Pathology #5 Flashcards
Which of the following is commonly associated with the abnormality on the image?
radiation exposure
down syndrome
all of the above
all of the above
Which of the following is most suggestive of Ormond disease?
extrinsic compression of the celiac artery
pedal edema and scrotal swelling
bilateral staghorn calculi and posterior urethral valves
aortic arch aneurysm formation
pedal edema and scrotal swelling
Bacterial orchitis is most commonly caused by ___, while viral orchitis is most commonly caused by ___.
STDs, mumps
trauma, HIV
trauma, recent vasectomy
recent vasectomy, STD
STDs, mumps
The bell clapper deformity is a predisposing factor for testicular torsion. It is defined as:
the testicles are connected by thick dermal tissue and cannot move separately
the tunica vaginalis completely encircles the epididymis, distal spermatic cord, and testis
the epididymis floating freely in the scrotal sac
the tunica albuginea completely encircles the epididymis, distal spermatic cord, and testis
the tunica vaginalis completely encircles the epididymis, distal spermatic cord, and testis
Which of the following is true regarding hydrocele formation?
most hydroceles are due to infection
usually contains mucinous fluid
accumulation of serous fluid between the two layers of the tunica vaginalis
most common cause of acute scrotal pain
accumulation of serous fluid between the two layers of the tunica vaginalis
A thyroglossal duct cyst is most commonly found:
posterior to the ear at the level of the thyroid gland
on the midline neck, superior to the thyroid gland
near the angle of the mandible
within the isthmus of the thyroid gland
on the midline neck, superior to the thyroid gland
A patient presents with a small, palpable extratesticular mass on the left side. The US exam demonstrates a mobile, hyperechoic mass with posterior shadowing. Which of the following best describes the findings?
scrotal pearl
adenomatoid tumor
scrotal pearl
A hypoechoic thyroid mass with microcalcifications, hypervascularity and no halo sign is most consistent with:
hyperfunctioning adenoma
papillary carcinoma
papillary carcinoma
Which of the following has the highest risk of developing thyroid cancer?
parathyroid adenoma
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Graves’ disease
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Retrograde flow in the common hepatic artery and splenic artery is highly suggestive of:
mesenteric ischemia
SMA occlusion
celiac artery occlusion
celiac artery occlusion
Which of the following are the most common primary carcinomas to metastasize to the thyroid?
breast and lung
liver and spleen
stomach and GB
lung and bone
breast and lung
The halo sign is a sonographic characteristic of what thyroid abnormality?
complex cyst
germ cell tumor
papillary carcinoma
**60% of thyroid adenomas demonstrate a thin, echolucent rim known as the halo sign
Which of the following statements is true regarding the findings on the image?
radiation treatment of the breast cancer can lead to these findings
CHF can be associated with the findings on the image
the groin should be evaluated for serpiginous vessels related to the hydrocele
nutcracker syndrome can be associated with the findings on the image
CHF can be associated with the findings on the image
**notice scrotal wall thickening
normal scrotal wall thickness <8mm
A patient presents with acute scrotal pain after a 2 mile run. Which of the following statements best describes the findings on the image?
there is a hypoechoic avascular mass within the body of the epididymis. The head of the epididymis and testicle appear normal. These findings are consistent with epididymal torsion.
the testicle is abnormal with an occluded varicocele and loss of arterial inflow due to testicular congestion
both testicles are abnormal with no internal flow detected. the left testicle is severely atrophied. these findings are consistent with bilateral chronic torsion
the testicle and epididymis have abnormal echotexture and absence of normal internal flow. these findings are consistent with complete testicular torsion.
the testicle and epididymis have abnormal echotexture and absence of normal internal flow. these findings are consistent with complete testicular torsion.
Cervical lymphadenopathy is a common finding with:
papillary thyroid carcinoma
branchial cleft cyst
hyperfunctioning thyroid adenoma
papillary thyroid carcinoma
When an AAA ruptures, which retroperitoneal space will fill with blood first?
omental bursa
anterior pararenal
posterior pararenal
**perirenal or perinephric space encloses the kidneys, adrenals, portions of the IVC and AO
The IVC is dilated and the spontaneous contrast phenomenon is seen in the proximal segment. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
Gonadal stromal tumors should be suspected in a patient with a painless testicular mass and:
elevated AFP levels
scrotal varicosities
**gynecomastia and impotence cause gonadal stromal tumors (Leydig cell and Sertoli cell)
Epididymitis most commonly results from ___ in males 14-35years old and ___ in men over 35 years old.
bladder infection, STDs
poor hygiene, torsion
STDs, bladder infection
torsion, poor hygiene
STDs, bladder infection
A referring doctor requests a scrotal US to rule out orchitis. Which of the following is an expected sonographic finding for this abnormality?
hyperechoic testicle
multiple small cysts within the testicle
increased intratesticular vascularity
increased intratesticular vascularity
Which of the following is the least likely complication of the pathology demonstrated on the ultrasound image?
blue toe syndrome
**occurs with thrombus formation in the deep venous system NOT in the AO
A patient presents with a history of a 5mm Leydig cell tumor identified on an exam 6 months ago. What is a common complication of this type of neoplasm?
The most common location for an aortic aneurysm is:
aortic arch
Aneurysms of the iliac and popliteal arteries are commonly associated with:
prostate carcinoma
aortic aneurysm
renal failure
pancreatic pseudocysts
aortic aneurysm
The findings on the image are most suggestive of:
thyroglossal cyst
parathyroid adenoma
reactive lymph node from infection
normal lymph node
thyroglossal cyst
The abnormality on the images is a confirmed sperm granuloma. This is a common chronic complication of what procedure?
scrotal aspiration
hernia repair
testicular biopsy
An abdominal US is ordered for a patient with bilateral pedal edema. The abdomen demonstrates mild ascites but otherwise normal organs. The IVC appears prominent with a constant diameter of 2.8cm. These findings are most suggestive of:
malignant HTN
all of the above
Extrinsic compression of the IVC is an expected finding with:
pancreatic pseudocyst or PHTN
CHF or mass in the diaphragmatic crura
large AAA or large hepatoma
CHF or large AAA
large AAA or large hepatoma
The most common extra-testicular neoplasm is:
adenomatoid tumor
AV malformation
adenomatoid tumor
A vein in the pampiniform plexus is considered abnormally dilated when the diameter exceeds:
Which of the following correctly describes a difference between De Quervain and Hashimoto thyroiditis?
De Quervain thyroiditis causes hypothyroidism, Hashimoto thyroiditis causes hyperthyroidism
De Quervain thyroiditis causes hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto thyroiditis causes hypothyroidism
De Quervain thyroiditis is caused by a virus, Hashimoto thyroiditis is caused by bacteria
De Quervain thyroiditis has no effect on TSH levels, Hashimoto thyroiditis causes a significant decrease in TSH levels
De Quervain thyroiditis is caused by a virus, Hashimoto thyroiditis is caused by bacteria
Graves’ disease refers to a type of:
multinodular goiter
Serpiginous vessels are identified on the examinations of patients with:
PHTN or testicular varicoceles
situs inversus and organ agenesis
renal artery and mesenteric artery stenosis
renal or liver transplants
PHTN or testicular varicoceles
Chronic moderate CHF can cause this tributary of the IVC to be visualized sonographically due to the formation of collateral pathway.
azygous vein
portal vein
coronary vein
umbilical vein
azygous vein
Median arcuate ligament syndrome involves compression of which vessel during respiration?
inferior mesenteric artery
celiac axis
celiac axis
A patient with a seminoma of the left testicle will usually be treated by ___, while a patient with a non-seminomatous tumor of the left testicle will usually be treated by ___.
unilateral orchiectomy and chemotherapy; unilateral orchiectomy
bilateral orchiectomy; unilateral orchiectomy
unilateral orchiectomy; radiation therapy and unilateral orchiectomy
chemotherapy; radiation therapy
unilateral orchiectomy and chemotherapy; unilateral orchiectomy
What is the best way to differentiate an undescended testicle from other inguinal masses?
identify the epididymis
identify the mediastinum testis
identify the presence of internal vascularity
identify the spermatic cord extending to the scrotal sac
identify the mediastinum testis
A mass is identified in the left testicle. It is rounded with well-defined borders. There are internal rings of hyperechoic and hypoechoic tissues giving the appearance of an onion. No color flow is demonstrated within the mass. These findings are most consistent with:
sperm granuloma
epidermoid cyst
dilated rete testes
testicular infarct
epidermoid cyst
A 1 year old presents for a testicular sonogram due to a palpable lump. The lab work in the chart indicates high levels of AFP. A mostly solid intratesticular mass is identified in the right testicle. There is a small area of possible necrosis centrally. These findings are most consistent with:
yolk sac tumor
epidermoid cyst
yolk sac tumor
All of the following are risk factors for thyroid cancer, EXCEPT:
diagnosis of (MEN) syndrome
personal history of previous papillary cancer
family history of hypercalcemia
personal history of radiation treatment of a cerebral malignancy
family history of hypercalcemia
Primary testicular carcinoma is usually ___ and secondary testicular malignancy is usually ___.
heterogenous, isoechoic
hypoechoic, isoechoic
unilateral, bilateral
hypervascular, hypovascular
unilateral, bilateral
According to the DeBakey Classification system, what type of aortic dissection is most commonly associated with Marfan syndrome?
type I
type II
type III
type IV
type II
**DeBakey Classification
type I - ascending and descending AO
type II - ascending AO, Marfan syndrome, least common
type III - descending AO, lowest mortality rate
A right adrenal mass will displace the IVC:
What technique can be used to differentiate a seminoma and an adenomatoid tumor?
scan the patient in standing position
scan the patient in the Trendelenburg position
apply gentle transducer pressure to the affected testicle
ask the patient to perform the Valsalva maneuver
apply gentle transducer pressure to the affected testicle
seminomas - intratesticular
adenomatoid tumors - extratesticular
gentle pressure can be used to demonstrate an extratesticular mass can move independently of testis
Patients with ___ have a significantly increased risk of developing a seminoma.
Which of the following correctly describes papillary thyroid cancer?
most masses are complex cysts with thick and nodule formation
most commonly presents as a hypoechoic mass with calcifications
has a very high mortality rate
associated with colloid cyst formation
most commonly presents as a hypoechoic mass with calcifications
Which of the following findings are seen on the image?
orchitis, intratesticular cyst and extratesticular varicocele
orchitis and intratesticular cyst
intratesticular and extratesticular varicocele
intratesticular cyst and extratesticular variocele
intratesticular cyst and extratesticular variocele
Regarding the AO, fusiform aneurysm formation usually occurs in the ___ while dissecting aneurysms usually occur in the ___.
proximal abdominal AO, thoracic AO
aortic arch, distal abdominal AO
distal abdominal AO, thoracic AO
distal abdominal AO, thoracic AO
Which of the following statements best describes the Doppler tracing found within the body of a pseudoaneurysm?
high resistance to and fro flow
low resistance to and fro flow
phasic forwards flow
continuous forward flow
low resistance to and fro flow
** body will demonstrate a low resistance “swirling” flow
neck/stalk will demonstrate a high resistance, biphasic flow
A 16 year old male presents with acute onset of significant left scrotal pain. The US exam reveals a 1cm hypoechoic, heterogenous mass located between the head of the epididymis and the testicle. The mass demonstrates no vascularity with color Doppler evaluation. Normal flow is demonstrated in the epididymis and testicle. These findings are most suggestive of:
adenomatoid tumor
torsion of the appendix testis
torsion of the appendix testis
Which of the following statements best describes the findings on the image?
the arrows indicate a remnant of the Mullerian duct and a scrotal calcification
the arrows indicate two scrotal calcifications, one much older than the other
chronic atrophy of the epididymis has led to a very small epididymal head and calcified tail portion
the arrows indicate two extratesticular neoplasms, one is solid and the other is calcified
the arrows indicate a remnant of the Mullerian duct and a scrotal calcification
A patient presents for a thyroid US due to increased T3 and T4 levels in the blood. Additional symptoms include weight loss, night sweats and exophthalmos. The thyroid demonstrates an increase in size and a diffuse decrease in echogenicity with a coarse, heterogeneous texture. Which of the following best describes these findings?
Graves’ disease
Hurthle Cell cancer
Hashimoto disease
Graves’ disease
Which testicular tumor will cause b-hCG levels to rise but AFP levels will be normal?
yolk sac tumor
epidermoid cyst
embryonal cell carcinoma
What is the arrow pointing to on the midline view of the abdomen?
IVC thrombosis
recanalized umbilical vein
gastroesophageal junction
IVC thrombosis
A small, hypoechoic testicular mass with a large calcification in a patient with gynecomastia is most likely a:
embryonal cell carcinoma
sertoli cell tumor
sertoli cell tumor
The most common cause of acute scrotal pain in postpubertal men is:
acute epididymitis
acute epididymitis
Which of the following statements is true regarding the image displayed?
the parathyroid adenoma causes reduced calcium excretion by the intestines leading to serum hypercalcemia and potential renal stone formation
the parathyroid adenoma causes decreased calcium absorption in the intestines leading to the formation of renal calculi
the thyroid adenoma causes decreased calcium absorption in the intestines leading to increased calcium concentrations in the blood filtered by the kidneys which may cause the formation of renal calculi
the thyroid adenoma causes calcium filtration in the kidneys leading to the formation of renal calculi
the parathyroid adenoma causes reduced calcium excretion by the intestines leading to serum hypercalcemia and potential renal stone formation
The most common cause for fluid collection in the perirenal space is ___. The most common cause for fluid collection in the posterior pararenal space is ___.
renal abnormalities, aortic disease
pancreatic disease, renal disease
aortic disease, renal abnormalities
small bowel infection, colitis
renal abnormalities, aortic disease
A patient presents with mild testicular pain that has increased over the last few months. The US exam demonstrates a normal right testicle. The left testicle demonstrates many tiny cysts clustered centrally along the mediastinum. No color flow is identified within the cystic structures. Which of the following best describes the findings?
tubular ectasia
tubular ectasia - dilated testicular mediastinal tubules
A patient presents for a scrotal ultrasound following a recent herniorrhaphy. The findings on the image are most consistent with:
dilated rete testis
intratesticular varicocele
intratesticular varicocele
A 65 year old male patient presents with bilateral scrotal swelling and mild pain. The US exam demonstrates bilateral hypoechoic, solid masses within the testicular parenchyma. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for the findings?
bilateral orchitis
bilateral seminoma
Which of the following Doppler findings is most consistent with uncomplicated epididymo-orchitis?
high resistance flow, RI 0.2
low resistance flow, RI 0.8
high resistance flow, RI 1.2
low resistance flow, RI 0.4
low resistance flow, RI 0.4
Which of the following statements describes the appearance of a testicular prosthetic on the US image?
solid, oblong structure with homogenous, hypoechoic texture compared to the native teste
solid, round structure with homogenous, hypoechoic texture compared to the native teste
homogenous, hypoechoic structure with sound attenuation posteriorly causing decreased visibility of the posterior borders of the prosthesis
round structure with reflective borders and an anechoic lumen
round structure with reflective borders and an anechoic lumen
Which of the following Doppler findings is most suggestive of partial testicular torsion?
asymmetric resistive indices on the intratesticular Doppler evaluations
increased diastolic flow velocities with a very low resistive index on the affected side
increased diastolic flow velocities with a very high resistive index on the affected side
antegrade flow throughout the cardiac cycle
asymmetric resistive indices on the intratesticular Doppler evaluations
All of the following are associated with an increased risk of thyroid malignancy, EXCEPT:
wider than tall mass orientation
absence of the halo sign
psammoma bodies
intranodular flow patterns
wider than tall mass orientation
A right renal mass will displace the IVC:
If an abdominal aortic aneurysm is identified, what two other vessels should be evaluated for associated aneurysm formation?
celiac axis and superior mesenteric aneurysm
common femoral and popliteal arteries
bilateral renal arteries
inferior and superior vena cava
common femoral and popliteal arteries
Which of the following is an intratesticular mass associated with Cushing syndrome and adrenal hyperplasia?
epidermoid cyst
adrenal rest
mixed germ cell tumor
yolk sac tumor
adrenal rest
Hashimoto disease is the most common type of ___ and leads to ___.
hypothyroidism, nodule formation
hyperthyroidism, goiter formation
hyperthyroidism, diffuse enlargement of gland
hypothyroidism, diffuse enlargement of gland
hypothyroidism, diffuse enlargement of gland
A 30 year old male presents with fever, malaise, and mild to moderate right scrotal pain that began 3 days ago. Lab results indicate leukocytosis is present. The right testicle demonstrates mild diffuse heterogeneity. PW Doppler evaluation of the affected side produces a waveform with peaked antegrade systolic flow and diastolic flow reversal. These findings are most suggestive of:
testicular rupture
acute orchitis with venous infarction
partial torsion
uncomplicated acute orchitis
acute orchitis with venous infarction
A patient presents with a new onset of scrotal pain and a low grade fever. Which statement below offers the most accurate summary of findings?
there is a complicated fluid collection compressing the testicle
the spermatic cord is torsed and the scrotal sac is becoming edematous and inflamed
the patient has tubular ectasia of the rete testis
there is a varicocele present
there is a complicated fluid collection compressing the testicle
A patient presents for their annual screening ultrasound after a complete thyroidectomy due to papillary carcinoma. You identify a 1cm uniformly hypoechoic mass lateral to the trachea. The mass is painful with transducer pressure and pain radiates to the head and chest. These findings are most suggestive of:
post-traumatic neuroma
parathyroid adenoma
abnormal lymph node
parathyroid carcinoma
post-traumatic neuroma
The findings on the image are most suggestive of:
right heart failure
Budd Chiari Disease
right heart failure
Which of the following describes an adenomatoid tumor?
hypovascular testicular tumor
a benign intrascrotal tumor
hypervascular testicular tumor
a benign intratesticular tumor
a benign intrascrotal tumor (extratesticular)
**hypovascular mass in the tail of the epididymis
A 28 year old presents for a testicular sonogram due to a palpable lump. The lab work in the chart indicates high levels of AFP and b-hCG. A mostly solid intratesticular mass is identified in the right testicle that disrupts the smooth contour of the teste. There is a small cystic area centrally. These findings are most suggestive of:
embryonal cell carcinoma
yolk sac tumor
embryonal cell carcinoma
Which type of thyroid cancer is most lethal?
Which of the following statements is correct regarding testicular seminoma?
spreads to liver first with metastasis
most common in African American males
unresponsive to radiation and chemotherapy
associated with cryptorchidism, trisomy 21, Klinefleter syndrome, and smoking
associated with cryptorchidism, trisomy 21, Klinefleter syndrome, and smoking
A patient presents with a fever, scrotal swelling and leukocytosis. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the image?
Power Doppler demonstrates normal vascularity of the scrotum testicle with neoplasm formation within the testicle
Power Doppler demonstrates no flow within the hypoechoic testicle with scrotal inflammation
the focal hypoechoic area represents focal orchitis within the testicle
Power Doppler demonstrates an avascular intratesticular mass with increased peripheral vascularity
Power Doppler demonstrates an avascular intratesticular mass with increased peripheral vascularity
A benign thyroid adenoma is associated with ___ calcification(s), while malignant adenomas are associated with ___ calcification(s).
punctuate, coarse
large, coarse
punctuate, fine
eggshell, punctuate
eggshell, punctuate
Which of the following statements best describes the findings on the image?
the testicle demonstrates a dilated rete testes
there is a hydrocele and appendix testis visible on the image
the image is a normal scrotal ultrasound with a normal testicle with the appendix testis demonstrated
there is a hydrocele present on the image
there is a hydrocele and appendix testis visible on the image
Which of the following is most likely to be affected by a mumps infection?
thyroid gland
renal vein
parotid gland
parotid gland
Which of the following statements is true regarding the image of the left testicle?
the Valsalva maneuver was used to demonstrate the increased vascular flow within the testicle
the image demonstrates a normal testicle
the patient should be rescanned while standing
the hypervascularity suggests orchitis
the hypervascularity suggests orchitis
Which of the following is most likely to cause anterior displacement of the abdominal AO?
pleural effusion
mass in the left diaphragm crura
A patient presents with a palpable scrotal mass. There is no evidence of fever. AFP levels are normal and b-hCG levels are elevated. These findings are most suggestive of?
embryonal cell tumor
epidermoid cyst
yolk sac tumor
A patient presents with a fever, fatigue, hoarseness, and a painful thyroid on clinical examination. The lab test results indicate low levels of TSH and high levels of T3 and T4. These findings are most suggestive of:
Hashimoto thyroiditis
De Quervain thyroiditis
Grave disease
Sjrogen disease
De Quervain thyroiditis
** type of hypothyroidism that is PAINFUL, Hashimoto thyroiditis is painless
Which of the following vessels are a common source for a Type II endoleak?
left gastric artery and right hepatic artery
celiac axis and SMA
common iliac artery and gonadal arteries
IMA and lumbar arteries
IMA and lumbar arteries
Lack of tapering of the AO as it travels distally, without focal dilatation, indicates:
Marfan syndrome
retroperitoneal fibrosis
fusiform aneurysm
A patient presents for a neck ultrasound that has history of papillary carcinoma and bilateral thyroidectomy. What area of the neck is most commonly involved in recurrence?
level I lymph nodes below mylohyoid muscle to the lower margin of the hyoid bone
level III and IV lymph nodes between the carotid artery and the sternocleidomastoid muscle
level VI lymph nodes from the inferior margin of hyoid bone to the manubrium
level VII lymph nodes infraclavicular and anterior mediastinal
level III and IV lymph nodes between the carotid artery and the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Increased thyroid volume is associated with:
chronic renal failure
chronic hepatitis
radioactive iodine treatment
thyroxine treatment
chronic renal failure
Which of the following statements best describes the Doppler tracing found in the stalk of a pseudoaneurysm?
continuous forward flow
high resistance to and fro flow
phasic forward flow
low resistance to and fro flow
high resistance to and fro flow
Which of the following are associated with an increased risk of thyroid malignancy?
wider than tall mass orientation and intranodular cystic changes
prominent halo around mass and intranodular cystic changes
prominent halo around mass and intranodular flow patterns
psammoma bodies and intranodular flow patterns
psammoma bodies and intranodular flow patterns
When evaluating a patient with an aortic endograft, what is the minimum increase in aortic sac size that indicates a possible endoleak?
0.6cm or greater
What is indicated by the arrow?
longus colli muscle
parathyroid adenoma
internal jugular vein
parathyroid adenoma
A solid nodule in the left lobe of the thyroid that measures 2cm AP and 1cm width is most suggestive of:
papillary carcinoma
anaplastic carcinoma
colloid cyst
papillary carcinoma
** taller than wide is associated with malignancy
The findings on the image are common complication of:
irritable bowel syndrome
Marfan syndrome
Leriche syndrome
Marfan syndrome
Which of the testicular masses is most likely an abscess?
A patient presents with an acute onset of left scrotal pain this morning. The US exam demonstrates small hydrocele and enlarged body and tail of the epididymis. There is very minimal flow demonstrated in the body and tail but the head appears normal. These findings are most suggestive of:
sperm granuloma
torsion of the epididymal body
focal epididymitis of the body and tail
focal epididymitis of the head
torsion of the epididymal body
What therapeutic device is implanted inside the distal IVC?
greenfield filter
greenfield filter
A patient presents with an enlarged left scrotum and palpable mass. The US demonstrates an intratesticular mass that is hypoechoic and heterogeneous with multiple coarse calcifications. There is also an irregular central cystic area. These findings are most suggestive of:
teratoma only
seminoma only
embryonal cell tumor or teratoma
seminoma, embryonal cell tumor or teratoma
embryonal cell tumor or teratoma
**cystic calcifications are common in embryonal cell tumors and testicular teratomas
Why did the sonographer measure the distance with the first set of calipers?
to evaluate the length of the pseudoaneurysm
to determine the length of the needle for Thrombin injection
to demonstrate the inflamed anterior tissues
to evaluate the width of the pseudoaneurysm
to determine the length of the needle for Thrombin injection
The image demonstrates the most common malignant testicular neoplasm that occurs in men age 30-50 years. This neoplasm is:
mixed germ cell tumor
embryonal cell tumor
Which of the following describes tubular ectasia of the rete testis?
unilateral and associated with chronic bacterial infection
bilateral and has as strong association with malignant transformation
bilateral and associated with spermatocele formation
unilateral and associated with infertility
bilateral and associated with spermatocele formation
A significant increase in blood supply/drainage to thyroid will be seen with thyroiditis. This can be demonstrated with ___ Doppler and is called the ___ sign.
Color, flame
PW, color flash
Color, string of pearls sign
Color, inferno
Color, inferno
Which of the following correctly describes Marfan syndrome?
genetic disorder that affects connective tissues of the heart, vessels, and bones
abdominal situs defects are common
genetic weakness of all arterial walls resulting in the formation of aneurysms throughout the systemic circulatory system
patients are usually less than 48 inches tall with foreshortened limbs and digits
genetic disorder that affects connective tissues of the heart, vessels, and bones
A patient presents for an ultrasound due to a suspected nodule in the thyroid found incidentally. Locate the nodule on the image.
The most common benign, solid lesion of the thyroid is ___.
Which of the following is NOT a medication that can be used to treat patients with hypothyroidism?
iron supplements
iodine supplements
Which of the following statements best describes the appearance of color Doppler evaluation of a testicular abscess?
there will be focal areas of increased vascularity in the central abscess and limited color flow demonstrated at the periphery of the abscess
there will be significant increase in vascularity within the abscess due to inflammation
due to fluid accumulation with inflammation, color Doppler does not usually demonstrate flow around or within an abscess
there will be no color flow demonstrated centrally with increased color flow displayed around the periphery of the abscess
there will be no color flow demonstrated centrally with increased color flow displayed around the periphery of the abscess
You are scanning a patient that had a bilateral thyroidectomy 3 years ago. There are 3 round, anechoic lymph nodes identified between the mid common carotid artery and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. How will you report these findings?
possible abnormal lymph nodes in level V
possible abnormal lymph nodes in level I
possible abnormal lymph nodes in level III
possible abnormal lymph nodes in level VII
possible abnormal lymph nodes in level III
A patient presents with a palpable lump in the right testicle. Lab values are normal and there is no fever. What is the most likely diagnosis for the abnormality on the image?
dilated rete testis
epidermoid cyst
yolk sac tumor
epidermoid cyst
A heterogenous, hypervascular mass with microcalcifications is identified in the left upper pole of the thyroid gland. Left side lymphadenopathy is also present. These findings are most suggestive of:
anaplastic carcinoma
colloid cyst
parathyroid adenoma
papillary carcinoma
papillary carcinoma
Which of the following statements best describes the findings on the image?
the findings should raise significant suspicion for thyroid malignancy
there are several colloid cysts present within the thyroid and some demonstrate the propagation speed artifact
there are several colloid cysts present within the thyroid and some demonstrate the comet tail artifact
there are several milk of calcium cysts within the thyroid
there are several colloid cysts present within the thyroid and some demonstrate the comet tail artifact
Which of the following statements is true regarding the non-seminomatous germ cell tumor displayed on the image?
seminomatous tumors usually contain cystic areas and calcifications that assist in differentiating them from non-seminomatous tumors
these tumors are less aggressive than a seminoma tumor
they are the second most common secondary malignancy of the testicles
the tumors are more common in men age 20-30 years old
the tumors are more common in men age 20-30 years old
Which testicular tumor is composed of bone, cartilage and smooth muscle fibers?
yolk sac tumor
Which of the following statements is true regarding the abnormality on the image?
the valsalva maneuver will have minimal effect on the already engorged vessels
it is more commonly seen on the right side due to the relationship of the gonadal vascular anatomy to surrounding structures
it can be caused by Nutcracker syndrome
the abnormality has no association with male infertility
it can be caused by Nutcracker syndrome
The most common secondary malignancy of the testicles is:
___ artery aneurysms are commonly associated with pancreatitis and peptic ulcer disease, while ___ artery aneurysms are usually caused by cystic medial necrosis.
celiac, superior mesenteric
splenic, superior mesenteric
hepatic, splenic
celiac hepatic
splenic, superior mesenteric
A patient presents with epigastric pain. The findings on the image are most suggestive of:
fusiform aortic aneurysm
duplicated AO
aortic dissection
aortic dissection
Leydig cell tumors of the testicle will demonstrate high serum levels of ___ which can lead to ___.
hematocrit, thrombus formation
AFP, cancer
tesosterone, precocious puberty
b-hCG, cancer
testosterone, precocious puberty
All of the following symptoms would be associated with the findings on the image, EXCEPT:
palpable area that increases in size with the valsalva maneuver
palpable area that increases in size with the valsalva maneuver
Which of the following is an immune system disorder that commonly affects the salivary glands?
sjogren syndrome
klippel-trenaunay-weber syndrome
kasabach-merritt syndrome
epstein-barr syndrome
sjogren syndrome
The mass on the image is a confirmed embryonal cell tumor. Which statement is true regarding this type of neoplasm?
usually presents with normal AFP levels
usually presents with normal b-hCG levels
normally affects men in their late 50’s, early 60’s
most aggressive testicular malignancy
most aggressive testicular malignancy
**embryonal cell carcinoma is the most aggressive testicular cancer
AFP and b-hCG are elelvated
Which of the following is the most commonly occurring germ cell tumor of the testicle?
embryonal cell tumor
medullary carcinoma of the thyroid is a common occurrence with:
marfan syndrome
von hippel lindau syndrome
MEN syndrome
MEN syndrome
Zenker diverticulum can be mistaken for:
a thyroid mass
a dilated bile duct
a bowel obstruction
the appendix
a thyroid mass
A scrotal pearl refers to:
microlithiasis formation only in the central portion of the testae adjacent to the rete testes
a large intra-testicular calcification
a large extra-testicular calcification
testicular prosthesis
a large intra-testicular calcification
Which of the following statements regarding the image is true?
the mass on the image is most likely a non-seminomatous germ cell tumor because of the characteristic heterogeneous texture with areas of cytstic degeneration
the mass on the image is most likely a seminoma because of the characteristic heterogenous texture with areas of cystic degeneration
the image demonstrates the most common typer of testicular malignancy
this type of malignancy is treatable with radiation only, no surgical intervention required
the mass on the image is most likely a non-seminomatous germ cell tumor because of the characteristic heterogeneous texture with areas of cytstic degeneration
A lab report demonstrates that a testicular tumor contains choriocarcinoma cells and embryonal cell carcinoma. Which of the following best describes the tumor?
metastatic tumor
mature teratoma
mixed germ cell tumor
seminomatous tumor
mixed germ cell tumor
The most common location of ectopic thyroid tissue formation outside the neck is in the ___.
base of skull
Which of the following correctly describes how to aid in differentiation of a thyroid adenoma in the lower pole from a parathyroid adenoma?
thyroid adenomas are hyperechoic and parathyroid adenomas are hypoechoic
thyroid adenomas are hypoechoic and parathyroid adenomas are hyperechoic
thyroid adenomas are homogenous and parathyroid adenomas are heterogenous
thyroid adenomas are hypovascular and parathyroid adenomas are hypervascular
thyroid adenomas are hypovascular and parathyroid adenomas are hypervascular