
high impedance with no diastolic component
low resistance with forward flow throughout the cardiac cycle
prominent early systolic peak with retrograde flow in early distole
low resistance with forward flow throughout the cardiac cycle
what is the most likely etiology of the bladder wall thickening?
muscular hypertrophy
muscular hypertrophy
A patient with a history of chronic medial renal disease has been referred for abdominal ultrasound. Which of the following describes the renal appearance you expect to see?
enlarged hypoechoic kidneys
small hyperechoic kidneys
normal appearance of kidneys
small hypoechoic kidneys
normal sized kidneys with calcified collecting system
small hyperechoic kidneys
what is the ultrasound appearance of nephrocalcinosis?
normal sized kidneys with focal, wedge-shaped, hypoechoic mass
multiple hypoechoic masses throughout the kidney
echogenic kidney with calcified capsule
highly echogenic renal pyramids with or without posterior acoustic shadowing
cystic masses containing tiny echogenic foci situated throughout the kidney
highly echogenic renal pyramids with or without posterior acoustic shadowing
which is a cause of false-positive determination of hydronephrosis?
overdistention of the bladder
parapelvic cysts
prominent hilar vessels
large extrarenal pelvis
all of the above
all of the above
During a routine abdomen and pelvic ultrasound study, you detect a small round, cystic structure projecting into the urinary bladder. This most likely represents:
papillary necrosis
extrarebal pelvis
You are scanning a 69 year old male with hematuria. Your ultrasound findings include right sided hydronephrosis and a mass within the urinary bladder. Which most commonly occurs within the urinary bladder?
renal lymphoma
renal hamartoma
During a sonographic evaluation of a 2 week old renal transplant, you detect a fluid collection with septations and internal debris adjacent to the kidney. This most likely represents:
which intrarenal arteries course alongside the renal pyramids?
vasa recta
which describes the normal course of the LRV?
between the SMA and AO
anterior to the SMA and IVC
posterior to the IVC
between the SMA and splenic vein
between the SMA and AO
what is the normal diameter of the renal cortex?
< 3mm
> or = 10mm
cannot be measured sonographically
> or = 10mm
Ultrasound imaging reveals left sided hydronephrosis in a 38 year old woman with vague abdominal pain. You should tailor your exam to rule out:
ureteral calculi
pelvic mass
A and B
all of the above
all of the above
what is the purpose of scanning the urinary bladder to identify ureteral “jets”?
rule out the presence of urinoma
determine if a ureter is obstructed
determine if bladder outlet obstruction is present
search for bladder carcinoma
identify the urethra
determine if a ureter is obstructed
which ultrasound appearance is associated with renal lymphoma?
small, echogenic kidneys with hyper dense pyramids
cystic masses of varying sizes throughout both kidneys
multiple, bilateral, hypoechoic masses in enlarged kidneys
single, large, hyperechoic mass
unilateral wedge-shaped hypoechoic mass
multiple, bilateral, hypoechoic masses in enlarged kidneys
what arteries course on top of the renal pyramids and give rise to the tiny intralobular arteries?
vasa recta
You detect a discrete echogenic focus without shadowing in the left kidney and suspect the presence of a renal calculus. Which of the following is most helpful in improving visualization of posterior acoustic shadowing?
high frequency transducer
lower frequency transducer
smaller aperture transducer
increased frame rate
increased dynamic range
higher frequency transducer
You detect the presence of free fluid in the space between the liver and right kidney. What is the name for this anatomic location?
pouch of douglas
morison’s pouch
space of disse
forman if winslow
morison’s pouch
what is the indication for a doppler renal study to rule out RA stenosis?
increased serum creatinine
leukocytosis and fever
uncontrolled HTN
anemia, progressive azotemia, and polyuria
uncontrolled HTN
You are performing a doppler evaluation to rule out RA stenosis. You will compute a ratio comparing the velocity in the RA to what vessel?
abdominal AO
celiac trunk
abdominal AO
You are performing a follow up ultrasound study on a patient with a large left renal cyst. Which most accurately describes the prevalence of renal cysts?
<1% of people over age 50
15% of people over age 50
30% of people over age 50
50% of people over age 50
100% of people over age 50
50% of people over age 50
which is NOT true regarding ADPKD?
liver cysts may be present in up to 30% of patients
high BP is common
cysts may be complicated by bleeding or infection
frequently only one kidney is involved
progressive renal failure is common
frequently only one kidney is involved
is NOT true
which is usually diagnosed in early childhood or in utero?
acquired cystic kidney disease
parapelvic cysts
A and B
Doppler analysis of intrarenal waveforms performed during renal sonography reveals a RI of 1.0. This finding is consistent with:
A. normality
B. chronic medial renal disease
C. RV thrombosis
D. renal obstruction
B,C, and D
B, C, and D
During a renal exam, you identify only one kidney. What should you do?
inform the patient if your finding and advise a thorough medical exam to detect other abnormalities
scan in the pelvis area to rule out the presence of a pelvic kidney
perform an endovaginal exam to look for bicornuate uterus
scan the patient in an upright position
perform a compete dopple study of the solitary lidneh
scan in the pelvis area to rule out the presence of a pelvic kidney
which would be most helpful in delineating ureteral “jets”?
have the patient perform a valsalva maneuver
scan the patient in both inspiration and expiration
examine the urinary bladder with color doppler
increase the transducer frequency
give the patient a fatty meal
examine the urinary bladder with color doppler
You are scanning a patient post biopsy and discover a cystic mass in the kidney. What should you do?
nothing, cystic masses are very common
evaluate the cyst with color doppler
have the patient return in 2 weeks for a follow up study
scan the patient in a prone position
compress the mass with probe pressure
evaluate the cyst with color doppler
which results from an ascending urinary tract infection?
horseshoe kidney
acute tubular necrosis
You are having difficulty identifying the renal arteries in a patient referred for questionable RA stenosis. Which vessel below is most helpful as a landmark for the location of the RAs?
celiac trunk
splenic vein
common HA
You are scanning a patient with right flank pain and known PKD. You suspect the presence of hemorrhage within one of the renal cysts. What is the sonographic appearance of this finding?
ultrasound cannot be used to detect hemorrhage within a renal cyst
low-level echoes within the cyst
multiple bright foci with posterior acoustic shadowing distal to the cyst
solid appearing nodule with increased attenuation
all of the above
low-level echoes within the cyst
A patient has been referred to your ultrasound lab for evaluation of a new renal transplant. Where should you look?
morison’s pouch
pouch of douglas
Ultrasound findings in a patient with HTN include a left kidney measuring 6.8cm and a right kidney measuring 11.7cm. Which is most consistent with these findings?
acute pyelonephritis in the left kidney
acute glomerulonephritis in the right kidney
occlusion of the left main renal artery
amyloidosis of the right kidney
renal agenesis
occlusion of the left main renal artery
what doppler parameter should you measure to look for rejection in a renal transplant?
pulsatility index
resistive index
renal-aortic ratio
systolic-diastolic ratio
acceleration index
resistive index
You detect irregular thickening of the bladder wall in a 53 year old male with hydronephrosis and a dilated ureter. Which would you suspect?
bladder outlet obstruction
which would help in identification of the RRV?
RRV lies inferior and posterior to the RA
RRV courses underneath the IVC
RRV courses anterior to the abdominal AO
RRV divides into a circumaortic ring before draining into the IVC
RRV lies anterior to the RA
RRV lies anterior to the RA
where are the ureteral orfices in the urinary bladder?
each lateral edge
superior and anterior border
base of the trigone along the posterior aspect
inferior and anterior to the trigone
at the bladder base, inferior at the apex of the trigone
base of the trigone along the posterior aspect
which view provides the best color doppler evaluation of the intrarenal vasculature?
patient supine, anterior view through liver
patient supine, coronal view through liver
patient prone, oblique view through back musculature
patient in posterior oblique position, coronal view through posterior axillary line
patient upright, anterior view through liver
patient in posterior oblique position, coronal view through posterior axillary line
During color doppler evaluation of the kidney, inadequate fill of the intrarenal vasculature is seen. What doppler parameter will you make to improve sensitivity to flow?
decrease PRF
increase wall filter
decrease packet size
decrease color gain
decrease color resolution setting
decrease PRF
You are scanning the bladder and notice multiple artifactual bands in the near field at the anterior bladder wall. What is the source of these echoes?
acoustic speckle
reverberation artifact
comet tail artifact
mirror image artifact
multi path artifact
reverberation artifact
what feature is indicative of an atypical cyst?
internal septations
wall calcification
internal echoes
irregular walls
all of the above
all of the above
what is the accepted treatment for a simple renal cyst?
surgical removal
fine needle biopsy
core biopsy
no further evaluation required
no further evaluation required
You are performing an ultrasound exam on a patient who has been on dialysis for 4 years. Which describes the typical appearance of the kidney in these cases?
bilateral renal enlargement with increased echogenicity
bilateral small, echogenic kidneys with multiple cysts of varying sizes
bilateral small, hypoechoic kidneys with increased corticomedullary distinction
normal appearing kidneys bilaterally
all of the above sonographic appearances are common in this scenario
bilateral small, echogenic kidneys with multiple cysts of varying sizes
A patient is referred for ultrasound evaluation to take out the presence of renal malignancy. What is the most common renal malignancy in adults?
You are performing a follow up study on a patient diagnosed with emphysematous pyelonephritis. Which best describes the sonographic appearance of this condition?
multiple echogenic foci within the renal sinus or parenchyma with “dirty” posterior acoustic shadows
multiple distinct hyperechoic foci with discrete, well-defined posterior acoustic shadows
multiple indistinct, hazy foci within the renal sinus with posterior acoustic enhancement
large area of posterior acoustic shadowing which is not associated with any defined echoes
focal, wedge-shaped hypoechoic masses with posterior acoustic enhancement throughout the kidney
multiple echogenic foci within the renal sinus or parenchyma with “dirty” posterior acoustic shadows
which describes the normal waveform of the main RA?
high resistance
low resistance
low resistance
the renal arteries arise from the AO closest to the origin of which arteries?
celiac trunk
common iliac arteries
common hepatic
the LRA is normally located immediately posterior to which of the following?
common hepatic artery
splenic artery
none of the above
A patient has been referred to the ultrasound department with a history of medullary nephrocalcinosis. What do you expect to see?
a calcified renal capsule
a calcified ureter
a calcified urinary bladder
calcified pyramids
all of the above
calcified pyramids
what is the sonographic appearance of a subcapsular hematoma?
free fluid in morison’s pouch
perirenal fluid collection that flattens the underlying renal contour
a linear defect that extends throughout the kidney
an intrarenal fluid collection within the renal collecting system
a subcapsular hematoma will not be visible by ultrasound
perirenal fluid collection that flattens the underlying renal contour
which normally occurs in renal transplants compared to the immediate postoperative study?
increased echogenicity
calcified pyramids
after transplant, the renal allograft volume may increase 5-15% in the first two weeks
You are performing a doppler study of a renal transplant to rule out stenosis of the RA. The RA is usually anatomosed to which artery?
internal iliac artery
external iliac artery
common iliac artery
abdominal AO
external iliac artery