Upper limb anatomy Flashcards
What movement of the shoulder is infrascapularis responsible for?
External rotation
Which ventral rami give rise to the form middle trunk of the brachial plexus?

Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm

Median nerve

Medial cutaneous nerve of arm

Basilic vein

Radial nerve

Medial supracondylar ridge

Ulnar nerve

Ulnar nerve
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Ulnar nerve
Name 3 muscles that attach to the coracoid process
Biceps. Coracobrachialis. Pectoralis minor.
If there is an enlarged axillary lymph node, which regions of the body must you clear?
Arm, breast, back

Medial epicondyle

Interosseus membrane
Which division(s) of which trunk(s) unite to form the medial cord of the brachial plexus?
Anterior division of inferior trunk

Median cubital vein

Coracoid process

Radial nerve

Median nerve
What nerve is this?

Ulnar nerve

Median nerve

a. lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm from musculocutaneous nerve
b. radial nerve
c. median nerve
d. ulnar
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Ulnar nerve

Palmar aponeurosis
Where is the brachial artery with reference to the humerus?
Brachial artery starts medial to the humerus, but is anterior to it by the time it reaches the elbow
What are the 3 heads of the triceps?
Long, lateral and medial
Which muscle is responsible for flexion of the most distal inter-phalangeal joint?
Flexor digitorum profundus
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Radial nerve

Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
Which 2 movements does biceps contribute to?
Flexion at the elbow. Supination of forearm when elbow is flexed.

Median nerve

What are the 3 trunks of the brachial plexus?
Superior, middle, inferior

Musculocutaneous nerve
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Median nerve
In which fingers does median nerve have cutaneous sensory fibres?
1-3 and lateral half of 4
When does subclavian artery change its name to the axillary artery?
At outer aspect/border of first rib

Where does the brachial artery pass the elbow?
On anterior surface, exactly half way between lateral and medial epicondyle
Where does the ulnar nerve pass through the elbow?
Behind the medial epicondyle
Which muscles adduct the fingers?
Palmar interossei

Median nerve

Which muscle is deep to biceps?
For drainage of the hand, which vein comes for the radial side?
Cephalic vein

Ulnar nerve

Which roots contribute to the musculocutaeous nerve?
Which movements does teres major contribute to?
Medial/internal rotation and adduction of arm
Which ventral rami give rise to the form superior trunk of the brachial plexus?


Teres major

Median nerve

Anterior interosseus nerve


Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm (from musculocutaneous nerve)
What are the 5 wrist flexors from radial to ulna side?
Pronator teres. Flexor carpi radialis. Palmaris longus. Flexor digitorum superficialis. Flexor carpi ulnaris.
The tendons of which muscles form the anatomical snuffbox?
Extensor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis
Which artery is threatened by a fracture of the mid-shift of humerus?
Profunda brachii
What movement of the shoulder is teres minor responsible for?
External rotation
Brachial plexus: roots, ___, ___, ___, ____
Roots, trunks, divisions, cords, branches
Which nerve is endangered by a laceration at the wrist on the palmar side?
Ulnar nerve

Radial nerve
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Median nerve

Flexor digitorum superficialis

Teres major

Anterior interosseus artery

Musculocutaneous nerve
Where does the deltoid muscle insert?
Deltoid tubercle on humerus

Median nerve
Where do all of the upper limb lymphatics end up?
Axillary lymph nodes

Ulnar nerve
Where is the common extensor origin for forearm muscles?
Lateral epidcondyle of humerus
Which muscles abduct the fingers?
Dorsal interossei
Where does the triceps insert?
Which roots give fibres that contribute to the axillary nerve?
Which cord does the median nerve receive?
Medial and lateral cords
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Ulnar nerve
What are the successive arteries in the right arm from the brachiocephalic artery?
Subclavian > Axillary > Brachial > radial/ulna
What are the 4 key features of all synovial joints?
1 Hyaline cartilage
2 Fibrous capsule
3 Lined by synovial membrane
4 Reinforced by ligaments

Radial nerve
What are the 2 branches from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus?
Radial and axillary nerves
The nerve supplies the lateral forearm?
Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm

Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve

Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
Which nerve is this?

Ulnar nerve
Which nerve comes of the middle limb of the ‘M’ of the brachial plexus?
Median nerve
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Ulnar nerve

radial groove

Brachial artery

Lateral epicondyle

Musculocutaneous nerve

Ulnar nerve

Long head of biceps
Which nerve is endangered by a fracture of medial epicondyle?
Ulnar nerve

Ulnar nerve
What are the 4 attachments for the flexor retinaculum?
Scaphoid. Trapezium. Hook Of hamate. Pisiform. (STOP)
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Radial nerve
Which roots give fibres that contribute to the median nerve?

Deltoid tuberosity

Basilic vein

Greater tubercle
Which nerve is endangered by an inferior shoulder dislocation?
Axillary nerve

Short head of biceps

Cephalic vein
Which roots does the median nerve come from?
Medial and lateral

Latissimus dorsi
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Median nerve

Basilic vein
Which cord does the axillary nerve come from?

Radial nerve
What are the 3 cords of the brachial plexus?
Medial, lateral and posterior
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Median nerve

Teres minor
Flexor digitorum superficialis inserts where?
Middle phalynx
Which muscles does the musculocutaneous nerve supply?
Biceps, brachialis and coracobrachialis

Deltoid tuberosity

Median cubital vein


Axillary nerve

Axillary nerve
Which ventral rami give rise to the brachial plexus?

Flexor digitorum profundus
Which nerve runs here?

Ulnar nerve
What stops flexor tendons to the wrist from bow-stringing?
Flexor retinaculum

Lesser tubercle

Musculocutaneous nerve
Which muscle does the ulnar artery run under?
Flexor carpi ulnaris

What nerve is this?

Median nerve
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Ulnar nerve
Which nerve is often called the nerve of fine movements?
Ulnar nerve
For drainage of the hand, which vein comes for the ulnar side?
Basilic vein
What do the fibres of the posterior division of the brachial plexus go on to supply?
Extensor muscles and the skin overlying them

Cephalic vein
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Median nerve


a axillary nerve
b. radial nerve
c. lateral cutaneous nerve from musculocutaneous nerve
d. median nerve
e. ulnar nerve
Which 3 muscles are in the anteior compartment of the arm?
Biceps. Brachialis. Coracobrachialis.

Flexor pollicis longus
What part of the brachial plexus is behind the clavicle?
Which nerve would innervate this area?

Median nerve
Which ventral rami give rise to the form inferior trunk of the brachial plexus?

Radial nerve
Which nerve supplies deltoid?
Axillary nerve


Median nerve
Which roots five fibres to the ulnar nerve?

Musculocutaneous nerve

Ulnar nerve

Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
Flexor digitorum superficialis splits into how many tendons?

Which nerve passes through the carpal tunnel?
Median nerve
When does the axillary artery change its name to the brachial artery.
At the lower border of teres major

Median nerve
What are the divisions of the brachial plexus?
Anterior and posterior divisions from each of the 3 trunks

Axillary nerve
Which nerve passes between the two heads of flexor carpi ulnaris?
Ulnar nerve

Ulnar nerve
Which nerve passes between the heads of coracobrachialis?
Musculocutaneous nerve
Name two muscles between the scapula and the posterior aspect of the ribs.
Subscapularis. Serratus anterior.

a. radial nerve
b. median nerve
c. ulnar nerve
Which division(s) of which trunk(s) unite to form the lateral cord of the brachial plexus?
Anterior divisions of superior and middle trunk
From which cord does the ulnar nerve come?
Medial cord
What movement of the shoulder is subscapularis responsible for?
Medial/internal rotation
What are the 3 cords of the brachial plexus arranged/named around?
The axillary artery


Ulnar nerve

Axillary nerve
Which muscle does the radial artery run under?
Which division(s) of which trunk(s) unite to form the posterior cord of the brachial plexus?
All 3 posterior divisions from the 3 trunks

Radial nerve

Radial nerve
Which muscle initiates abduction of the arm?
Supraspinatus initiates first bit of abduction ie first 15 degrees

Median nerve

Radial nerve

Ulna nerve

Musculocutaneous nerve

Axillary nerve

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm


Which ribs does serratus anterior attach to?
What do the fibres of the anterior division of the brachial plexus go on to supply?
Flexor muscles and the skin overlying them

Cephalic vein
What movement of the shoulder is suprascapularis responsible for?
Where do the 5 superficial wrist flexors have the origin?
Common flexor origin on anterior aspect of medial epicondyle.


Ulnar nerve

Flexor carpi radialis
What are the 4 muscles of the rotator cuff?
Subscapularis. Supraspinatus. Infraspinatus. Teres minor.
Flexor digitorum superficialis supplies which fingers?
2 to 5

Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm (from musculocutaneous)


Radial nerve
Which nerve represents cutaneous perception in the pinky finger?
Ulnar nerve
What movement is it when you use your right hand to turn a tap anticlockwise?<!--EndFragment-->
What are 3 common sites of fracture in the humerus?
Surgical neck, mid-shaft and supracondylar
What joins the radius and ulna mid-shaft?
Interosseus membrane
What is the ball and socket joint in the shoulder more technically known as?
Glenohumeral joint
What is endangered by a dislocation of the shoulder?
Axillary nerve
Which nerve is associated with the ‘funny bone’?
Ulna nerve
What will be endangered with a fracture of the mid-shaft of the humerus?
Radial nerve
What will be endangered with a fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus?
Axillary nerve
What will be endangered with a fracture of the supracondylar region of the humerus?
Median nerve and brachial artery
What is endangered with a sterno-clavicular dislocation?
Sub-clavian vein and artery
What is the ‘cap’ of the elbow?
Which bone does it belong to?
Olecranon. Part of ulna
What does the spine of the scapula become as it ends laterally?
Which bone is the glenoid cavity part of?
What movement is it when you use your right hand to turn a tap clockwise?
In what position is the elbow most secure?
In extension
Which bone is the coracoid process a part of?
What’s the bony medial bit of the elbow?
Medial epicondyle
Some lovers try positions that they can’t handle
Scaphoid lunate triquetrum pisiform trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate
Which forearm bone articulates with the wrist for wrist movements?
What is the largest wrist bone?
Which wrist bone has a hook?
Some lovers try positions that they can’t handle….
where does this acronym begin?
Radial side of the proximal row
Which nerve is compressed in carpal tunnel syndrome?
Median nerve
When do carpal bones begin ossification?
After birth
FOOSH will transmit force to which bone of the wrist?
Which bone of the carpals is most commonly fractured?
What is a Colles fracture?
Fracture of distal radium
What type of joints are carpometacarpal joints?
Synovial joints